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Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 1 Aversion Therapy.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 1 Aversion Therapy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 1 Aversion Therapy

2 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 2 Compensatory-Response Model

3 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 3 Counterconditioning

4 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 4 Flooding Therapy

5 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 5 Incubation

6 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 6 Preparatory-Response Theory

7 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 7 Preparedness

8 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 8 Reciprocal Inhibition

9 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 9 Rescorla-Wagner Theory

10 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 10 Selective Sensitization

11 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 11 S-R (stimulus-response) Model

12 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 12 S-S (stimulus-stimulus) Model

13 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 13 Stimulus-Substitution Theory

14 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 14 Systematic Desensitization

15 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 15 Temperament

16 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 16 A form of behavior therapy that attempts to reduce the attractiveness of a desired event by associating it with an aversive stimulus.

17 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 17 A model of classical conditioning that holds that the compensatory after-reactions to a US may come to be elicited by a CS.

18 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 18 The procedure whereby a CS that elicits one type of response is associated with an event that elicits an incompatible response.

19 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 19 A behavioral treatment for phobias that involves prolonged exposure to a feared stimulus, thereby providing maximal opportunity for the conditioned fear response to extinguish.

20 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 20 The strengthening of a conditioned fear response as a result of brief exposures to the aversive CS.

21 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 21 A theory of classical conditioning that holds that the purpose of the CR is to prepare the organism for the presentation of the US.

22 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 22 The notion that some species are genetically prepared to learn certain kinds of associations more easily than others.

23 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 23 The process whereby certain responses are incompatible with each other, and the occurrence of one response necessarily inhibits the other.

24 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 24 A theory of classical conditioning that proposes that a given US can support only so much conditioning, and this amount of conditioning must be distributed among the various CS’s available.

25 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 25 An increase in one’s reactivity to a potentially fearful stimulus following exposure to an unrelated stressful event.

26 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 26 As applied to classical conditioning, a model that assumes that the NS becomes directly associated with the UR and therefore comes to elicit the same response as the UR.

27 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 27 A model of classical conditioning that assumes that the NS becomes directly associated with the US, and because of this association, it comes to elicit a response that is related to that US.

28 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 28 A theory of classical conditioning that holds that the CS acts as a substitute for the US.

29 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 29 A behavioral treatment for phobias that involves pairing relaxation with a succession of stimuli that elicit increasing levels of fear.

30 Chapter 5: Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Applications 30 An organism’s base level of emotionality and reactivity to stimulation that, to a large extent, is genetically determined.

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