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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Leadership Certificate UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT DENVER & HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER Front Range BOCES FOR TEACHER LEADERSHIP."— Presentation transcript:


2 Staff Developer March 9 & April 13 Eagle School District Module Seven Developed by Jan Herrera Colorado Staff Development Council (modified 4-10-10) Rob Nickerson Colorado Staff Development Council

3 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Staff Developer Module Essential Questions What are standards that comprise the definition of effective staff development? What impact does staff development have on student learning and how do you know? What are the various models of staff development and how can a school/district utilize a variety of them? What does literature and experience tell us about the differences between teaching adults and children?

4 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Staff Developer Module Today’s Outcomes 1. Illustrate knowledge of different models of staff development and propose an appropriate model for a future staff development experience. 2. Compare and contrast the adult learner with younger students.

5 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Today’s Agenda Morning Introductions Connections from last session Designs for Professional Development Afternoon Designs for Professional Development, con’t. Adult Learners

6 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Our Learning Community Our Norms Be present and ready to learn Take care of your personal needs Collegial sharing is valued Attendance is important Confidentiality – what is said, stays - what is learned is shared

7 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Introduction Tell about a favorite room

8 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 NSDC’s definition and standards Cycle of continuous improvement - 6 steps Connections from last session

9 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 What order? What do they mean? Analyze Data Student Goals Strategies Teacher Goals Action Plan Evaluation Plan

10 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Connections from last session Assessing impact of professional development 8 steps Theory of Change KASAB Logic Model

11 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Assessing Impact – 8 Steps 1. Assess Evaluability Goals, Standard and Indicator of Success, Theory of Change, KASAB, Logic Model 2. Formulate Evaluation Questions 3. Evaluation Framework 4. Collect Data 5. Organize and Evaluate Data 6. Interpret Data 7. Disseminate Findings 8. Evaluate the Evaluation

12 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 What do these mean? Theory of Change KASAB Logic Model

13 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Connecting to designs Partner Protocol – “Say something” Educator learning keeps evolving by Joellen Killion, Teachers Teaching Teachers, NSDC, February 2010

14 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Educator learning keeps evolving Informational learning – changing what one knows, is unlikely to change what one does. Procedural learning – what one can do, is more likely to change one’s behavior, yet it does not guarantee that educators will choose to implement the new skills Transformational learning - changes knowledge, attitude, skill, aspiration, and behavior and has the greater likelihood of producing results for students

15 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Educator learning keeps evolving Appropriateness of learning design Level of learning outcome (KASAB) Conditions for learning, including time & resources Degree of change required Learning needs and preferences of learners

16 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 NSDC Standards Context – Establishing the environment for professional development Process – Selecting the design that works with context and content Content – Connecting data, professional development, and student achievement

17 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Process Standards Data-Driven -Uses disaggregated student data to determine adult learning priorities, monitor progress, and help sustain continuous improvement Evaluation - Uses multiple sources of information to guide improvement and demonstrate its impact

18 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Process Standards Research-based-Prepares educators to apply research to decision making Design–Use learning strategies appropriate to the intended goal

19 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Process Standards Learning-Applies knowledge about human learning and change Collaboration–Provides educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate

20 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 The Designer Function, purpose Theme, tone, mood Who uses it Extent of makeover Timeline, budget Floor plan Adjustments (reality checks)

21 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Powerful Designs Powerful Designs for Professional Learning By Lois Easton 2 nd Edition,

22 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Two types of design Protocols Processes that help groups achieve deep understanding through dialog Provide structures for groups that allow them to explore ideas deeply though student work, artifacts of educator practice, text relating to education, or current issues

23 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Protocols National School Faculty Reform - Critical Friends Groups Learning from Work (Student Work, Adult Work) Learning from Dilemmas Learning from Texts Learning from School & Classroom Visits

24 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Two types of design Strategies General structures for professional learning: PLCs, Study Groups, CFGs, Specific structures for professional learning: Lesson Study, Action Research, Videotaping, Assessing Student Voices, mentoring, coaching, etc.

25 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Designing the Design Choosing the Strategy Be clear about the purpose of using a strategy Is this the best learning strategy? Does the purpose for meeting match what the strategy is expected to accomplish?

26 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Designing the Design Using the strategy Be sure that everyone has read the strategy and has completed any required preparations. Use the strategy as it is designed before making changes Check on norms – any changes that are needed?

27 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Designing the Design Using the strategy Have everyone check-in before you begin so that all voices are in the room. Have this relate to the content. De-brief with the group at the end. Did it work? How could it be improved?

28 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Designing the Design Using the strategy Have a sense of adventure. These designs lead to a “unique and unpredictable event.” (Allen). Relax and have a good time with your colleagues.

29 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 DESIGN STAR Now YOU can be a DESIGN STAR!

30 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 DESIGN STAR Standards and assessments Examining student work Action Research Lesson Study

31 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 DESIGN STAR Design Teams - Task 1. Explain the strategy 2. Give examples of how and when this strategy could be used 3. Check for understanding by audience 4. Elicit implementation examples from audience

32 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 DESIGN STAR Design Teams - Purpose learn about 4 design models plan for possible applications use the strategies of Jig Saw and Cooperative Learning

33 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 DESIGN STAR Design Teams - Criteria for challenges 1. Every team member contributes to the planning 2. Every team member contributes to the presentation 3. Team completes the 4 expectations of the challenge

34 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Materials are tools from Becoming a Learning School by Joellen Killion and Patricia Roy NSDC, July 2009

35 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 1. Standards and Assessment Strategies

36 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 2. Examining Student Work

37 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 3. Action Research

38 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 4. Lesson Study

39 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Design Star De-Brief What did we learn? What worked with the “Design Star” strategy? Did we meet the expectations? How could it have worked better?

40 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Models of Staff Development Individual/Partner Task: Illustrate knowledge of different models of staff development and propose an appropriate model for a future professional development experience Describe the setting and what you want teachers to learn?

41 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Today’s Outcome 1.Illustrate knowledge of different models of staff development and propose an appropriate model for a future staff development experience.

42 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Think of a professional learning experience that has been transformational for you and compare it to the favorite room you described earlier.

43 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Working with Adult Learners originally developed by Heather Clifton Consultant

44 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Working with Adult Learners Essential Question What does literature and experience tell us about the differences between teaching adults and children? Outcome Compare and contrast the adult learner with younger students.

45 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Working with Adult Learners Learning Partners Turn to the next four slides Find a partner (someone you don’t work with on a regular basis) for each square. Sign each other’s papers in the same square!

46 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007

47 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007

48 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007

49 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007

50 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 The Adult Learner You can teach a person nothing. You can only help him/her discover what is within himself/herself. Galileo

51 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 You are who you are.

52 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Flower Partner Task Think of an experience you have had within the last year or so in which you considered yourself to be a highly successful learner. What were the factors that contributed to your success? Share your story with your Flower Learning Partner. Look for common factors in your stories.

53 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 The Adult Learner Andragogic Model Two Types of Learning Factors Principles 9 Elements of Adult Learning Theory

54 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Pedagogy the art and science of educating children often used as a synonym for teaching

55 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Our academic system has grown in reverse order. Subjects and teachers constitute the starting point, learners are secondary. In conventional education the learner is required to adjust himself to an established curriculum...Too much of learning consists of vicarious substitution of someone else’s experience and knowledge. Psychology teachers us that we learn what we do... Experience is the adult learner’s living textbook.

56 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Andragogy the art and science of helping adults learn an alternative to pedagogy: refers to learner-focused education for people of all ages The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species Malcolm Knowles (1973)

57 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 The Andragogic Model 1. Let learners know why something is important to learn. 2. Show learners how to direct themselves through information. 3. Relate the topic to the learners’ experience 4. People will not learn until they are ready and motivated. 5. Help them overcome inhibitions about learning.

58 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Two Types of Learning Cognitive Academic knowledge such as learning vocabulary or multiplication tables Experiential Applied knowledge such as learning about engines in order to repair a car

59 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Qualities of Experiential Learning Personal experience Self-initiated Evaluated by learner Pervasive effects on the learner

60 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 All human beings have a natural propensity to learn: the role of the teacher is to facilitate such learning.

61 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Factors 1. Positive climate for learning 2. Clear purposes for the learner 3. Organized and available learning resources 4. Balancing intellectual and emotional components of learning 5. Sharing feelings and thoughts with learner but not dominating

62 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Principles 1. Significant learning takes place when the subject matter is relevant to the personal interests of the student. 2. Learning which is threatening to the self (e.g., new attitudes or perspectives) are more easily assimilated when external threats are at a minimum.

63 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Principles 3. Learning proceeds faster when the threat to the self is low. 4. Self-initiated learning is the most lasting and pervasive.

64 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Comparison A person who is assigned a reading on investment in an economics class A person who is interested in becoming rich

65 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Light bulb Partner Task Find your Light bulb Learning partner Discuss how these factors and principles compare to your own experiences as a learner

66 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Key Partner Task Find your Key Learning partner Predict what the elements of adult learning theory are. What is essential (key) for learning to occur for adults?

67 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Adult Learning Theory 9 Elements 1.Adults will commit to learning when the goals and objectives are considered realistic and important to them. Application in the “real world” is important and relevant to the adult learner’s personal and professional needs. from Marsha Speck, 1996

68 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Adult Learning Theory 9 Elements 2. Adults want to be the origin of their own learning and will resist learning activities they believe are an attack on their competence. This professional development needs to give participants some control over the what, who, how, why, when, and where of their learning. from Marsha Speck, 1996

69 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Adult Learning Theory 9 Elements 3.Adult learners need to see that the professional development learning and their day-to-day activities are related and relevant. from Marsha Speck, 1996

70 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Adult Learning Theory 9 Elements 4.Adult learners need direct, concrete experiences in which they apply the learning in real work. from Marsha Speck, 1996

71 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Adult Learning Theory 9 Elements 5. Adult learning has ego involved. Professional development must be structured to provide support from peers and to reduce the fear of judgment during learning. from Marsha Speck, 1996

72 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Adult Learning Theory 9 Elements 6. Adults need to receive feedback on how they are doing and the results of their efforts. Opportunities must be built into professional development activities that allow the learner to practice the learning and receive structured, helpful feedback. from Marsha Speck, 1996

73 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Adult Learning Theory 9 Elements 7. Adults need to participate in small group activities during the learning to move them beyond understanding to application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Small group activities provide an opportunity to share, reflect and generalize their learning experiences. from Marsha Speck, 1996

74 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Adult Learning Theory 9 Elements 8. Adult learners come to learning with a wide range of previous experiences, knowledge, self-direction, interest and competencies. This diversity must be accommodated in the professional development planning. from Marsha Speck, 1996

75 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Adult Learning Theory 9 Elements 9. Transfer of learning for adults is not automatic and must be facilitated. Coaching and other kinds of follow-up support are needed to help adult learners transfer learning into daily practice so that it is sustained. from Marsha Speck, 1996

76 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Gift Partner Task Find your Gift Learning partner Consider how what we have learned tells us about the difference between teaching adults and younger students. With this information, what are implications for your work?

77 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Today’s Outcome 2.Compare and contrast the adult learner with younger students.

78 Front Range BOCES - Teacher Leadership Certificate – Module One February 23, 2007 Closure NSDC’s purpose is ensuring that every educator engages in effective professional learning every day so that every student achieves


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