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The difference that makes the difference. Some live joyous lives In spite of Almost every adversity While others turn life into disaster.

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Presentation on theme: "The difference that makes the difference. Some live joyous lives In spite of Almost every adversity While others turn life into disaster."— Presentation transcript:

1 The difference that makes the difference. Some live joyous lives In spite of Almost every adversity While others turn life into disaster.

2 Difference is the way we communicate with ourselves And the action we take. This sets beliefs & values to direct life from A sense of advantage rather than tragedy.

3 Things do not change, We change. Find out strategy of successful people How they looked at things How they thought, their belief & action Adopt those actions & beliefs & produce Similar results. Called modeling people who are very best at whatever they do. Also called mirroring or elicit someone’s strategy.

4 Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Brain language to install plan or procedure To produce optimum resourceful states and Thus create the largest number of Behavioral choices, To produce the result you desire.

5 We all share same neurology and By running your nervous system in Exactly the same way Called modeling. It is a matter of strategy to produce The same result.

6 Find models of excellence It saves rare commodity time, And you can duplicate excellence, It is fundamental aspect of most learning.

7 Optimum Performance Technology Belief System Mental Syntax (Thought Organization) Physiology By duplicating above, we can reproduce any form of human excellence. No one strategy works all the time. We all model, but haphazardly, unfocused manner, and miss something much more important from someone else

8 Look for excellence Magic in everything and Learn how it is produced.

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