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Households' Risks from a Danish Financial Stability Perspective Tue Mathiasen Danmarks Nationalbank.

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1 Households' Risks from a Danish Financial Stability Perspective Tue Mathiasen Danmarks Nationalbank

2 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK2 Agenda  Aspects of the latest period of growth and recession  Households’ debt and wealth  financial  non-financial  Households’ debt service issues  at the macro level  at the micro level  Way forward

3 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK3 Growth and recession - net borrowing / net lending

4 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK4 Growth and recession - Changes in household balances

5 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK5 Households’ debt and wealth - Real economy spill-over

6 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK6 Households’ debt and wealth - Real economy spill-over

7 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK7 Households’ debt and wealth - Financial wealth

8 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK8 Households’ debt and wealth - Total wealth

9 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK9 Households’ debt and wealth - Property estimations  Lack of official statistics  High quality data sources  Register of all Danish property (buildings and land)  Continuous valuation of all Danish property  for tax purposes  Property price statistics  By Statistics Denmark  Property price index  By Association of Danish Mortgage Banks  Quarterly data on average square metre prices from open market transactions

10 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK10 Households’ debt and wealth - Property estimations (cont.)  Estimations within Danish NCB  Method  Combination of stock (register data) by owner sector and transaction prices (mortgage bank info.)  Stratification by groups of municipalities with similar degrees of urbanisation  Possibility of selection bias (actual traded property)  Not a full usage of all available high quality data sources

11 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK11 Households’ debt and wealth - Across Nordic countries

12 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK12 Households’ debt and wealth - Gross debt

13 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK13 Households’ debt service issues - macro level

14 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK14 Households’ debt service issues - composition of mortgage-credit

15 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK15 Households’ debt service issues - composition by mortgaging ratio

16 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK16 Households’ debt service issues - composition by income

17 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK17 Households’ debt service issues -exposure to interest rate changes

18 20-05-2015DANMARKS NATIONALBANK18 Way forward  In general, a growing demand for official statistics supporting financial stability analysis  Examples of specific issues  Real property  Micro-macro link

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