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1 Paula J. Trigg, County Engineer Public Works and Transportation Committee June 4, 2014 FUNDING AND REVENUE 2014-2019 PROPOSED HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Paula J. Trigg, County Engineer Public Works and Transportation Committee June 4, 2014 FUNDING AND REVENUE 2014-2019 PROPOSED HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Paula J. Trigg, County Engineer Public Works and Transportation Committee June 4, 2014 FUNDING AND REVENUE 2014-2019 PROPOSED HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM

2 PRESENTATION SCHEDULE: 2014-2019 5-YEAR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PWTC 2014 Meeting DatePresentation Topic February 26 Preview 2014 Construction April 2 Overview/Source of Projects April 30 Preservation Projects May 7 Modernization and Expansion Projects May 28 Funding and Revenue June 4 Funding and Revenue June 25 Project Listings/Draft Program Document 2

3 FUNDING AND REVENUE 3 4 DOT Capital Program Revenue Streams: County Bridge Fund (CB) Matching Tax (MT) Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Sales Tax (ST) All zero growth except ST ST @ 4.0%

4 PURSUING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR EFFECTIVE PROGRAMMING 4 Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Railroad Grade Crossing Protection Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) Surface Transportation Program (STC, STE, STU) Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Job Access/Reverse Commute (JARC) Highway Bridge Program (HBP) more

5 OUTSIDE FUNDING: CHALLENGE BOND PROGRAM 5 Outside revenue provides approximately 21% of program funding 2 main sources: ICC (Illinois Commerce Commission) CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality)

6 MAP-21: MOVING AHEAD FOR PROGRESS IN THE 21 ST CENTURY ACT 6 Signed into law 7/6/12 Went into full effect October 1, 2012 Authorized programs for two years, through September 30, 2014 Timing, duration and size of next surface transportation authorization bill directly contingent on how Congress addresses highway trust fund shortfalls


8 2014-2019 8 Still in development 2013-2018 program was $561 million Balance needs for System Preservation System Modernization System Expansion Debt Service


10 NEXT UP 10 Project listings 2014-2019 Detail of What’s New? On target for June 25 th endorsement Becomes our capital budget submittal for CFY 2015

11 PRESENTATION SCHEDULE: 2014-2019 5-YEAR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PWTC 2014 Meeting DatePresentation Topic February 26 Preview 2014 Construction April 2 Overview/Source of Projects April 30 Preservation Projects May 7 Modernization and Expansion Projects May 28 Funding and Revenue June 4 Funding and Revenue June 25 Project Listings/Draft Program Document 11

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