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Wired for Speech: How Voice Activates and Advances the Human-Computer Relationship Clifford Nass Stanford University.

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Presentation on theme: "Wired for Speech: How Voice Activates and Advances the Human-Computer Relationship Clifford Nass Stanford University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wired for Speech: How Voice Activates and Advances the Human-Computer Relationship Clifford Nass Stanford University

2 Speaking is Fundamental Fundamental means of human communication Everyone speaks  IQs as low as 50  Brains as small as 400 grams Humans are built for words  Learn new word every two hours for 11 years

3 Listening to Speech is Fundamental Womb: Mother’s voice differentiation One day old: Differentiate speech vs. other sounds  Responses  Brain hemispheres Four day olds: Differentiate native language vs. other languages Adults:  Phoneme differentiation at 40-50 phonemes per second  Cope with cocktail parties

4 Listening Beyond Speech is Fundamental Humans are acutely aware of para-linguistic cues  Gender  Personality  Accent  Emotion  Identity

5 Humans are Wired for Speech Special parts of the brain devoted to  Speech recognition  Speech production  Para-linguistic processing  Voice recognition and discrimination

6 Therefore … Voice interface should be the most Enjoyable, Efficient, & Memorable method for providing and acquiring information

7 Are They? No! Why Not? Machines are different than humans Technology is insufficient But are these good reasons?

8 Critical Insights  Voice = Human  Technology Voice = Human Voice  Human-Technology Interaction = Human-Human Interaction

9 Where’s the Leverage? Social sciences can give us  What’s important  What’s unimportant  Understanding  Methods  Unanswered questions

10 Male or Female Voice? Is gender important? Can technology have gender?

11 The Case of BMW

12 Brains are Built to Detect Voice Gender First human category  Infants at six months  Self-identification by 2-3 years old  Within seconds for adults Multiple ways to recognize gender in voice  Pitch  Pitch range  Variety of other spectral characteristics

13 Once Person Identifies Gender by Voice Guides every interaction Same-gender favoritism  Trust  Comfort Gender stereotyping

14 Gender and Products Gender should match product  More appropriate  More credible Mutual influence of voice and product gender  Female voices feminize products (and conversely)  Female products feminize voices (and conversely)  “Match principle”

15 Research Context “Gender” of voice (synthetic) Gender of user “Gender” of product E-Commerce website

16 Examples of Advertisements “Female” voice; female product “Male” voice; female product “Male” voice; male product

17 Appropriateness of the Voice

18 Voice/Product Gender Influences Female voices feminize products; Male voices masculinize products  Strongest for opposite gender products Female products feminize voices; Male products maculinize voices Strong preference when voice matches product

19 Results for User Gender People trust voices that match themselves  Females conform more with “female” voices  Males conform more with “male” voices People like voices that match themselves  Females like the “female” voice more  Males like the “male” voice more

20 Other Results Participants denied stereotyping technology Participants denied harboring stereotypes!

21 People stereotype voices by gender Voice “gender” should match content “gender”  Product descriptions  Teaching  Praise  Jokes

22 Gender is Marked by Word Choice Female speech  More “I,” “you,” “she,” “her,” “their,” “myself”  Less “the,” “that,” these,” “one,” “two,” “some more”  More compliments  More apologies  More relationships between things  Less description of particular things  “They” for living things only Voices should speak consistently with their “gender”

23 Selecting Voices Voices manifest many traits  Gender  Personality  Age  Ethnicity Voice traits should match content traits  Content  Language style  Appearance (e.g., accent and race)  Context Voice traits should match user traits

24 If Only One Voice Consider stereotypes Masculine vs. feminine (same voice)  Boost high frequencies (feminine)  Boost low frequencies (masculine)

25 Emotions

26 Emotion and Voice Voice is the first indicator of emotion Voice emotion has many markers  Pitch Value Range Change rate  Amplitude Value Range Change rate  Words per minute

27 Emotion is always relevant User has initial emotion Interactions create emotions  Voice is particularly powerful  Frustration is particularly powerful

28 Emotion and Technology Could technology-based voices exhibit emotion? Could technology-based voice emotion influence people?

29 Research Context Create upset or happy drivers Have them “drive” for 15 minutes Female voice gives information and makes suggestions  Upbeat  Subdued

30 Number of Accidents

31 Results People speak to car much more when emotion is consistent People like car much more when emotion is consistent

32 Implications User emotion is a critical part of any interaction Emotion must match content  Perception of voice Trust Intelligence  User Performance Comfort Enjoyment

33 One Voice Emotion: Select for Goal Overall liking  Slightly happy voice Attention-getting  Anger  Sadness Trust and vulnerability  Sadness (mild)

34 If You Can’t Manipulate Voice Emotion Manipulate content Manipulate music

35 Using the First Person: Should IT say “I”

36 Should Voice Interfaces say “ I ” ? When should a voice interface say “I”? Does synthetic vs. recorded speech affect the answer to the previous question?

37 The Importance of “I” “I” is the most basic claim to humanity  “I think, therefore I am”  “I, Robot”  Dobby and monsters don’t say “I” “I” is the marker of responsibility  “I made a mistake” vs. “Mistakes were made”

38 Research Context Auction site Telephone interface with speech recognition Recorded bidding behavior Online questionnaire

39 Average Bidding Price

40 Results When “I”+Recorded or “No I”+Synthetic  System is higher quality  Users were much more relaxed “No I” is more objective “I” is more “present”

41 Results “I” is right for embodiments  Robots  Characters  Autonomous intelligence (“KITT”) “I” is wrong when voice is second fiddle to technology  Traditional car  Heavily-branded products

42 Design Text-to-Speech is a machine voice Recorded speech is a human voice Design questions are  Not philosophical questions  Not judgment questions  Experimentally verifiable

43 Mistakes are Tough to Talk About

44 Who is Responsible for Errors? Recognition is not perfect When system fails, who should be assigned responsibility?  System  User  No one

45 Responding to Errors Modesty  Likable  Unintelligent (people believe modesty!) Criticism  Isn’t really constructive  Unpleasant  Intelligent Scapegoating  Effective  Safe

46 System Responses to Errors System blame (most common) No blame User blame

47 Research context Amazon-by-phone Numerous planned interaction errors

48 Book Buying

49 Results Neutral and system blame  Sell much better than user blame Neutral blame  Easier to use than system blame  Nicer than system blame User blame is most intelligent! System blame is least intelligent

50 Results for Errors Take responsibility when unavoidable  Increases trust  Increases liking  Weak negative effect on intelligence Ignore errors whenever possible Duck responsibility to third party if needed  Blame the phone line  Blame the road

51 Results for Errors Show commitment to the interaction  Make guesses  Show concern  Griceian maxims Quantity Relevance Clarity

52 Design Error recovery is critically important  Negative experiences are more memorable  Adaptation is crucially important Flattery is effective  Note times when interaction is successful Design to avoid errors  Alignment (good repetition)  Air quotes Scripting is important at all stages of the interaction

53 Other Key Findings Personality Accents Multiple voices and mixing voices Input vs. output modality Microphone type

54 Tying it All Together Voice interfaces can be the most enjoyable, efficient, and memorable method for acquiring and providing information Voice interfaces turn up the volume knob in user responses The key is leveraging social aspects of speech

55 Summary – Part 1 Humans are wired for speech Interactions with voice interfaces are fundamentally social  Same social rules  Same social expectations

56 Summary – Part 2 Social aspects of voice interfaces can be beneficial  Users perform better  Users feel better  Users understand better Social aspects of voice interfaces cannot be ignored  Social audit is critical  Social design is critical Design psychology can be leveraged  Less expensive than technology  More effective than technology  Broader impact than technology

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