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FLIGHT Part Two (There is some nice music 'ןאי the same name as the movie, “Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines”. If possible, play this to open.

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Presentation on theme: "FLIGHT Part Two (There is some nice music 'ןאי the same name as the movie, “Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines”. If possible, play this to open."— Presentation transcript:

1 FLIGHT Part Two (There is some nice music 'ןאי the same name as the movie, “Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines”. If possible, play this to open the lesson.) LESSON 19

2 In this lesson you will learn about the Wright brothers and the early days of flying. listen to a song about the woman flyer, Amy Johnson. compare Amy Johnson with the flyer, Amelia Earhart. talk about the influence of planes and flying today. take a look at space travel . Read all the points. Just say that this lesson starts from the beginning of the 20th century. Pupils will learn about some of the important people involved in the development of flying.

3 You will also look at the difference between the Active and Passive forms of the verb. compare information given in table form. review the possessive form. enrich your vocabulary and learn some useful expressions. Gloss: Possessive form

4 December 17th, 1903 is a special date in the history of flying.
On that date, the Wright brothers’ plane made its first flight. It was the first plane to fly properly.

5 The two brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright, were born in Ohio, USA.
Wilbur was born in 1867. Point out where Ohio is in the US. Also, point out that the year is 18 / 67, not one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, as in Hebrew. Orville was born in 1871.

6 “From the time we were little children, my brother Orville and myself lived together, played together, worked together and, in fact, thought together.” This quote is inserted to show that their work on flying was based on the cooperation that existed between them.

7 In 1892, they opened a bike shop together. The shop helped pay
In 1892, they opened a bike shop together. The shop helped pay their bills. But their dream was to build a plane that could fly. Remind pupils or ask them to remind the class about the previous lesson which dealt with man’s early attempts to fly. That is: Daedalos and the wings he made with feathers and wax Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings Making a paper plane Hot-air balloons Wright Cycle Shop

8 Both brothers asked themselves:
How could they get a man ·         into the air, ·         keep him there, ·         and bring him down safely ? They were sure it could be done.

9 For years, they worked hard to make their dream come true
For years, they worked hard to make their dream come true On December 17th, 1903, the Wright brothers’ plane “Flyer” took off shakily, flew 120 ft and landed safely The flight lasted 12 seconds. Explain: “Shakily” means “unsteadily”, “not firmly”. Point out the words “took off” and “landed”. These words are used to describe a plane that has just left the ground and when it has returned. Repeat them. The plane took off “shakily” and did not fly much above the ground. Also, ask pupils to think how long 12 seconds is. Not very long. Still, this flight formed the basis for developing other planes. Go to activity 1

10 What was the Wright brothers’ dream? Choose the right answer.
To pay all their bills To work together at all times To design a better bike To build a safe flying machine The answer is clearly the last option: To build a safe flying machine

11 Others developed what the Wright brothers began in 1903.
Take a look at this time line between 1903 and 1930.

12 1st powered flight by the Wright brothers
1903 1st powered flight by the Wright brothers The English Channel between England and France crossed for the first time by plane First Atlantic crossing by plane 1st airline First solo flight made by a woman from England to Australia (Amy Johnson) 1909 1919 1919 Read through the list, explaining as you read. The English Channel is the water between England and France. Charles Lindbergh was the first man to fly across the Atlantic. To fly solo means to fly alone Go to activity 2 1930

13 Amy Johnson and her Gypsy Moth, which she flew to Australia
Invite students to listen to the music about Amy Johnson, one of the famous women flyers of the 1930’s. Amy Johnson and her Gypsy Moth, which she flew to Australia

14 In 1930, Amy Johnson flew solo from England to Australia
In 1930, Amy Johnson flew solo from England to Australia She won the hearts of everyone. Explain that “solo” means “any performance by one person”, as in flying and also in music when a concert artist performs a piece of music on his/her own. Paraphrase “won the hearts of everyone: “Everyone loved her for what she had achieved.” Or gloss.

15 How can you blame me for loving you?
Amy, Wonderful Amy, How can you blame me for loving you? If you won the praise of every nation, You have filled my heart with admiration. Amy, wonderful Amy, I’m proud of the way you flew. Believe me, Amy, you cannot blame me, Amy, For falling in love with you. Explain: This song was dedicated to Amy Johnson and became popular after she was the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia in 1930. Gloss difficult phrases and words such as “How can you blame me ….” And “admiration”. In other words, the song is about how all the world was excited by what Amy Johnson had achieved.

16 Amy Johnson and. Amelia Earhart were. both famous flyers
Amy Johnson and Amelia Earhart were both famous flyers They showed the world that women could do as well as men. Compare these two women In which way were they similar? In which way were they different? Say: In the early days of flying, many women became pilots. Two of the most famous are Amy Johnson and Amelia Earhart. These two women were similar in many ways. Go to activity 3

17 Ask pupils to compare the two flyers. There are similarities.
- They were born within a few years of each other. - They were able to show men that they were equal to them. - They both set world records. - They were both killed in air crashes while their planes were over water.

18 First woman to fly solo to Australia
Events Amy Johnson Amelia Earhart Year of birth 1903 1897 Country of birth Britain U.S.A. 1928 Qualified as the world’s first woman ground engineer 1930 First woman to fly solo to Australia 1932 First woman to fly solo across the Atlantic 1930 – 1939 Made many record flights Made many record flights Go to activities 4,5 1937 Set out to fly round the world at the Equator. 1939 Johnson’s plane crashed into the Thames estuary After 22,000 miles flying, Earhart’s plane disappeared in the Pacific Ocean.

19 When the Wright brothers first flew their plane, “Flyer”, they changed the world forever.
Tell pupils you are now going to discuss the influence of planes on the world – the good things as well as the bad things.

20 made it easier for people to go from one country to another.
Planes have opened up the world. made it easier for people to go from one country to another. Read and discuss Slides 19 and 20. Ask pupils what they think the points mean. One example: Opened up the world means that previously inaccessible places can now be reached. South American rainforests, Borneo, etc.

21 With the development of planes
a tourist industry has been created and developed. poor countries now have more money because of tourism. more people can be helped in emergency situations, such as earthquakes or floods. Ask how poor countries have benefited from tourism. One example: Poor people who were perhaps farmers now have the opportunity to be guides or supply other tourist services. In Nepal, guides accompany climbers in the Himalayas. Try to draw out pupils in discussion. Ask what they see as the negative side of flying. Possible answers: Military power and build-up. Hi-jacking, 11th September, etc. Go to activity 6

22 Flying has come a long way since Daedalos made wings with feathers and wax.
Today, NASA uses the space shuttle to launch astronauts and satellites into space. Here is your opportunity to review the previous lesson. Ask pupils: Can anyone tell us anything about those early attempts at flying (that we learnt about in the previous lesson)? Daedalos feather and wax wings / fixing on wings and jumping off a tower or other high place / Leonardo da Vinci’s models / balloons  Go to activity 7 NASA is the American space agency. If you want to know what NASA has done and is doing, go into their website:

23 In 1969, the Americans put the first men on the moon.
In 1961, the Russians put the first man in space His name was Yuri Gagarin. In 1969, the Americans put the first men on the moon. The next stop is the planet, Mars. Ask pupils what they know about space travel, how much has been achieved, etc. Today, satellites are regularly put into space. Satellites help transmit TV pictures all over the world and they are used in telecommunications. Researching how to travel in space has cost an enormous amount of money, but it has also brought great benefits here on Earth. Technology / communications / medicine

24 Now spacecraft are being designed for space tourists.
“Make your reservations now. For 20 million dollars you can have a one - week trip in space.” Ask pupils: Would you like to travel in space? Give reasons.

25 American businessman, Dennis Tito, was the world’s first space tourist
American businessman, Dennis Tito, was the world’s first space tourist. He flew into space aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket. The trip lasted one week. Go to activity 8.

26 Let’s go to the net and find out how many space tourists there
have been so far. how much each trip cost. how long their trip lasted. what space tourism companies are planning for the future. When this material was written, there had been two space tourists, American businessman Dennis Tito, and South African businessman Mark Shuttleworth. Tito’s trip lasted one week, Shuttleworth’s 11 days. Each was aboard a Russian Soyuz. They both paid $20 million.

27 One day, you may have a chance to travel through space.

28 In this lesson you learnt about the Wright brothers and the early days of flying. listened to a song about the woman flyer, Amy Johnson. compared Amy Johnson with the flyer, Amelia Earhart. talked about the influence of the plane and flying today. took a look at space travel .

29 You also looked at the difference between the Active and Passive forms of the verb. compared information given in table form. reviewed the possessive form. enriched your vocabulary and learnt some useful expressions.

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