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Jobs in healthcare Dr Romuald Krajewski President, UEMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Jobs in healthcare Dr Romuald Krajewski President, UEMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jobs in healthcare Dr Romuald Krajewski President, UEMS

2 Union Europeenne des Medecins Specialistes ( AISBL )  established in 1958  35 countries  1 mln specialists  39 Specialist Sections  European specialist training curricula and examinations  harmonization of PGT  accreditation of CME R. Krajewski, UEMS 2

3 Medical professions Doctors Nurses R. Krajewski, UEMS 3

4 Healthcare workers R. Krajewski, UEMS 4

5 Healthcare workers R. Krajewski, UEMS 5

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8 EU priorities  „Job creation is a priority.”  „A dynamic European labour market is needed.”  „Employment policy to be at the core of the EU governance.” R. Krajewski, UEMS 8

9 EU priorities  „Job creation is a priority.”  „A dynamic European labour market is needed.”  „Employment policy to be at the core of the EU governance.” R. Krajewski, UEMS 9

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11 Recruitment and retention „Healthcare is about people meeting people.” R. Krajewski, UEMS 11

12 Harmonisation R. Krajewski, UEMS 12  large differences among EU countries  harmonised training based on competencies  European system of training, parallel to national systems

13 Mobility  added value  progress  pressure to improve locally  remove obstacles and delays  European mechanisms  recognition  alerts  care for quality R. Krajewski, UEMS 13

14 Prioritised elements  quality  harmonisation  mobility R. Krajewski, UEMS 14

15 Recruitment and retention  working time suitable for women  reduced bureaucracy  use of supportive technology  no-blame/no-fault compensation  support for CPD  „Attractive jobs attract staff” R. Krajewski, UEMS 15

16 Synergies  facilitated access to education and training and CPD  support for European education/training systems  recognition of professional experience  improved work conditions R. Krajewski, UEMS 16

17 R. Krajewski, UEMS 17

18 Thank you R. Krajewski

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