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Welcome to 2 nd Grade Parent Night Mrs. Harwood Mrs. Morgan Mrs. Sirmans Mrs. Tison.

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2 Welcome to 2 nd Grade Parent Night Mrs. Harwood Mrs. Morgan Mrs. Sirmans Mrs. Tison

3 Rules Show respect for people and property. Follow directions given by all adults. Use appropriate voices and actions. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Bring only necessary items to school and have them ready to use.

4 School Wide Behavior Policy Each day, your child will receive a behavior grade. At the end of the nine weeks his/her teacher will count up the number of S’s, N’s, and U’s. To receive honors in our honors day program, students must have 38 S’s out of the 45 day 9 week period. If your child has an excess of 7 N’s and/or U’s, they will not receive honors; regardless of academic performance. On your weekly behavior report, I give: –S: for satisfactory behavior, 2 or less N’s for the week. –N: Needs Improvement, 3 N’s for the week. –U: Unacceptable behavior, 4 or more N’s for the week.

5 Georgia Performance Standard Standard: GPS.02.LA.ELA2R4 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level text. Element: GPS.02.LA.ELA2R4.i identifies and infers main idea and supporting details.

6 Homework Packets are sent home each Monday. Homework is due on Friday. Failure to bring in homework results in a loss of PE time on Friday. (PE is everyday)

7 Graded Papers Sent home on Friday or Monday. Behavior Slip sent home on Friday or Monday

8 Barrow’s Basics 50 problems, 3 minutes. Addition and Subtraction Practice tests are given daily at school and for homework. Real test given each Thursday, not for a gradebook grade.

9 Thinkgate Pretests and Posttests Pretests are given before each nine weeks. Teachers use the data collected from these tests to plan for instruction. Posttests are given at the end of every nine weeks. Teachers use this data to plan for review and small group work. Given in: Reading, Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies

10 Accelerated Reader Each student should have an AR book that they read each night. Students should read their book at least three times before taking a test. Parents should read the book with the student and ask questions during and after reading (example: What do you think will happen next?, What was this story about?) Students should be ready to test regardless of whether testing is allowed on that day. If students fail tests continuously, they will only be allowed to test twice a week. Last of all! Practice makes perfect, unless your child is continuously practicing their reading, they will not become a better reader.

11 Accelerated Math This is done each day during DI math. Leveled math program that provides practice on specific math skills. Students are required to correct any problems they miss after a practice has been scanned. When a practice is completed, the teacher scans it and sends home a “grade sheet” with the completed practice.

12 Spelling Strategies Some kids need more practice with their spelling than is provided on the homework. Speed Spelling Keep a whiteboard and marker in the car and write the words. Buy soap crayons for the tub and write the words. Buy alphabet magnets for the fridge and let the kids spell the words while you cook. Salt/sand in a pie plate. Let them spell the words in the salt/sand.

13 Reading Strategies READ EVERY NIGHT!!! Listen to them read….Read to them…they learn by hearing. They need to hear the inflection in your voice, the pauses, the emotion. Have them retell what they read at the end of a page or at the end of the story. Vocabulary words – make a memory game. Make sentences using the words and have the kids match all three – word, definition, and sentence.

14 CRCT When: April 22, 23, 27-29 What: Reading, Math, and Language Arts PRACTICE! Once Online Assessment System passwords are assigned, you will have access online to practice tests. Help your child with homework, this keeps you in the “loop” about what is going on in second grade.

15 Thank You!!! If you are able to volunteer, please speak with your teacher before you leave tonight. Thank you so much for coming and taking and active interest in your child’s education.


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