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ISSN : Interoperability, Identification, Innovation Regina Romano Reynolds National Serials Data Program Library of Congress.

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1 ISSN : Interoperability, Identification, Innovation Regina Romano Reynolds National Serials Data Program Library of Congress

2 Or … ISSN: Sew What?

3 “ Plastic bobbins can be used on all machines that used metal bobbins except those with magnetic bobbin winders ” Suits many brands and models

4 Standardized, Interchangeable Parts (Industrial Age)

5 Interoperability (Digital Age)

6 Interoperability  The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged. [IEEE 90]

7 Standards in a Non-Standard World  Libraries now less standardized: Different ILS implementations; handling of e-resources in or outside of catalog; single vs. multiple record approach; “ home-grown ” or purchased link resolution, etc.  Libraries now interact with a greater variety of communities: Publishers; vendors, information industry; more global partners

8 ISSN and Interoperability  Importing and exporting data to and from various sources (PAMS, A&I services)  Migrating to new systems  Data Exchange, ONIX transactions  Database management: merging, matching ERMS ILS, OPAC De-duplication  Linking!! Open URL, other reference linking (CrossRef, etc.) Linking from OPAC to external files, Web pages, etc Linking from databases to OPAC ( “ hook-to- holdings ” )

9 ISSN SICI ONIX for Serials OPACs ERMS PAMS databases A&I databases

10 Identifiers  For “ parties ” (publishers, libraries, organizations, etc.) e.g., SAN: more are needed!  For services and/or packages: can ISSN be used? (under consideration)  For resources (including articles): ISBN, ISMN, ISSN, DOI, SICI

11 ISSN and Identification  Original, basic function of the ISSN  Numerical equivalent of a unique title (i.e., key title)  Why identify? Titles are difficult to search and match on Many titles are the same or similar  “ So titles won ’ t get lost in databases ”

12 Linking: Connecting Users to Content

13 Getting Users From Citation to Online Article  Does the library subscribe to this journal?  In which aggregation(s) or package(s) can this journal be found?  Which aggregations or packages contain the volume and issue in which the article appears?  If the library does not have the article in online form, does it have it in print?

14 OpenURL & Link Resolvers - Identifying the bibliographic elements of an OpenURL, especially the ISSN - Comparing those elements to institution-specific resolution tables - Identifying the most appropriate “ services ” to present to a user Link resolution software resolves OpenURL “requests” by: Based on a slide by Steve Shadle

15 OpenURL & Link Resolution result server student search SFX user Record 15 of 286 in BIOSIS Previews TI: Developmental expression of amylases during barley malting. AU: Georg-Kraemer-J-E; Mundstock-E-C; Cavalli-Molina-S {a} SO: Journal-of-Cereal-Science. [print] May, 2001; 33 (3): 279-288. IS: 0733-5210 PY: 2001 AB: Amylase activity and qualitative changes in amylase isoenzymes as a function of barley seedling age were investigated in 10 Brazilian barley cultivars…. User submits database searchDatabase validates user and performs searchUser selects individual citationClicking SFX button sends Open URL to SFX server OpenURL… SFX server resolves URL producing customized result Based on a slide by Steve Shadle ISSN

16 “ Murky Bucket Syndrome ” Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC ISSN OPAC Record ISSN 1234-567X (print) SFX Knowledge Base ISSN 5432-1234 (Online) “ The Library does not hold this title in print ” =

17 Current Situation  Many publishers use only 1 ISSN for print and online  Some OPACs have single record policy; others have separate records  OpenURL linking, record merging, de-duping, etc. don ’ t work!  Confusion, dissatisfaction

18 What Should ISSN Identify?  Works? all related resources, regardless of title changes, medium, language  Titles? all resources having the same title regardless of medium  Bibliographic entities? resources that would be cataloged on a separate bibliographic record  Products? any continuing resource or version a publisher needs to identify for selling purposes

19 Innovation  Revise ISSN standard (ISO 3297): Cover all continuing resources, integrating as well as serials Provide for identification at multiple levels Establish ISSN User Group  Develop new services at ISSN International Centre (resolution and look-up)  Clarify, communicate: what does ISSN identify?

20 S Possible ISSN Identification “ levels ”  Title level: One ISSN for t-shirt and online version  “ Middle level ” : separate ISSN for t- shirt and online version  Product level: separate ISSN for online, plus one each for small, medium and large size shirts!

21 “ Middle Level ” Identification  ISSN will remain at this level  Current level, per ISSN Manual: separate ISSN for print, online, CD-ROM, etc. versions  Corresponds generally to same level at which bibliographic resources are now cataloged  Reproductions remain an issue  Title-level and product-level identification will be in addition to this existing base level

22 Title-Level Identification  One of the “ cluster ” of multiple ISSN to be designated the “t ISSN ”  Rules to be developed for choosing t ISSN  Informational “ annex ” containing instructions on how to use t ISSN for title-level identification in conjunction with other standards such as DOI, OpenURL, and Info URI  MARC 024 (other standard identifier) in new subfield for t ISSN

23 Made-Up Example: 024 t ISSN

24 Title-Level Identifier E.g., DOI: tISSN:1234-567X URN: tISSN:1234-567X Info URI: tISSN 1234-567X Embed “ t ISSN” in another identifier according to instructions in the new standard’s informational annex:


26 “ Info ” URI  Intended to be used for bibliographic resources  Supports identification without resolution  Enthusiasm in the library/information world; ANSI/NISO support  Syntax can embed ISSN  Would require development work to enable resolution  In development

27 Advantages To “ Embedded ” Approach  Keeps title-level identifier within the realm of the ISSN  Avoids having to invent a totally new standard  Demonstrates ISSN convergence with emerging standards and usage  Capitalizes on functionality of the ISSN Register

28 Title-Level ISSN Uses  OpenURL resolution regardless of multiple ISSN for manifestations  Collocation in ERMS  OPAC searching to retrieve all manifestations  All situations where identification without regard to medium is desired

29 Product-Level ISSN  To identify at a finer level of granularity, e.g., different sizes of diskettes, hardback vs. paperback version, PDF vs. HTML  Needed by subscription agents, magazine distributors, others for precise ordering, claiming, licensing, pricing  Potential to work with 13-digit EAN or other systems (RFID??)

30 EAN for a French serial

31 ISSN Link-Resolution and Look-up Service  Will use ISSN Register (Paris)  Real-time or batch query look-up  Human or computer look-up desirable  Retrieval of all metadata associated with an ISSN  Retrieval of all ISSN related to another ISSN  Interest among OpenURL service vendors and others is being determined

32 Communication, Clarification, Maintenance  Revised standard should clearly state assignment policies  Assignment policies should be posted on ISSN IC and NC Web sites  New or re-stated policies will be easier to communicate to requestors and easier to enforce  Possible development of an ISSN subscription service to “ push ” new and changed ISSN to subscribers ??

33 ISSN User Group  Advisory group of user representatives  5 – 12 members  Representatives from industry organizations, union lists of serials  Goal: first meeting April 2005

34 ISSN (ISO 3297) Revision Timetable  Feb. 2005: WG meets (develops draft)  March 2005: WG comments via email on working draft  May 2005: WG meets to finalize draft  June 2005: draft sent to SC9 members for voting  Sept. 2005: voting ends; results sent to WG5  Oct. 2005: WG meets to review comments and revise draft (if necessary)

35 Depending on Results of Voting and Revision (if necessary):  Jan. 2006: Voting on DIS (draft)  June 2006: Voting ends; results compiled  August: FDIS (final draft) voting begins, if necessary  Dec. 2006: New edition published!

36 If the ISSN did not exist, someone would have to invent it

37 ISO Working Group 5: ISSN Revision Amsterdam, February 2005

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