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▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 8 1 National News backed by, get,

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Presentation on theme: "▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 8 1 National News backed by, get,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 8 1 National News backed by, get, staked, whether, regardless of 11. The referendum to decide to give free lunches to all students or only to students from low income families failed. 모든 학생들에게 무상 급식을 하거나 저소득층 가정 학생들에게만 실시하느냐를 결정하기 위한 주민 투표가 실패로 돌아갔다. 12. Free school lunches will be provided to all students parents’ income level. 부모의 소득 수준에 상관없이 모든 학생들에게 무상 점심 급식이 제공되게 되었다. 13. All middle school students free meals from 2012. 모든 중학생들은 2012 년부터 무상 급식을 받게 된다. 14. All middle school students get free meals from 2012, like the plan the Seoul Council led by the opposition party. 야당이 다수인 서울시 의회가 지지하는 안처럼, 모든 중학생들은 2012 년부터 무상 급식을 받게 된다. 15. Mayor Oh has his mayoral post and his political future on the referendum’s success. 오세훈 서울시장은 주민 투표의 성공에 그의 정치 생명과 시장직을 걸었다. * 총 25 문항, 각 문제당 4 점씩 배점 1. referendum2. turnout 3. mark4. require 5. failure6. opposition party 7. stake8. mayoral 9. halt10. describe

2 ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Free School Lunch for All Students The referendum to decide whether to give free lunches to all students or only to students from low income families failed as the turnout rate marked 25.7 percent, far below the minimum 33.3 percent required to count the votes. Voters were asked to choose between providing free lunches to all students or only to students from the low income families. With the failure of the vote, free school lunches will be provided to all students regardless of parents’ income level. Free lunches for elementary school students start from this year and all middle school students get free meals from 2012, like the plan backed by the Seoul Council led by the opposition party. Free school lunch has been a political issue between the ruling Grand National Party and the opposition Democratic Party. Mayor Oh, from the ruling Grand National Party, has staked his mayoral post and his political future on the referendum’s success, to halt the plan that he described as “welfare populism.” 16. Which of the following sentences is correct? ① Some middle school students get free meals from 2012. ② High school students can also get free meals from 2012. ③ Voters had to decide whether to give free lunches to all students or not. ④ The referendum failed as the turnout rate marked 33.3 percent. 17. Why did the referendum fail? ① Not enough people voted in favor of only providing free lunches to students from low income families. ② The majority of voters wanted all children to be provided with free lunches. ③ Not enough people showed up to vote so the referendum votes didn't count. ④ The government decided to cancel the vote. 18. Which of the following most closely means 'staked' from the 2nd paragraph? ① Risked ② Defended ③ Gained ④ Awarded 2 8 1 National News

3 ☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Correct the underlined part. 23. I am uncertain whether go away or stay where I am. -> 24. Regardless of what a family do, Thanksgiving is always a special day. -> 25. However, children from families with low incomes can get free meal or reduced price meals at school. -> 19. According to the article, _____ ① Elementary school students will receive free lunches this year, while middle school students will wait until 2012. ② Both elementary and middle school students will start to receive free lunches this year. ③ Both elementary and middle school students must wait until 2012 to receive free lunches. ④ Middle school students will receive free lunches this year, while elementary school students will wait until 2012. 20. Mayor Oh was against the idea of only providing free lunches to students from low income families. _____ 21. The Grand National Party wants to provide free lunches for all students. _____ 22. 25.7% of voters wanted to only provide free lunches to students from low income families. _____ 2 8 1 National News

4 ▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 8 1 National News backed by, get, staked, whether, regardless of 11. The referendum to decide whether to give free lunches to all students or only to students from low income families failed. 모든 학생들에게 무상 급식을 하거나 저소득층 가정 학생들에게만 실시하느냐를 결정하기 위한 주민 투표가 실패로 돌아갔다. 12. Free school lunches will be provided to all students regardless of parents’ income level. 부모의 소득 수준에 상관없이 모든 학생들에게 무상 점심 급식이 제공되게 되었다. 13. All middle school students get free meals from 2012. 모든 중학생들은 2012 년부터 무상 급식을 받게 된다. 14. All middle school students get free meals from 2012, like the plan backed by the Seoul Council led by the opposition party. 야당이 다수인 서울시 의회가 지지하는 안처럼, 모든 중학생들은 2012 년부터 무상 급식을 받게 된다. 15. Mayor Oh has staked his mayoral post and his political future on the referendum’s success. 오세훈 서울시장은 주민 투표의 성공에 그의 정치 생명과 시장직을 걸었다. * 총 25 문항, 각 문제당 4 점씩 배점 1. referendum [ 국민 투표, 총선거 ]2. turnout [ 투표자의 수, 투표율 ] 3. mark [ 기록하다 ]4. require [ 요구하다 ] 5. failure [ 실패 ]6. opposition party [ 야당 ] 7. stake [( 돈 등을 ) 걸다 ]8. mayoral [ 시장직의 ] 9. halt [ 멈추다, 정지시키다 ]10. describe [ 묘사하다, 설명하다 ]

5 ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. 16. Which of the following sentences is correct? [3] ① Some middle school students get free meals from 2012. ② High school students can also get free meals from 2012. ③ Voters had to decide whether to give free lunches to all students or not. ④ The referendum failed as the turnout rate marked 33.3 percent. 17. Why did the referendum fail? [3] ① Not enough people voted in favor of only providing free lunches to students from low income families. ② The majority of voters wanted all children to be provided with free lunches. ③ Not enough people showed up to vote so the referendum votes didn't count. ④ The government decided to cancel the vote. 18. Which of the following most closely means 'staked' from the 2nd paragraph? [1] ① Risked ② Defended ③ Gained ④ Awarded Free School Lunch for All Students The referendum to decide whether to give free lunches to all students or only to students from low income families failed as the turnout rate marked 25.7 percent, far below the minimum 33.3 percent required to count the votes. Voters were asked to choose between providing free lunches to all students or only to students from the low income families. With the failure of the vote, free school lunches will be provided to all students regardless of parents’ income level. Free lunches for elementary school students start from this year and all middle school students get free meals from 2012, like the plan backed by the Seoul Council led by the opposition party. Free school lunch has been a political issue between the ruling Grand National Party and the opposition Democratic Party. Mayor Oh, from the ruling Grand National Party, has staked his mayoral post and his political future on the referendum’s success, to halt the plan that he described as “welfare populism.” 2 8 1 National News

6 ☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Correct the underlined part. 23. I am uncertain whether go away or stay where I am. -> whether to go away or 24. Regardless of what a family do, Thanksgiving is always a special day. -> what a family does 25. However, children from families with low incomes can get free meal or reduced price meals at school. -> free meals 19. According to the article, _____ [1] ① Elementary school students will receive free lunches this year, while middle school students will wait until 2012. ② Both elementary and middle school students will start to receive free lunches this year. ③ Both elementary and middle school students must wait until 2012 to receive free lunches. ④ Middle school students will receive free lunches this year, while elementary school students will wait until 2012. 20. Mayor Oh was against the idea of only providing free lunches to students from low income families. [F] 21. The Grand National Party wants to provide free lunches for all students. [F] 22. 25.7% of voters wanted to only provide free lunches to students from low income families. [F] 2 8 1 National News

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