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What is Race? Mrs. Walus United States History. What is race? How do we define black? White? Journaling: When was the first time you remember defining.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Race? Mrs. Walus United States History. What is race? How do we define black? White? Journaling: When was the first time you remember defining."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Race? Mrs. Walus United States History

2 What is race? How do we define black? White? Journaling: When was the first time you remember defining yourself as a part of a specific race or when someone defined you as a part of a particular race?

3 Terms Social Construction Stereotype Jim Crow Zip Coon Mammy

4 Is race a geographical distinction? Native-American? African-American? How does it identify where we are from? Mitochondrial Eve?? Are we all from Africa? So what exactly is race?

5 Is race a biological distinction? Hmmm.. Skin color? So does race define our natural difference? We are all about 99.9% the same, regardless of race. So what is race really? Is it real?

6 Race is a SOCIAL Construction. Is seems like we create it daily.. In our lives, on TV, in the media. How did you CONSTRUCT race today?

7 Race is not a natural distinction This false idea is the foundation of racism How was race used to justify slavery? It has also been used to “explain” low achievement of African Americans in schools… and society… etc. Is it okay to use race to identify ourselves and others?

8 Stereotypes A commonly-held and oversimplified mental picture or judgment of a person or group of people. The term stereotype literally means the metal duplication of a printing surface; a stereotype plate allows the original surface to be duplicated many times.

9 Jim Crow

10 Zip Coon

11 Mammy

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