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©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E New Developments.

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Presentation on theme: "©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E New Developments."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E New Developments In W E A L T H C A R E

2 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 2 Is Wealthcare right for you & your practice? Your Value Proposition With Wealthcare: “I make the most of the one life you have by confidently achieving the goals you personally value, without undue sacrifice to your lifestyle and avoiding any unnecessary investment risks.”

3 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 3 Is Wealthcare for YOU? Yes What’s The Best Way To Fit Wealthcare Into Your Practice? Keep Doing What Everyone Does No

4 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 4 Is Wealthcare for YOU? No What’s The Best Way To Fit Wealthcare Into Your Practice? Yes Rent Wealthcare Tools for you and/or your staff Pay for Tools, Special Training & Your/Staffs’ Time (Subscribe to Financeware) Choices Rent Wealthcare Specialists, Pay Only When Used (Personal Wealthcare Plans) Keep Doing What Everyone Does Partner With Us…We only get paid when you do (Wealthcare Portfolios)

5 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 5 Rent Wealthcare Tools for you and/or your staff Pay for Tools & Your/Staffs’ Time (Subscribe to Financeware) Choices Rent Wealthcare Specialists, Pay Only When Used (Personal Wealthcare Plans) Partner With Us…We only get paid when you do (Wealthcare Portfolios) Your Wealthcare Specialist can help decide which option is best for you… Depends on many factors, such as: -How much free time you and your staff may have -You and/or your staff’s technology proficiency -Focus on asset gathering versus data input & billable hours -Your practice’s portfolio management resources -Your firm’s barriers to various options

6 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 6 What Does It Take To Deliver Wealthcare?Wealthcare? Steps:Who Does What? Wealthcare Plans Wealthcare Portfolios Financeware Present ValueYouYouYou Profile ClientYouYouYou -input dataUs UsYou Create AdviceUs w/youUs w/youYou Present AdviceYouYouYou Design PortfoliosYou or UsUsYou or Us Manage PortfoliosYouUsYou Monitor Progress/ Goals/Allocation/AdviceYou w/UsUsYou Present Monitor & New Advice, Profile Changes to GoalsYouYouYou

7 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 7 Regardless of How You Use Us to Deliver Wealthcare… One Platform Supports Them All – Wealthcare Plans Wealthcare Portfolios Financeware Present ValueYouYouYou Profile ClientYouYouYou -input dataUs UsYou Create AdviceUs w/youUs w/youYou Present AdviceYouYouYou Design PortfoliosYou or UsUsYou or Us Manage PortfoliosYouUsYou Monitor Progress/ Goals/Allocation/AdviceYou w/UsUsYou Present Monitor & New Advice, Profile Changes to GoalsYouYouYou

8 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 8 Regardless of How You Use Us to Deliver Wealthcare… One Platform Supports Them All – For Example…Say you use Personal Wealthcare Plans or Wealthcare Portfolios: Present The “Wealthcare Value Proposition” Profile the Client and Fax Profile to 804-644-4759Wealthcare Value PropositionProfile Within a few days, we will email you that we have a recommendation ready for you to review

9 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 9 Simply go to and login…

10 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 10 Click on the appropriate “Wealthcare Client” (or use the new “Search For” Feature) Click on the “Documents” Tab to go directly to the client’s advice report or click on one of the “View Results” icons (or the plan name)if you want to see the details

11 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 11 If you go right to the Client Ready Presentation Document… Click on the “Private” folder and then click on their Presentation It will open and if it is ok with you, print it and present it to your client

12 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 12 If you would like us to make a change, update us on new information, etc…simply give us a call and we will rerun it for you… Or, if you need to be more “hands on” simply click on the plan list tab, Copy the Recommended Plan (a working plan will be created)

13 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 13 Click on the Copy of the “recommended (2)” to make what ever edits you think are necessary And when you think it is ready, click on the “recommend” icon

14 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 14 This will trigger a review by your Wealthcare Specialist to check for any mistakes, etc. and they will create a new client presentation for you.

15 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 15 This will trigger a review by your Wealthcare Specialist to check for any mistakes, etc. and they will create a new client presentation for you. And the corrected plan will become the “Recommended Plan” and the previously recommended plan will become…“Previously Recommended” Also Notice the new Status Report icon

16 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 16 The new status report is automatically generated quarterly for any client using Wealthcare Portfolios For Financeware Subscribers, values can be uploaded using our standard upload file, or portfolio values can be manually updated using our new “As Of” field on the holdings page. IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU USE THE SAME AS OF DATE WHEN CREATING A NEW PLAN, OTHERWISE EACH ACCOUNT YOU ADD WILL APPEAR AS THOUGH IT WERE A CONTRIBUTION

17 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 17 The new status report is created simply by clicking the “status report” icon (assuming you have updated values) and includes:

18 ©Copyright Wealthcare Capital Management, a division of Financeware, Inc. 2003 All rights reserved P r o v i d i n g W E A L T H C A R E PAGE 18 Questions?

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