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Bridge for Beginners Lesson 10 Starting to Compete.

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1 Bridge for Beginners Lesson 10 Starting to Compete

2 Homework – Hand 1 KK KK K Q AA KK 44 44 AA QQ 9 TT 77 33 22 JJ 1 1 3NT 1111 22 J 8 77 66 TT 88 33 6 3 DEALER: N

3 Homework – Hand 2 QQ AA 6 4 99 22 77 KK JJ A AA TT 66 JJ 77 88 55 1111 2222 1111 1111P 55 3 33 KK 55 44 22 2 44 DEALER: S

4 Homework – Hand 3 AA AA K Q 55 KK 88 A AA 88 66 TT 33 99 44 1111 2 2 3 3 11112NT 4 4 44 J 5 3 QQ TT 77 66 22 7 6 DEALER: N

5 Homework – Hand 4 KK 33 T 7 AA KK 66 JJ QQ QQ A QQ 55 44 JJ 22223NT 1111 2 2 4 77 55 77 66 22 22 K Q J 55 DEALER: S

6 Homework – Hand 5 AA AA A K JJ 44 QQ 77 KK 9 QQ TT 77 55 JJ 1 1 3333 4 4 1111 3 3 44 T 7 JJ TT 44 22 DEALER: N 4 33 6 5

7 Homework – Hand 6 66 A QQ JJ TT 44 KK TT K AA KK 88 55 66 22 4444 1111 33 77 3 2 33 44 DEALER: S 66 44 22 Q 7

8 Homework – Hand 7 KK KK A 5 AA 99 QQ AA QQ J 88 66 55 77 TT 55 22 1111 3333 1111 5555 44 3 TT 66 DEALER: N JJ 44 33 22 4

9 Homework – Hand 8 55 99 3 66 44 33 44 KK KK A JJ 77 55 JJ TT 66 22221NTP 22 33 88 66 DEALER: S 77 55 33 22 2 44

10 Starting to Compete  We have looked at Basic Bidding  In NT and in Suits  But the Auctions have been uncontested  Opponents have not got in the way  Its not like that in reality  You would like to upset the opponents bidding by bidding yourself  Opponents will want to overcall to make it difficult for you

11 Overcalling  An overcall is where one side bids after the opponents have bid  To make an overcall your hand must satisfy some basic rules  Otherwise it becomes far too expensive when opponents double you.

12 Overcalling  To overcall you need:  5+ cards in the suit – NOT 4!!  About 10+ HCP  But less HCP with longer suits  A Re-bid if partner bids another suit  Do not overcall opponents suit  Just Pass smoothly

13 Example 1  Opponents open 1  Opponents open 1   You have 12 HCP  A 5 card suit - ’s  A 5 card suit -  ’s  Another suit to re-bid  So overcall 1  So overcall 1  QQ TT K AA QQ 99 JJ 77 55 77 66 3 2

14 Example 2  Opponents open 1  Opponents open 1   You have 10 HCP  A 6 card suit - ’s  A 6 card suit -  ’s  You can re-bid ’s if necessary showing 6 cards  You can re-bid  ’s if necessary showing 6 cards  So overcall 1  So overcall 1  QQ TT 7 AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 66 3 2 44

15 Example 3  Opponents open 1  Opponents open 1   You have 12 HCP  A 5 card suit - ’s  A 5 card suit -  ’s  But there is no re-bid  So Pass QQ QQ 7 AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 66 3 2 TT

16 Example 4  Opponents open 1  Opponents open 1   You have 15 HCP  No 5 card suit  Good defensive hand  So Pass smoothly QQ 7 AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 3 2 QQ TT K

17 Example 5  Opponents open 1  Opponents open 1   You have 13 HCP  Two 5 card suits  If you can find a fit you have a game going hand  So overcall 1  So overcall 1  QQ 7 AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 3 2 66 22 KK

18 Example 6  Opponents open 1  Opponents open 1   You have 18 HCP  Two 5 card suits  Strong hand  With 17 + HCP jump shift  So overcall 2  So overcall 2  QQ K AA QQ JJ JJ 77 77 Q 6 66 22 KK

19 Example 7  Opponents open 1  Opponents open 1   You have 18 HCP  No 5 card suit  Strong balanced hand  With 16 - 19 HCP  Balanced hand  2+ stops in their suit  You should overcall 1NT K AA JJ 77 77 Q 6 66 22 KK KK QQ TT

20 Example 8  LH Opponent opens 1  LH Opponent opens 1  Your partner and RHO Pass  You have 13 HCP  No 5 card suit  In 4 th seat and last to bid  With 11-14 HCP  Balanced hand  A stop in their suit  Protective overcall 1NT K AA JJ 77 77 Q 6 66 22 TT KK 99 88

21 Responding to Partner’s Overcall  If partner overcalls with 1NT in 2 nd seat  He has ? HCP  16-19  Responses are similar to if partner had opened 1NT  But as the overcall is stronger  You can support when weaker

22 Responding example 1  LHO has opened 1  LHO has opened 1  Partner overcalls 1NT  RHO Passes  With < 6 HCP  And a 5 card suit  Weakness take out  So bid 2  So bid 2  J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 66 TT QQ 99 88 33

23 Responding example 2  LHO has opened 1  LHO has opened 1  Partner overcalls 1NT  RHO Passes  With 6-8 HCP  And balanced  Bid 2NT  Partner will go to 3NT with 18 or 19 HCP J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 66 TT QQ 99 88 KK

24 Responding example 3  LHO has opened 1  LHO has opened 1  Partner overcalls 1NT  RHO Passes  With 9+ HCP  And balanced  Bid 3NT J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 TT QQ 99 88 KK QQ

25 Responding example 4  LHO has opened 1  LHO has opened 1  Partner overcalls 1NT  RHO Passes  With 6-8 HCP  And 5 card major  Bid 3 of the major  Invitational  Partner can Pass or bid game J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 TT 99 KK QQ 66 33

26 Responding example 5  LHO has opened 1  LHO has opened 1  Partner overcalls 1NT  RHO Passes  With 9+ HCP  And 5 card major  Bid 4 of the major  Accept slight risk of 5/2 fit J JJ 88 99 77 8 6 TT 99 KK QQ 66 KK

27 Responding to NT overcall  Remember the 4 th seat 1NT Overcall  Is the same as an opening bid  So responses are as you already know  You should respond  As if partner had opened 1NT

28 Partner Overcalls in a Suit  Partner has at least 5 cards in the suit  So you can support with 3  Partner may be fairly weak  So bid conservatively first round  And only bid on if partner shows strength  If you are weakish your objective is to push opponents to bid 3 of their suit  Which is often 1 too many!

29 Competitive Bidding  This has been an introduction  If in doubt get stuck in and bid  But stick to the rules  NEVER overcall in a suit with less than 5  If partner overcalls and you have 4 cards in the suit  Support in the auction up to the 3 level  Regardless of HCP!!

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