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A Continuum of Interventions Experienced with NTI Principals Session 4.

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Presentation on theme: "A Continuum of Interventions Experienced with NTI Principals Session 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Continuum of Interventions Experienced with NTI Principals Session 4

2 2 Learning Targets I can determine the appropriateness of both planned and spontaneous interventions designed to meet students’ needs. I can provide descriptive, growth-producing feedback.

3 The Continuum of Interventions Please locate…  Continuum of Interventions p.xx Text Codes  ! – really like this idea  N – new idea to me  ? – I question the effectiveness Keep your student population in mind 3

4 Video Analysis Please use the Continuum of Interventions p.xx Identify as many as you can while viewing. Close Reading in Action (long version) 4

5 Video Analysis Please use the Continuum of Interventions. p.xx Identify as many as you can while viewing. Adapting Curriculum to Learners’ NeedsAdapting Curriculum to Learners’ Needs 5

6 Discuss How does this teacher’s use of interventions look similar or different from ones you see used by your staff? What ideas are emerging for you in terms of supporting staff to implement a continuum of interventions? 6

7 Pulling it All Together Please locate…  Transcripts of 3-8 ELA Classrooms in Action. pg.xx Read the transcript  Determine an intervention that could have been used (reference the Continuum document.) Produce feedback for the teacher  Refer to the Learner/Judger document. p.xx 7

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