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Responsiveness to Instruction (RtI) Defining A Continuum of Supports North Carolina Department of Public Instruction 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsiveness to Instruction (RtI) Defining A Continuum of Supports North Carolina Department of Public Instruction 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsiveness to Instruction (RtI) Defining A Continuum of Supports North Carolina Department of Public Instruction 2012

2 Objectives Understand the importance of defining a continuum of supports, beginning with the Foundational Core Begin discussions about developing systems to ensure materials and practices are evidence- based, aligned with behavioral & academic standards, and utilized/implemented with fidelity

3 Defining A Continuum of Supports: Foundational Core

4 Foundational Core Standards Core Strategies Materials Mapping Assessment

5 Define Foundational Core Identify gaps Grapple with common components of core philosophy in classes Focus on problem solving based on factors within school/LEA control Ensure equal exposure to effective curricular materials, instructional practices and standards

6 Define Foundational Core Facilitate an open discussion Skill level with the standards Instructional strategies for teaching Staff ideas for subject areas Materials for teaching Assessments

7 Team Time 1.Select a grade span (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) 1.Select a content area 1.For content area in that grade span, discuss: –What are the standards? –What curricular materials are used? –What instructional strategies are used? –Is curriculum mapping a part of the culture? –What assessments are used? 2.What were some of the difficulties/barriers in the discussion?

8 Standards (Academic) Knowledge and skills students should possess at critical points in their educational career Goals for schooling Provide focus for schooling Provides a means for alignment of resources

9 Wonderland County SchoolsAll Elementary SchoolsJuly 15, XXXX x English Language Arts Common Core Standards - English Language Arts Monthly August – June XX-XX school year All k-2 teachers 3-5 ELA teachers Elementary Principals Instructional Coaches August 17, XXXX All k-2 teachers 3-5 ELA teachers Elementary Principals/AP Instructional Coaches New hires and permanent substitutues August 16, XXXX Weekly walk-throughs during ELA Instructional block District-created checklist Instructional Coaches 1.ICs will provide training on 8/16 & 8/17 2.ICs will use feedback from training and Principal observations/walk-throughs to determine coaching needs for the XX-XX school year. District Literacy Team

10 Team Time Using the same grade span and content area selected earlier, begin completing the blank Academic Standards form. What are your team’s next steps with academic standards?

11 Standards (Behavior) Skills students should demonstrate in certain environments Clearly and positively stated Provide focus/goals for learning

12 Wonderland County SchoolsUtopia ElementaryJune 13, XXXX x Behavior Behavior Matrices Hallways Cafeteria Restrooms Classrooms Playground June 13, XXXX August 17, XXXX August 16, XXXX All XX-XX faculty/staff were involved in developing behavior matrices. All XX-XX faculty/staff and new hires for XX-XX school year. New hires for the XX-XX school year and permanent subs. Principal/AP will conduct informal walk- throughs and will look for evidence of teaching behavior standards. PBIS Team created checklist PBIS Team members Behavior - PBIS Team PBIS Team members will provide training on 8/16 & 8/17. Follow up from training & feed- back from principal walk-throughs will determine coaching needs. Analyze ODR data for additional problem-solving.

13 Team Time Take time to discuss the Foundational Core – Behavior Standards form. What are your team’s next step for behavior standards?

14 Selecting Curricular Materials & Instructional Strategies

15 Curricular Materials Instructional Strategies Aligned with State Standards Aligned with Student Needs Evidenced-Based Aligned with Student Needs Aligned with School Resources

16 Alignment (State Standards) North Carolina Standard Course of Study –Common Core State Standards –North Carolina Essential Standards Curriculum Mapping

17 Curricular Materials Instructional Strategies Aligned with State Standards Aligned with Student Needs Evidenced-Based Aligned with Student Needs Aligned with School Resources

18 Alignment (Students’ Needs) What do the data tell you? –Culturally responsive –Language acquisition –Academic strengths & weaknesses What about vertical alignment?

19 Curricular Materials Instructional Strategies Aligned with State Standards Aligned with Student Needs Evidenced-Based Aligned with Student Needs Aligned with School Resources

20 Scientifically Based Research section 9101(37) of the ESEA Handout

21 Curricular Materials/Instructional Strategies: Evidence-Based Worksheet

22 Research Methods Cheat Sheet

23 Curricular Materials Instructional Strategies Aligned with State Standards Aligned with Student Needs Evidenced-Based Aligned with Student Needs Aligned with School Resources

24 Alignment with Available Resources Student/teacher ratio Cost Time Teacher skill set Professional development

25 Curriculum Materials/ Instructional Strategies

26 Wonderland County SchoolsAll Middle SchoolsMarch 5, XXXX x Digits - Pearson District Math Team Mathematics June 11-12, XXXX All 6-8 math teachers Instructional Coaches Principals/AP NA Formal observations quarterly utilizing the fidelity measure provided by Pearson Pearson measure Instructional Coaches (ICs) -initial training 6/11-6/12 -stipends will be used to pay a group of teachers to work on curriculum mapping this summer -ICs will be provide assistance & coaching during the school year

27 Wonderland County SchoolsMarch 15, XXXX x All content areas Flexible Grouping Training across all schools XX- XX school year All teachers were required to attend. Fall XXXX Only new hires All previously trained teachers need a refresher and new hires need more in-depth training. Aug. 16, XXXX Locally created checklist Instructional Coaches (ICs) & Lead Teachers ICs will provide district-wide training for new hires 8/16. ICs will work with principals to schedule refresher training during the firs quarter of the school year. Principals/AP/ICs will conduct at least annual fidelity checks in each classroom.

28 Florida Center for Reading Research

29 Foundational Core Standards Core Strategies Materials Mapping Assessment

30 Common Findings Not all in agreement of common practices Staff members missing training component(s) Lack of fidelity with ensuring Foundational Core is being addressed –Curricular Materials –Instructional Strategies –Mapping/Pacing Guides –Assessment A lot of resources available, but not always connected/aligned

31 Define Continuum of Supports: Supplemental & Intensive

32 Remediate academic skill deficits so students will be successful with Foundational Core alone Provide targeted supports for students who are not meeting grade-level standards

33 Define Continuum of Supports: Supplemental & Intensive Remediation of existing problems Prevention of more severe problems Prevention of the development of secondary concerns as a result of persistent problems

34 Define Continuum of Supports: Supplemental & Intensive Skill deficits vs. objective(s) non-mastery Supports should be directly linked to Foundational Core & aligned with standards Adults should be able to articulate the connection between supports and Foundational Core Supports should be aligned with students’ needs

35 Define Continuum of Supports: Supplemental & Intensive Supports should be aligned with resources Supports should be evidence-based Assessments should be aligned with supports As the intensity of supports increases, the intensity of assessment should increase Focus on problem solving based on factors within school/LEA control

36 Define Continuum of Supports: Supplemental & Intensive A data management system Appropriate interventions based on what is shown by the data Team charged with the oversight and management

37 What Works Clearinghouse:

38 Define Continuum of Supports: Supplemental & Intensive Specify: who will provide the intervention(s) who will collect data who will have overall responsibility for monitoring data who will lead the team through the problem-solving professional development and coaching supports

39 Team Time 1.Select one grade span and content area 1.Discuss the following: –Are our current interventions/supports directly linked to the Foundational Core? Can we articulate how they are linked? –What curricular materials are used for interventions/supports? –What instructional strategies are used for interventions/supports? –What assessments are used? 2.Who is making decisions regarding supports provided within the district/school and how are those decisions being made?

40 "Problems are only opportunities in work clothes." —Henri Kaiser "The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year." — John Foster Dulles Former Secretary of State "The majority see the obstacles; the few see the objectives; history records the successes of the latter, while oblivion is the reward of the former." — Alfred Armand Montapert Author

41 District and school leadership teams develop a plan: –Define your continuum of supports, including the Foundational Core, by asking: What are our academic standards? What are our behavior standards? Have we aligned our materials and practices to the standards? How do we assess learning? –As you answer the questions above, use the provided forms to: Ensure materials and practices are evidence-based Ensure materials and practices are utilized/implemented with fidelity Develop a professional development plan for the district and each school Investigate before selecting new materials/strategies


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