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Adam McDaniel Ms. Anderson’s Earth Science I. What is Space Time?  Space-Time is a theory on how space and time interact.  This type of space is known.

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Presentation on theme: "Adam McDaniel Ms. Anderson’s Earth Science I. What is Space Time?  Space-Time is a theory on how space and time interact.  This type of space is known."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adam McDaniel Ms. Anderson’s Earth Science I

2 What is Space Time?  Space-Time is a theory on how space and time interact.  This type of space is known as 3+1 space, due to the fact that there are three dimensions of space and one dimension of time.

3 Who Developed the Theory of Space-Time?  Albert Einstein created the theory of the space-time in his theory of relativity, which was one of his most pivotal theories.  It is now widely accepted as scientific fact.  Einstein based it on Euclidian Space, an old, ancient Greek mathematical formula.

4 What does it all mean?  It simply means that large objects generate a great gravitational field bend space, and smaller objects orbit around the bent space.

5 What about an example?  Imagine you have a round sink.  If you roll an object into the sink, it will essentially orbit the bottom of the sink, until it eventually falls into the bottom.  This is an example of the Space Time Continuum, because the bottom of the sink is acting as a gravity source, and the object you rolled is acting as an object being pulled by that gravity source.

6 Time Travel  It is believed that it is possible for someone to move back and forth through time.  This process is called Time Travel.  Little is known about Time Travel, however, we are getting closer to unlocking it’s secrets.

7 Problems with Time Travel  There are many problems associated with Time travel that make many prominent scientists discredit it.  Paradoxes  Corrupting of the timeline of Earth  Little evidence to support its existence  Materials needed to create a device able to transport people through time are exotic and not found on Earth in ready amounts

8 Grandfather Paradox  The Grandfather Paradox is one of the more well known time paradoxes.  It states that if you go back in time, and kill your grandfather, you should not exist. But, if you do not exist, you never had a chance to kill your grandfather, which means you would exist. But if the timeline is constant, you would then kill your grandfather again, and the process would repeat.

9 Time Corruption  If someone went back in time, it is proposed that anything he did to change the timeline would result in a butterfly effect.  A butterfly effect is an effect which ripples through space and time, altering time forever as each minute passes by. The more the time traveler tries to change the time-line, the more corrupt the timeline becomes.

10 Multiple Universe Theory  One theory that gets around the Time Corruption paradox is the theory that states that there are an infinite amount of universes.  If you killed your grandfather in this type of timeline, you would not corrupt the timeline you live in, instead, you would create a new timeline diverging from the main one you lived in.

11 Ontological Paradox  This paradox states that if you go back in time to try and stop an action you could possibly be the cause of the action you were trying to stop.  For example, if you went back in time to stop a war, you might accidentally do an action that would begin the war you were trying to start.  You would be the cause of the war.

12 Space-Time Travel  Space-Time Travel is different from normal Time travel.  Normal Time travel transports you to the exact same geologic point as you started.  If you went back in time in San Francisco, you would arrive in the place San Francisco would be founded on.  Space-Time Travel says that you would travel through both space and time, and you would arrive at the exact position of space that you were in when you started.  If you went back in time in San Francisco 2000 years, you would not be on planet Earth, you would be in space.

13 Shockwave # 1

14 Shockwave # 2 Different Cosmological Theories

15 Works Cited  Bonsor, Kevin. “Howstuffworks: How Time Travel Works.” 19 Mar. 2008.  “Time – Time Travel” 19 Mar. 2008.  “Spacetime 101” 19 Mar. 2008. html

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