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Imperialism. Imperialism is a policy of extending your rule over foreign countries. Can you think of any examples of imperialism we deal with today? Isolationism.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism. Imperialism is a policy of extending your rule over foreign countries. Can you think of any examples of imperialism we deal with today? Isolationism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism

2 Imperialism is a policy of extending your rule over foreign countries. Can you think of any examples of imperialism we deal with today? Isolationism is a policy of isolating one’s country from the affairs of other countries. Think about Switzerland, who never get involved in any wars! Isolationism is the opposite of imperialism.

3 Our continuum Complete Isolation Complete Control

4 Social Imperialism As the United States grows more influential, they tend to have created “American” interests in these other countries. Example: McDonald’s in China

5 Social Imperialism In many countries around the world, the only movies played in the theaters are American movies. Inna Ignatovich, a girl from Russia, says American culture is spreading throughout her city because of the availability of Hollywood movies. A drive-in movie theater in Russia playing “Gone in 60 Seconds”, an American movie.

6 Military and Political Imperialism An example of military and political imperialism would be the United States’ involvement in Iraq. The U.S. wants to spread democracy, as well as help out the citizens of Iraq.

7 Military Involvement The United States has military bases all over the world, including 156 other countries. There are only 45 countries throughout the world that have no U.S. military bases or troops at all.

8 Military bases and involvement

9 More Political Imperialism While different military bases and troops around the world are sometimes viewed as negative, the Peace Corps is viewed as a different type of intervention. “Since 1961, the Peace Corps has shared with the world America's most precious resource—its people. Peace Corps Volunteers serve in 71 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, and the Middle East. Collaborating with local community members, volunteers work in areas like education, youth outreach and community development, the environment, and information technology.”

10 Economic Imperialism - Boycott The United States sometimes boycotts, or doesn’t accept imports from other countries in order to influence them to do something the U.S. wants. Since Fidel Castro has been in power, the U.S. has boycotted goods from Cuba, hoping to hurt their economy enough that Castro has to resign. Cuban cigars are something that U.S. citizens really miss!

11 Economic Imperialism - Outsourcing Outsourcing is one example of economic imperialism. This is when a company sends out work to an outside supplier to cut costs. Usually an outside supplier means sending work to workers in other countries.

12 Outsourcing Hourly wages for selected occupations in India & U.S. Telephone operator: India - Under $1.00; U.S. - $12.57 Payroll clerk: India - $1.50-$2.00; U.S. - $15.17 Accountant: India - $6.00-$15.00; U.S. - $23.35

13 Our continuum As we saw before, we are going to be using a continuum. If you are confused about what a continuum is, think about chocolate. On a scale of 0-10, how much do you love chocolate? If you despise it and would never eat it, you would rate it a 0 on the continuum. If you love it and could eat it all day, every day, you would rate it a 10 on the continuum. Now we will think about this in terms of imperialism!

14 Where would you rate the different examples of imperialism? First, using the data retrieval chart, work with your group and write in the different examples where they apply. Then decide where you would rate them on our continuum of isolationism and imperialism and why you would put them there. Examples U.S. involvement in Iraq U.S. military bases around the world Peace Corps McDonalds American movies Boycotting the goods in Cuba outsourcing

15 Questions to discuss What are some examples of U.S. POLITICAL imperialism? Where would you rate this on our continuum and why? What are some examples of U.S. MILITARY imperialism? Where would you rate this on our continuum and why? What are some examples of U.S. SOCIAL imperialism? Where would you rate this on our continuum and why? What are some examples of U.S. ECONOMIC imperialism? Where would you rate this on our continuum and why?

16 Is the imperialism of the U.S. beneficial to the rest of the world? With your group, you must decide if this involvement is positive or negative. Use examples we have discussed today to defend your argument. Did you know that Athens and Sparta both used imperialism to spread ideas of their city-states?

17 Questions to consider Will the Leagues formed after the Persian War preserve peace in Greece or lead to war? Did the Leagues strengthen or weaken individual city-states?

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