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The VLM and Learner-Aggregated Courses in an Organic Continuum: A look at the transition from The Age of Schooling To The Age of Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "The VLM and Learner-Aggregated Courses in an Organic Continuum: A look at the transition from The Age of Schooling To The Age of Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 The VLM and Learner-Aggregated Courses in an Organic Continuum: A look at the transition from The Age of Schooling To The Age of Learning

2 An alternative way to imagine “School”, and the transition from The Age of Schooling to The Age of Learning

3 School over the years – Visualized as a series of nested boxes

4 Inside the box Well intentioned, dedicated teachers and administrators A time-oriented system all students expected to learn in exactly the same amount of time. Standards-vacant Every professional decides what constitutes “learning” for a grade – little continuity across classrooms, schools or states. (even in AP courses, the individual teacher decides what it will take for an A, B, C, etc.)

5 Learner- aggregated Tagged courses Breaking out of the “box”

6 Moving outside of the box Virtual courses The “School” box

7 School Virtual School Courses Learner- aggregated Tagged courses School Reform

8 Moving outside of the box Virtual courses Hybrid courses Virtually delivered Interest- driven courses The “School” box

9 School Virtual School Courses Learner- aggregated Tagged courses School Reform Virtually delivered, Interest-driven courses

10 Moving outside of the box Virtual courses Hybrid courses Performance – Based courses Virtually delivered Interest- driven courses The “School” box

11 Virtual School Courses Learner- aggregated Tagged courses Virtually delivered, Interest-driven courses Performance -based courses

12 Moving outside of the box Virtual courses Hybrid courses Performance – Based courses Interest- driven courses VLM Courses The “School” box

13 Virtual School Courses Learner- aggregated Tagged courses Virtually delivered, Interest-driven courses Performance -based courses VLM Courses

14 Moving outside of the box Virtual courses Hybrid courses Performance – Based courses Interest- driven courses VLM Courses Learner- aggregated courses The “School” box

15 School Improvement Virtual courses Hybrid courses Performance- based courses Interest-driven courses VLM Learner- aggregated courses

16 A more in-depth look at the last two stages in this view of the continuum 1.The Virtual Learning Magnet (VLM) 2.Learner-Aggregated Courses

17 The Virtual Learning Magnet Helping the transition from the Age of Schooling to the Age of learning by establishing a learner-centered approach.


19 The Learner’s Universe

20 The Learner-centered universe of subjects and courses

21 The OER Repository

22 Courses required for completing the VLM for Space Science and Mathematics *

23 “Big Idea Physics” central to any VLM *

24 “Sponsored” Physics Courses

25 The Big Ideas in the Physics course *

26 Big Idea 2 and Supporting Ideas *

27 Detail of a Big Idea

28 Beyond the VLM Exploring some elements in the “organic continuum)

29 School Improvement Virtual courses Hybrid courses Performance- based courses Interest-driven courses VLM Learner- aggregated Tagged courses VLM Learner-aggregated Tagged courses

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