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Published byMaximilian Oliver Modified over 9 years ago
Robert Englander, MD,MPH UCSF February 26th, 2015
EPAs as a Framework for Assessment Across the Continuum Robert Englander, MD,MPH UCSF February 26th, 2015
Disclosures I have no financial Conflicts of Interest to disclose
Objectives Develop a working knowledge of EPAs and their relationship to competencies and milestones Apply that working knowledge to a specific example of a handover communication EPA Make the connections between EPAs across the Education and Training Continuum
Setting the Stage We have milestones for 49 competencies
How do they contribute to meaningful assessment? Inform us about learners at a granular level as we directly observe them Provide substrate for formative feedback and a learning roadmap BUT…
Setting the Stage Need assessment tools to inform judgments about level of milestone performance Need to integrate the competencies & their milestones to meaningfully assess whether learners can put it all together to deliver care AND Need to cluster the milestones to make assessment both meaningful and practical
EPAs: Using The Milestones as “Building Blocks” in the Context of Clinical Experience .
ten Cate O, Scheele F. Viewpoint: Competency-based postgraduate training: Can we bridge the gap between theory and clinical practice? Academic Medicine. Jun 2007;82(6):
EPA Entrustment refers to the ability to effectively perform a professional activity unsupervised (GME) or without direct supervision (UME) Brings trust and supervision into assessment which are intuitive for faculty working with trainees Entrustment decisions allow inference about a learner’s competence
Entrustment is Based On:
Ability or level of KSA Conscientiousness Telling the truth – absence of deception (truthfulness) Knowing one’s limits (discernment) Kennedy et al., Acad Med. 2008;83(10 Suppl):S89–92
EPA Professional is a modifier of activities that refers specifically to: Area of practice (e.g. specialty) Scope of practice (e.g. profession) Point in an education-training-practice continuum (e.g. UME-to-GME or GME-to-practice transitions)
EPA The Activities: Represent the essential work that defines a discipline (in aggregate) Lead to a recognized outcome Should be independently executable within a given time frame Are observable and measurable units of work in both process and outcome Require integration of critical competencies and milestones
Identifying EPAs for a Specialty
What does a general pediatrician do (or should she do) in everyday practice? Facilitate handovers to another health care provider Care for the well newborn Lead and work within interprofessional health care teams
EPA Worksheet ___ Patient Care Step 1. EPA Title
Step 2. Description of the activity Brief overview and list of functions Step 3. Map to Competency Domains ___ Patient Care ___ Medical Knowledge ___ Practice-Based learning & Improvement ___ Interpersonal & Communication Skills ___ Professionalism ___ Systems-Based Practice ___ Personal & Professional Development Step 4. Map to Critical Competencies Step 5. Curriculum Step 6. Entrustment Decisions Modified from the work of ten Cate
Step 1: EPA Title Facilitate handovers to another health care provider either within or across settings
Step 2: EPA Description/Rationale
Healthcare system has increased in complexity Commensurate increase in number and complexity of handovers Within settings (e.g., hospital ER to inpatient) Between settings (e.g., home to hospital) Continuity of healthcare providers has decreased
Step 2: EPA Functions Information provider: Information Receiver
Communicate bi-directionally with patients, families and other caregivers re: plans and expectations across the transition Navigate the information system (avoid errors of omission) Communicate situation awareness, illness severity, action planning and contingency planning to other health care providers Information Receiver Elicit clarifying information Provide feedback to the information provider on any errors of omission or inaccurate information transmitted
Step 3: Judicious Mapping to Competency Domains
X Patient Care Medical Knowledge X Practice-Based Learning and Improvement X Interpersonal & Communication Skills Professionalism Systems-Based Practice Personal & Professional Development
Step 4: Judicious Mapping to Competencies Within Domains
Patient Care Organize and prioritize responsibilities to provide patient care that is safe, effective and efficient Provide transfer of care that insures seamless transitions Interpersonal and Communication Skills Communicate effectively with physicians, other health professionals and health related agencies Maintain comprehensive, timely and legible medical record Practice-based Learning and Improvement Incorporate formative evaluation feedback into daily practice Use information technology to optimize learning and care delivery Note the importance of Judicious mapping AND the need to map across all competencies in the aggregate. Note the current struggle with this concept-are some competencies not amenable to assessment through an EPA framework?
C2 DOC C3 C1 DOC EPA C4 C2 DOC C5 M1 Mx M1 Mx M1 Mx M1 Mx M1 Mx M1 Mx
EPA: Entrustable Professional Activity DOC: Domain of Competence C: Competency M: Milestone M1 C5 Mx
Step 4A: Painting Pictures of Learners to Inform Assessment
Use table columns to construct expected behaviors of learners at different levels
EPA: Facilitate Handovers Milestone Series for a Given Competency
Domains & Competencies Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 …etc PC Organize and prioritize Provide transfer of care Novice behaviors Advanced beginner Competent behaviors ICS - Communicate with physicians, other health professionals and agencies -Maintain medical records PBLI -Incorporate feedback into practice -Use IT to optimize care So if you judiciously map EPAs to domains of competence, competencies and milestones you can create a matrix in which you list the competencies in the left hand column and the series of milestones attached to that competency in the adjacent row. And then just like we do with the Denver Developmental Screening Test we can drop a perpendicular down one of the Milestone levels and get a snapshot of all the behavioral descriptors of a learner engaged in that professional activity at that performance level. We are then rolling those descriptors into clinical vignettes for each performance level and are testing them as assessment tools. There has been some work in this area that has been promising so we are hopeful… The key word here is JUDICIOUS! Effective, efficient and meaningful assessment needs to drive the mapping process. What competencies are critical to making an entrustment decision? Remember we have 19 EPAs. We want to ensure that somewhere in the maps of the 19 all of the 51 competencies are covered. Not every competency needs or should be assessed in every professional activity. It doesn’t make sense to do this. Is it messy? YES Is it meaningful? YES It is clearly better to sit with a learner and review a vignette and what behaviors match theirs and what behaviors they need to work on and improve that it is to give someone a “meets expectations” or a 3 on a 5 point Likert scale!
M1 Mx M1 Narrative description of an early (novice) learner Mx M1 Mx M1 Mx Narrative description of a learner at “x” level M1 Mx M1 Mx
Step 4B: Creating Vignettes from the Expected Behaviors
Use expected behaviors to develop vignettes that could be used for faculty development and vignette matching Ideal state: Create video scripts and videos from the vignettes
Step 5: Develop Curriculum
List specific knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed Decide the how, when, why and who for teaching and assessing the EPA in your program
Step 6: Entrustment decisions
Who will make the entrustment decision Individual? Group? Learner Input? On what basis Required Assessments? Contexts? How many observations?
Small Group Exercise Vignette Ranking
Read the five vignettes individually and rank them from lowest (level 1) to highest (level 5) of performance Discuss at your tables and come up with consensus ranking Decide as a group which level would equate with an entrustment decision Large group ranking and entrustment discussion
Individual and Small Group Exercise: Video Vignette Matching
Watch the first video and match the learner providing the handover communication to one of the five vignettes Discuss at your table and come to a consensus on which vignette matches the video What feedback would you give to the learners to help move them to the next level of performance? Large group report out
EPAs across the continuum
UME UME GME Practice
Entry into Clerkship EPAs (UCSF)
1) Gather information from a medically stable patient with a common chief complaint 2) Integrate information gathered about the patient to construct a reasoned and prioritized differential diagnosis and preliminary plan for common chief complaints 3) Communicate information relevant to patient’s care with other members of the health care team 4) Share information about the patient’s care, including diagnosis and management plan, with a patient in no significant physical or emotional distress 5) Provide the health care team with resources to improve an individual patient’s care or collective patient care
Core EPAs for Entering Residency
Gather a history and perform a physical examination Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests Enter and discuss orders/prescriptions Document a clinical encounter in the patient record Provide an oral presentation of a clinical encounter Form clinical questions and retrieve evidence to advance patient care
Core EPAs for Entering Residency
Give or receive a patient handover to transition care responsibility Collaborate as a member of an interprofessional team Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care, and initiate evaluation and management Obtain informed consent for tests and/or procedures Perform general procedures of a physician Identify system failures and contribute to a culture of safety and improvement
List of General Pediatrics EPAs
1. Provide consultation to other health care providers caring for children 2. Provide recommended pediatric health screening 3. Care for the well newborn 4. Manage patients with acute, common diagnoses in an ambulatory, emergency, or inpatient setting. 5. Provide a medical home for well children of all ages. (Entrustment decisions for this EPA may require stratification by age group) 6. Provide a medical home for patients with complex, chronic, or special health care needs. (Entrustment decisions for this EPA may require stratification by age group)
List of General Pediatrics EPAs
Recognize, provide initial management and refer patients presenting with surgical problems Facilitate the transition from pediatric to adult health care Assess and manage patients with common behavior/mental health problems. Resuscitate, initiate stabilization of the patient and then triage to align care with severity of illness (Entrustment decisions for this EPA may require stratification by two age groups: neonate and non-neonate). Manage information from a variety of sources for both learning and application to patient care
List of General Pediatrics EPAs
12. Refer patients who require consultation Contribute to the fiscally sound and ethical management of a practice (e.g. through billing, scheduling, coding, and record keeping practices) Apply public health principles and quality improvement methods to improve care and safety for populations, communities, and systems Lead an interprofessional health care team Facilitate handovers to another healthcare provider either within or across settings Demonstrate competence in performing the common procedures of the general pediatrician
Beyond Residency: EPAs for Subspecialties
EPAs across the continuum
Entering Clerkship EPA: Communicate information relevant to patient’s care with other members of the health care team Core EPA for Entering Residency: Give or receive a patient handover to transition care responsibility Pediatric and Subspecialty EPA: Facilitate handovers to another healthcare provider either within or across settings
EPAs Across the Continuum
Entering Clerkship EPA: Integrate information … to construct a reasoned and prioritized differential diagnosis and preliminary plan Core EPA for Entering Residency: Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests Enter and discuss orders/prescriptions Pediatric EPAs Manage patients with acute, common diagnoses in an ambulatory, emergency, or inpatient setting Subspecialty EPAs Manage patients with acute endocrine disorders in ambulatory, emergency or inpatient settings
Milestones + EPAs Both Are Critical for Assessment
Competencies & Milestones: A Granular Approach (Telephoto) Assess a level of performance (milestone) for a specific learner ability (competency) Provide the substrate for diagnosis for learners with difficulty EPAs: A Holistic Approach (Panoramic) Integrate competencies within a clinical context Assess clusters of behaviors required to carry out a professional activity Map to competencies & milestones - vignette matching So the bottom line is that Milestoens and EPAs are both critical for assessment.
Summary: Why EPAs? Make sense to faculty, trainees and the public
Make assessment more practical by clustering competencies and their milestones into meaningful professional activities Add meaning to assessment by focusing on integration of competencies in the context of care delivery Add “trust” to the assessment conversations Align what we assess with what we do
Objectives Develop a working knowledge of EPAs and their relationship to competencies and milestones Apply that working knowledge to a specific example of a handover communication EPA Make the connections between EPAs across the Education and Training Continuum
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