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+ Idaho Professional Technical Educations Idaho Core Coaches Region III and V.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Idaho Professional Technical Educations Idaho Core Coaches Region III and V."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Idaho Professional Technical Educations Idaho Core Coaches Region III and V

2 + Who we are and what we do Ann Stevenson Idaho Core Coach Region V Chris Butts Idaho Core Coach Region III Photo by Marie Hale

3 + Parking Lot & Strategies Anchor Chart Photo by HoboMattHoboMatt Please place any questions that you would like Ann & Chris to answer, or research in the Parking Lot.

4 + Essential Question How can understanding of the Idaho Core Standards support effective Professional Technical instruction?

5 + Guiding Question How do the anchor standards “fit” into Professional Technical Education?

6 + Idaho Core Continuum Please write your initials on a Post-It note, and put it where you feel you are on this continuum No idea about Idaho Core/ Common Core I strategically use a variety of standards in all of my lessons.

7 + Anchor Standards Backwards Plan Broad standards for what students should understand and be able to do by high school graduation

8 + List /Sort/ Label The Anchor Standards are essentially a LIST They are cut into individual standards so your table can…. SORT standards into groups Must have two (2) to make a category, but may not have more than five (5). LABEL the groups Write your label on a Post- It Note

9 + Sample list, sort, label Critical of Sources Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess, the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence

10 + Pair, Share, Compare Look at the other List, Sort, Label at your table. Wander to a different table. Discuss how and why you created different/similar groups.

11 + Return to your Table Any surprises? Notice any patterns? How do the standards prepare student for life after school? Connections to your PTE classroom?

12 + Compare/Contrast Find each set of Anchor Standards in your Common Core Standards book: Reading (p. 60) Writing (p. 63) Language (p. 51) Speaking & Listening (p. 48) Tab them with Post-It’s Compare your groups to the Anchor Standards. Refer to your See/Think/Wonder

13 + 3-2-1 Write: 3 Connections to Professional Technical Education 2 Lingering Questions (on Post-Its) 1 Strategy you want to use in your classroom. Share your Strategy with someone in the room you haven’t partnered with yet Place Questions on Parking Lot

14 + Review Parking Lot & Strategies Anchor Chart Photo by HoboMattHoboMatt

15 + Revisit Idaho Core Continuum Please place your SECOND Post-It note where you feel you are on this continuum – This time write what you learned that led to you moving your Post-It

16 + Thank you

17 + A Picture Says a Thousand Words Find, draw, or photograph an image that captures how the standards fit together. We encourage connections to PTE Send picture to if you want to share Walk to other tables to see what they created

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