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Synthetic Teammates for Realtime Anywhere Training & Assessment POC: Dr. Benjamin Bell, CHI Systems 215.542.1400

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Presentation on theme: "Synthetic Teammates for Realtime Anywhere Training & Assessment POC: Dr. Benjamin Bell, CHI Systems 215.542.1400"— Presentation transcript:

1 Synthetic Teammates for Realtime Anywhere Training & Assessment POC: Dr. Benjamin Bell, CHI Systems 215.542.1400

2 2 STRATA: Serving the CAS Warfighter  With fully deployable CAS training…  For pilots, with synthetic FACs to control the mission  For JTACs and FACs, with synthetic aircrews to verbally control  For teams of pilots and JTACS  With on-demand practice of  Individual skills  Team skills  With better combat readiness and skill retention  With alternatives to large-footprint dedicated trainers  PC-based low-footprint technology: small, cheaper, more agile  Can migrate up to high-fidelity, fixed-base training devices  With tools to make training faster & less costly to build  Tools and methods to adapt STRATA to new missions and skills  Component re-usability, libraries, common tools

3 3 STRATA Architecture

4 4 Typical CAS Scenario Entities  F/A-18 Lead/Wingman  Forward Air Controller  Target  Enemy C2 Aircraft  Enemy Shelter  Targeting  Marking (Smoke)  FLIR + Laser Designator  Threats – SA-8


6 6 STRATA: Powered by Cognitive Models  CAS Training requires realistic, dynamic behaviors  Variable proficiencies/errors to train team backup and coordination  Verbal interaction a must  Need agents to perform task work & team work  Solution: iGEN® cognitive agent toolkit/runtime engine  Provide all necessary behaviors  Can think, reason, and react adaptively to user actions  Can interact verbally through spoken dialogue with user  Implemented models: FAC, DASC, F/A-18 Lead, Wing  Fully CAS-capable cognitive models  Prompts user if any required comms not made  Dynamic (not scripted) FAC directives (e.g., 9-line, time on target)  Surface-to-Air Missile detection & avoidance  Perception of RWR indications  Appropriate countermeasures and comms when “spiked”  Can conduct both GPB and LGB strikes

7 7 Aircrew User Example  Pilot logs in as Lead  STRATA executes flight sim  Synthetic pilot flies wing position  Synthetic FAC controls mission  User and FAC interact verbally

8 8 JTAC / FAC User  User logs in as JTAC  STRATA runs ground sim  Synthetic pilots fly air attack role  User controls CAS strike

9 9 Multiple Linked Pilot/JTAC Users

10 10 Summary: STRATA is…  A flexible, rapid-development environment  Deployable, on-demand CAS team training  With or without the instructor  With or without the team!  Training for aircrew, FAC, and JTAC  A decision-making and comms training system  Emphasizing skills most at risk of decay  Focusing on high cognitive fidelity  A guided practice tool for taskwork & teamwork  Taskwork: decision-making, adaptation to retasking  Teamwork: radio comms, coordination with air control agencies  Domain: Close Air Support (CAS)  Single and Multi-user distributed training

11 11 Contact Information Project Manager Dr. Benjamin Bell, CHI Systems 215.542.1400 DARPA Program Manager Dr. Ralph Chatham (703) 696-7501 For additional information, visit http://strata.chisystems.com

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