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Secretary General Report to the 19th FIA World Congress Marrakesh – 24-27 October 2008.

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1 Secretary General Report to the 19th FIA World Congress Marrakesh – 24-27 October 2008

2 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Introduction  The Secretary General Report is intended to give an overview of the work of the past four years since the Budapest Congress: How the goals set at the last Congress have been approached Progress made - work still needed This Presentation will  Offer an overview of some of the key areas of the report;  Provide some background for our reflection over the days ahead of us.

3 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Practical Issues  Staff and Division of Tasks Three full time staff members - based in London and Brussels Not easy to carry out the many tasks FIA has and meet the aspirations of the members  Finances Healthy overall but no place for complacency We will return to this discussion on Monday

4 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Communication and Membership  Membership: Has remained relatively stable, though with a slight downward fluctuation Important for FIA to continue to find ways to be relevant and offer a service to its members  Communication: New website, magazine, information on collective agreements Information flow from members to FIA also vitally important.

5 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Relationships with other Bodies  Sister Federations: together form the IAEA Internation Federation of Musicians (FIM) International Federation of technicians, directors etc UNI- MEI  Collecting Societies Regularly support the activities of FIA have facilitated many of its projects Occasional tensions - planned meeting with collecting societies in 2009

6 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Intergovernmental Organisations  The International Labour Organisation (ILO)  The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)  Council of Europe  Commonwealth Foundation and the Organisation Internationale pour la Francophonie (exploring new funding streams)

7 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Key themes of FIA’s work  Intellectual property WIPO and AV treaty Private Copying Extension of the Term of Copyright Protection Council of Europe and Broadcasters  Health and Safety FIA Guidelines  Cultural Diversity Working group did not materialise as matters moved very fast FIA participates in the Intergovernmental Committee meeting in Paris

8 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Additional Key Themes  Social Dialogue European committees - live performance and audiovisual  Equal Opportunities Ongoing gender portrayal project  Co-productions  Mobility and Status of the Artist  New Technologies - Wiki

9 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Cooperation and Development  Aim to help performers in developing countries to develop better collective organisation  Funding is key - FIA’s own resources do not cover this work  FIA was not successful in financing work in Africa and the former Soviet Union countries since the last Congress.

10 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Cooperation and Development  Latin America Series of regional workshops on yearly basis. Remain somewhat isolated events Need to redevelop the approach there to make working more effective  Asia Also a series of workshops - with a view to developing presence, visbility and membership Meetings successful but outcomes weak in terms of new members or greatly improved contact.

11 24 - 27th October 2008 FIA 19th World Congress Marrakesh Cooperation and development  Africa No funds for a regional meeting Twinning agreement ORUUANO Namibia and CAEA Canada  Eastern Europe and former Soviet States Significant EU funding to develop social dialogue in the new member states Lack of funding for CIS countries, but fact-finding mission carried out.

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