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MICE Presentation Quarter 1 Results (March, April, May) Beck Morley Destination Port Stephens PO Box 435 Nelson Bay NSW 2315

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Presentation on theme: "MICE Presentation Quarter 1 Results (March, April, May) Beck Morley Destination Port Stephens PO Box 435 Nelson Bay NSW 2315"— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE Presentation Quarter 1 Results (March, April, May) Beck Morley Destination Port Stephens PO Box 435 Nelson Bay NSW 2315 Email: Phone: 0401 720 120

2 Strengths PS offers some established MICE product PS offers some MICE knowledge & contacts Great diversity of “other” experiences outside meeting space (a room is a room) Prime position to capitalise on interstate / international MICE traffic through airport Higher yielding market with propensity to share economic benefits around PS Assists in offsetting seasonality Opportunities Strategic partnerships with Newcastle, Hunter Valley for funding, co-op events etc Inroads with technology development ie conference apps etc Regional conference bureau development SVCB closing 2013-2016 Corporate and social responsibility to staff and clients – promote team and health benefits (ethos fit with PS features) Threats Higher dollar Limited regional knowledge & promotion Strong competition overseas destinations New competitors and regions Consumer choice Technology (inhouse meetings ie webinars) Weaknesses Preconceived notion – PS only leisure? Outside core MICE group, members may find it hard to see benefit of market & group Competition – Newcastle and Hunter Valley both have established conference bureaux Reluctance to share knowledge / contacts Product development needed (large scale) Professional development needed / customer service for MICE needs improving SWOT ANALYSIS MICE PLAN


4 1. Membership 2. Enquiries and Conversion 3. Database Build and Reach 4. Client Relations Sales Overview MICE PLAN Sales Actions

5 MICE PLAN Sales Results 1. MEMBERSHIP Industry buy in and support has been strong since launch 1 st March, 2013 7 x Tier 1 members 14 x Tier 2 members 3 x sponsors including Newcastle Airport, Port Stephens Coaches and HBC Latest “new” members include The Retreat. (Vues, Oceanview, Jet Ski Hire)

6 MICE PLAN Sales Results 2. ENQUIRIES AND CONVERSION Business Leads (warm)– 11 enquiries valued at $1,561,679 (1597 delegates) Nothing confirmed as yet, 1 lost business (Hunternet – Crown Plaza, HV) Business Leads (cold)– 32 enquiries valued at $14 million (32,540 delegates) EAN Tradeshow – 58 leads for MICE PS members to follow up directly HBR Leads – 34 leads for MICE ps members to follow up directly

7 MICE PLAN Sales Results ENQUIRIES AND CONVERSION PLEASE NOTE:- Estimated total value – two studies. 1.Conference / multi day meetings with accommodation. This is calculated based on the guidelines from AACB. Set estimated value of $377 per domestic delegate. 2.BTR Meetings Make Their Mark – Average daily expenditure per delegate per part day value of $58 per domestic delegate.

8 MICE PLAN Sales Results 3. DATABASE INTEGRITY, BUILD AND REACH Database – 686 total and opportunities to build (qualify process) Existing 429 contacts (AIME 88, National Assembly 225, Mousetrap 116) EAN – total 140 – see chart reference HBR – total 117 – see chart reference Database sharing – Newcastle and Hunter Valley (7000 respectively) providing co-operative means to access their databases with intent to build ours Opportunities to build also through new memberships MEA, BES, HBC

9 MICE PLAN Sales Results EAN Statistics

10 MICE PLAN Sales Results EAN Statistics

11 MICE PLAN Sales Results HBR Statistics

12 MICE PLAN Sales Results HBR Statistics

13 MICE PLAN Sales Results 4. CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS Sales calls conducted in Sydney early June. Targeted PCOs including ICMS, Choice Conferencing, CC Conference and Events, CI Events Presentations / training conducted in May with Business Events Sydney Presentations / meetings conducted in June with Meetings Events Australia Site inspections; informal site inspection Rotary (April), formal site inspection Rotary (July), ARTN formal site inspection (July)

14 1. Collateral2. Website Statistics 3. Advertising 4. Electronic Database Management Marketing Overview MICE PLAN Marketing Actions

15 MICE PLAN Marketing Results 1. COLLATERAL Facilities Guide produced with small run of 250 to support shows Online flipbook produced and PDF sent as main sales tool Due to reprint if members want to change ads (June 30 th yes, there is cost) Itineraries developed and relaunched to marketplace: domestic (2 and 3 day options) as well as international (up to 14 different options) Sales kits developed as support collateral for client relation calls

16 MICE PLAN Marketing Results 2. WEBSITE STATISTICS Website stats March, April, May Priority to redevelop MICE page – website revamp urgent

17 MICE PLAN Marketing Results WEBSITE STATISTICS – March, April

18 MICE PLAN Marketing Results WEBSITE STATISTICS – April, May

19 MICE PLAN Marketing Results BITLY LINKS

20 MICE PLAN Marketing Results 3. ADVERTISING Advertising : CIM magazine Advertising: Hunter Business Review negotiated full page for Tier 1 members to promote Winter specials. New opportunities for co-operative advertising features through The Nibbler, but will not be offered until rebrand launched and media sites have taken place. We have a platform at ABEE, Sydney in August.

21 MICE PLAN Marketing Results 4. ELECTRONIC DATABASE MANAGEMENT E Newsletters main form of follow up for shows Executive Assistants Network – see chart next slide Hunter Business Review – see chart next slide Main merged database – sent information every quarter



24 1. Editorial2. Relationship with Media 3. MICE Media Famils4. Media Event PR / Media Overview MICE PLAN PR / Media Actions

25 MICE PLAN PR / Media Results 1. EDITORIAL Dedicated stories from media releases valued approx. $10,000 Dedicated stories in key MICE publications and online sites including eGlobal, BEN, The Nibbler,, Travel Daily News, CIM and Hunter Business Review. Dedicated stories created in first quarter– 4 in total – who we are, what we do, new itineraries, new products (Blue Water Sailing and Shaol Bay Resort & Spa) and AITO conference (which we ‘borrowed’) Focus for this quarter:- new members, new products, MICE branding, what we are achieving as a group (ie when confirmed business comes in and sites)


27 MICE PLAN PR / Media Results 2. MEDIA RELATIONSHIPS Database building & making efforts to cement better relationships with editors and journalists of larger scale MICE publications for featured editoiral including, CIM, BTN, Spice etc New template for stories developed by Siobhan and Janelle – pls use it!

28 MICE PLAN PR / Media Results 3. MEDIA FAMIL Secured upcoming MICE famils including Spice Editor (Gwen O’Toole) Andrew Mevissen supporting our efforts and getting us more reach for MICE so please send through messages etc Taking advantage of Australian Business Events Expo – presentation to Top 5 MICE publications at the event (13-14 th August 2013)

29 MICE PLAN PR / Media Results 4. MEDIA EVENT Possibility of looking at event in Sydney to present stories to MICE media The joint regional approach for next year’s MICE promotion with Hunter Valley and Newcastle includes roadshows to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and includes dedicated media functions – the opportunity for you to meet directly!

30 1. Infrastructure 2. Industry Collaboration 3. Launch of new facilities and products 4. Regional Collaboration Product Overview MICE PLAN Product Actions

31 MICE PLAN Product Result 1. INFRASTRUCTURE DMP process acknowledges and identifies MICE as key market This group has identified gaps for ongoing success to attract MICE market into Port Stephens through provision of better infrastructure New Birubi Resort gaining interest off preliminary media coverage for larger scale events ie awards ceremony for 500 delegates August 2014.

32 MICE PLAN Product Result 2. INDUSTRY COLLABORATION – PACKAGING My Business is Your Business industry famil (May) Operators working together – packaging and onselling to the MICE market Rotary bid – demonstrates how we can work together to take on larger scale business enquiries which otherwise we would have declined

33 MICE PLAN Product Result 3. LAUNCH AND RELAUNCH Launch of new products > something new ie Blue Water Sailing restaurant transfers, Shoal Bay Resort & Spa cooking schools, The Anchorage “High Tea” launch, Horizons conference centre online, Tamboi Queen fishing adventure packages, Wests Diggers loyalty card system, Moonshadow Odessy Welcome to new members (typically outside MICE sphere) ie The Retreat Open dialogue with support services who supported the famil (Fordtronic, Opulent Events), professionals in their own right but add to MICE product offering as a destination. Helps operators and delegates.

34 MICE PLAN Product Result 4. REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP Working at all levels with Newcastle and Hunter Valley to ensure best value for PS MICE members ie Demand Building Funding for MICE promotion 2014 Combined product and promotion such as 3D Famil allows for intergrity with buyers and genuine interest for 3 areas; different products, different experiences Regional partnership is introducing Port Stephens to key stakeholders in the MICE spcae that we haven’t seen before ie Association of Australian Convention Bureaus. Can assist us with models of other regional areas, stimulate investment in MICE, research, stats etc

35 1. Better Knowledge and Insight 2. Professional Development 3. Exposure to key industry identities 4. Port Stephens Ambassadors People Overview MICE PLAN People Actions

36 MICE PLAN People Result 1. BETTER KNOWLEDGE AND INSIGHT Better knowledge after “Your Business is My Business” industry famil Better knowledge of logistics for delegates Information imparted onto delegates is accurate & consistent, more professional as a destination Fostering closer ties and referral opportunities amongst operators We now have understanding on our limitations and how to deal with them Cross promotion – no competition as such New people to area and some in positions that may have been typically leisure


38 MICE PLAN People Result 2. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Professional development – opportunity for accredited courses are available to members MEA membership entitles us to Professional Development seminars ie Sales Seduction Provision of webinars, e books etc that provide opportunity for education and excellence

39 MICE PLAN People Result 3. EXPOSURE Exposure to key industry identities through tradeshows and famils Decision makers – client relation apppointments that we wouldn’t otherwise have had because we are seeing them as a region (efficencies of scale) Builds confidence with our operators on theirs and others products & benefits Improved face to face exposure to MICE buyers – start talking the talk! Key stakeholders are coming to see Port Stephens for themselves ie MEA guest speaker appearance to be held in Quarter 2

40 MICE PLAN People Result 4. AMBASSADORS Port Stephens ambassadors – all singing from the same textbook (I don’t mean literally although some may argue from HBR show… dooby doo dooby doo!) There is a sense of pride – it is tangible and feels good! Difference between just promoting own product and overall Port Stephens My Business is Your Business Famil – got to experience, learn USPs, provide feedback to peers (formerly competitors) … preparation for 3D mega famil Overall satisfaction score 88% - improvement is necessary!


42 June, July, August 2013 What Next? Sales Calls – Brisbane, Sydney, Regional (HBC 27 th June) MEA professional development courses and speakers Qantas Corporate Travel Show – Brisbane 24 th July, 2013 2 x EDMs scheduled – please supply information MICE rebrand – watch this space, it’s UNCONVENTIONAL! ABEE Show – Sydney 13 th to14 th August, 2013 Site inspections and MICE media famils ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 11 22 33 44 55 66 77

43 FROM LITTLE THINGS, BIG THINGS GROW… WHAT CAN YOU DO TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MICE MEMBERSHIP? Join me for client relation calls in Sydney, Brisbane or around our Region (Tier 1 members) Turn quotes or requests around as quickly as possible and please remember to send me a copy! Reinforce our brand – use Facilities Guide to support your MICE quotes and information Provide media releases / information on anything new ie product, people, packages etc using the PR template Come as an exhibitor or visitor to Australian Business Events Expo held in Sydney on 13-14 August Provide feedback on how we can improve – research, other destinations, articles etc – we love it! Use Destination Port Stephens as referral system to help support other operators Send through high res images with captions so we can forward to MICE media in support of stories Think about meeting and/or hosting MICE buyers on 3D Famil that will take place 12-14 September

44 Questions? Thank You Beck Morley Destination Port Stephens PO Box 435 Nelson Bay NSW 2315 Email: Phone: 0401 720 120

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