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Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Connecting: Learning Teaching and Assessment Maximizing the Potential of WIDS Judy Neill Worldwide Instructional Design System.

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Presentation on theme: "Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Connecting: Learning Teaching and Assessment Maximizing the Potential of WIDS Judy Neill Worldwide Instructional Design System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Connecting: Learning Teaching and Assessment Maximizing the Potential of WIDS Judy Neill Worldwide Instructional Design System

2 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group We salute our Partners!

3 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group WIDS is wonderful!... but WIDS is not everything for everyone!

4 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group WIDS does offer something for everyone and everything for some. WIDS is wonderful!

5 Hi, I’ve brought you WIDS, and I’m here to help you! Hi, I’ve brought you WIDS, and I’m here to help you!

6 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Planned implementation and leadership are key to helping each member of your college community play a role that fits her/his needs, level of interest, and abilities.

7 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group WIDS is an enhanced ISD (Instructional Systems Design) model, process, and software tool built on proven research and best learning-centered practice. WIDS – tools for designing learning that works: –in the classroom –online –on-the-job –in the learning lab –in the field What is WIDS?

8 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group WIDS Software tools are inspired and used by frontline teachers, trainers, and designers to:  Analyze performance requirements  Design programs  Establish learning outcomes  Document standards  Build assessments  Plan learning


10 Software Tools Analogies Bridge Map- ThinkingMaps Learn more at

11 Double Bubble Map- ThinkingMaps Learn more at

12 Focus on Assessment

13  What do they need to be able to achieve?  Who are the learners?  How will I know when they’ve achieved it?  How will they get there? 3 of 4 are assessment questions WHO WHATWHENHOW

14 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Chart duties/tasks required for high performance  Verify duties/tasks Use WIDS DACUM Module to: Use WIDS to enhance assessment.

15 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Identify related DACUMS  Designate External Standards  Establish Exit Learning Outcomes Core Abilities General Education Outcomes (degree/program level) Program Outcomes (discipline specific) Use WIDS Program Module to:  Link DACUM, External Exit Learning Outcomes to Courses Use WIDS to enhance assessment.

16 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Use WIDS to enhance assessment.  Develop competencies  Designate performance standards  Link Exit Learning Outcomes, External Standards, Duties/Tasks to Competencies  Develop performance assessment tasks Scenarios Scoring Guides/Rubrics Use WIDS Learning Design Module to:

17 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Maximize the potential of WIDS to enhance assessment:  Create/maintain program outcome summaries for all new and existing programs.  Develop/maintain course outcome summaries for all courses.  Design performance assessment tasks for course level and beyond the course assessments.

18 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Use WIDS Analyzer to document how outcomes are linked with programs and courses.  Coordinate WIDS with an Assessment Management System.  Present WIDS documentation as a central feature in accreditation (NCA-HLC and professional/trade association. Maximize the potential of WIDS to enhance assessment:

19 WIDS Analyzer allows you to look at how outcomes are addressed within programs and across courses.

20 Focus on Learning

21 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Use WIDS to enhance learning. Use WIDS Learning Design Module to: Build Syllabi that include: Core Abilities Competencies Guidelines for successful learning Course information Schedule

22 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Use WIDS to enhance learning. Use WIDS Learning Design Module to:  Build Learning Plans that tell learners: WHY this is important WHAT they will learn to do HOW they will learn How they will show WHEN they have learned

23 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Design Learning Activities that: Support the learning cycle Incorporate multiple intelligences or learning styles Incorporate CATs (classroom assessment techniques) Use WIDS to enhance learning. Use WIDS Learning Design Module to:

24 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Clarify Assessment Activities.  Inventory and spec out supporting learning materials/objects. Use WIDS to enhance learning. Use WIDS Learning Design Module to:

25 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Layout Teaching Plans that: Describe teaching activities that support learning activities. List resources and supplies. Predict a learning timeframe. Give instructions for supporting online learning. Use WIDS to enhance teaching. Use WIDS Learning Design Module to:

26 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Distribute learning plans to learners at the beginning of the learning experience or at the learning point.  Make learning plans central to your online framework for learning.  Develop teaching plans that guide the teaching process. Maximize the potential of WIDS to enhance learning and teaching

27 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Establish learning plans as unique to individual teachers.  Encourage teachers to collaborate on and share learning plans.  Provide learning plans for adjunct faculty (with the understanding that they may adopt, adapt, or redevelop them).  Use WIDS Analyzer as a course design review and coaching tool. Maximize the potential of WIDS to enhance learning and teaching

28 WIDS Analyzer helps you analyze the completeness and quality of courses.

29 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Maximize the over-all potential of WIDS:  Make the WIDS model and process part of the way you do business.  Involve many – at a level that fits their needs.  Make current WIDS Software available to all learning leaders (faculty and administrative).  Establish a centralized file management system and protocol for WIDS files and documents.

30 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Create a dissemination system that gives all learning leaders (faculty and administrative) access to WIDS files and documents. [ex. CurriculumBank]  Provide robust internal WIDS professional development opportunities.  Ensure that WIDS coaches and trainers are current. Maximize the over-all potential of WIDS:

31 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group Designing and Assessing Learning WIDS Coach WIDS Trainer (available online) Help teachers and trainers build or enhance their skills in:  teaching  learning  instructional design Maximize the over-all potential of WIDS:

32 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group The Value of WIDS  Design skill-driven learning that yields performance results  Deploy sound, consistent learning design principles and processes that can be validated and replicated  Fulfill the promise of learning-centered thinking  Apply research and “best practices” such as:  Multiple intelligences  Learning styles  Learning cycle  Accelerated learning strategies  Standards-driven assessment WIDS helps educators:

33 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Build local buy-in and talent by combining internal expertise with the WIDS expertise  Use up-to-date software tools that help leverage instructional design investment :“plug and play” core curriculum :quickly revise to maintain cutting edge :adapt courses for alternative delivery—online, accelerated, CBT, TV  Realize top value for Instructional Design investment WIDS helps educators: The Value of WIDS

34 Minnesota WIDS Users’ Group  Provide the groundwork for documenting learning results  Build valid, reliable, and fair assessments  Assess learning outcomes at the application level  Use assessment as learning  Ensure continual improvement of teaching and learning WIDS lays the foundation for accountability by helping educators: The Value of WIDS

35 If you help each member of your college community find the right level of WIDS involvement, you can help them see WIDS as a tool, and change their view from this...

36 ... to this!

37 WIDS - tools to help me make my teaching mean more learning!...then this!

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