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TLTR September 12, 2014. Agenda 1.Introductions 2.Global Digital Classroom Update 3.Information Technology Projects for 2014-2015 4.Agenda setting for.

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Presentation on theme: "TLTR September 12, 2014. Agenda 1.Introductions 2.Global Digital Classroom Update 3.Information Technology Projects for 2014-2015 4.Agenda setting for."— Presentation transcript:

1 TLTR September 12, 2014

2 Agenda 1.Introductions 2.Global Digital Classroom Update 3.Information Technology Projects for 2014-2015 4.Agenda setting for TLTR 2014-2015

3 Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable Name Department School Why are you on the TLTR? Relevant experience and/or interest

4 Global Digital Classrooms Pilots, Spring 2014 Usability Processes Information: Show & Share: (access videos)

5 Information Technology Projects CLIMB Year 3 Information Security Web Initiatives: Refresh, Redesign, Redevelop Digital Infrastructure: target virtual environment

6 Virtual Environment Box for cloud storage and collaboration –Ubiquitous, mobile, access –Currently working on implementation Email/Calendar Collaboration/Suite –Discussion 2014/2015 Web and Phone Conferencing –Currently working on limited roll out of WebEx for administrative & curricular use

7 Updates to the Environment New wireless standards New classroom technology standards (analog sunset) Mobile Google Fiber?

8 LMS Task Force Jointly charged by Academic Affairs and OIT Explore new options in market Marketplace Leaders –Latest Blackboard –Canvas

9 Instructional Technology Programming Themes Twenty-First Century Learning Ecosystem Technologies to Support Student Research and Creative Work #100percentdigital Faculty-Staff Learning Community Pedagogical Innovation

10 TLTR Agenda Setting Reflect on pilots, identify gaps, make recommendations –Learning Ecosystem –iPads –Flipping the classroom –Learning spaces –Global learning –Virtual collaboration –What else?

11 Thank you St. Edward’s University Thank you. St. Edward’s University Thank you. St. Edward’s University Thank you. St. Edward’s University Thank you. St. Edward’s University

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