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Giving Back to the Community Using your skills to make the world a better place.

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1 Giving Back to the Community Using your skills to make the world a better place

2 Why? 1. If we all chip in, everything gets better. 2. We can help those less fortunate then us. 3. The Golden Rule. 4. Give ourselves the “Warm and Fuzzy”

3 How?  Memberships in Organizations  Help out with Projects  Teach and Present  Answer Questions  Donate Cash  Refurbish, Reuse, Recycle

4 Memberships  Local LUG’s  Religious Affiliations  Scouting Organizations – merit badge counselors  School and After School Clubs  Mailing Lists  Internet Based Organizations

5 Projects  SourceForge and others are always looking for people to help make freeware projects better. Programmers Programmers Testers Testers Especially Documenters! Especially Documenters!  often looks for technical help to match them with charities that need that help. (more on this later)

6 Teach and Present  Give presentations to share your knowledge and help educate others.  Teach courses at your local college or high school clubs. i.e. Hacker High School i.e. Hacker High School  Mentor younger users and teach them some of your experience. Even non-technical stuff! Even non-technical stuff!

7 Donate Cash  Don’t have the time? Money always helps! Donation-ware Donation-ware Organizations like Organizations like Even helping your local church pay for Computers for the Teen Center. Even helping your local church pay for Computers for the Teen Center.

8 Refurbish, Reuse, Recycle  Got an old PC? Refurbish it to use Linux. Then Donate it! Then Donate it!  Go to Conferences? Donate Swag to Donate Swag to  Old Games or Educational Software? Charities use these to help teach English Charities use these to help teach English

9 What? U hack Charities?  Founded by Johnny Long (Google Hacking for Pentesters) Founded by Johnny Long (Google Hacking for Pentesters) Helps various charites from Baltimore to Uganda! Helps various charites from Baltimore to Uganda! They have various Projects They have various Projects,0,1370556.story

10 Hackers for Charity Projects  Swag for Charity Conference totes make Great Book Bags for African School Children. Conference totes make Great Book Bags for African School Children.  Buy a Book and Feed a Child  Hackers for Charity Project Donate your expertise and volunteer! Donate your expertise and volunteer! CALUG Web Host ProjectCALUG Web Host Project

11 CALUG Webhost Project  Need: wants to provide web services to charities for little or no cost. wants to provide web services to charities for little or no cost.  Solution: CALUG will provide the services to install this system. CALUG will provide the services to install this system.  WE’RE LOOKING FOR HARDWARE? Got A Server? Got A Server?  Wanna help? Email me! Email me!

12 Other Ideas  Columbia Ubuntu Users Group Installfest helps to reuse PC’s Installfest helps to reuse PC’s See Chuck Frain for more info. See Chuck Frain for more info.  Would Anyone Else like to Share?


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