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Residual Service Life Prediction for Building Infrastructure Principal Investigator: Ashish Shah This presentation will probably involve audience discussion,

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1 Residual Service Life Prediction for Building Infrastructure Principal Investigator: Ashish Shah This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.

2 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Outline: How study emerged Background & challenges Residual service life prediction What is? Issues & needs Potential Proposed case-study Flowchart

3 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 From study on review of asset management practices of public building infrastructure, Australia wide and international Area needs improvement were identified through interviews and meetings with academics, industry professional and public works department personnel Background: Image from

4 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Typical Asset Life cycle: Compiled from: Asset Management Handbook(1996),© ANAO, Commonwealth of Australia Sustaining our assets (Dec, 2000), © Department of Treasury & Finance, Victoria Operation & Maintenance Optimise performance Maintenance program Asset Valuation Condition & usage Disposal Retirement Replacement Renewal Redeployment Acquisition Non Asset alternatives Risk Management Assets owned by Govt. Assets leased from private sectors Public/private partnership Planning Asset needs Review options Life cycle costing Cost/benefit Monitoring & Performance management Continuous monitoring Qualitative & quantitative assessments

5 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Current status of buildings: American infrastructure report card(2003,2001) rated “ School Buildings ” ‘ d- ’ which is below ‘ poor ’ Needs massive improvement State and health of stock of significant amount of Australian public buildings, not covered in Australian Infrastructure Report card (2001) No rating of public building infrastructure- possibly due to lack of data Large amount of ageing public buildings due to significant growth in building construction Opportunity to “ re-life ” compare to “ new build ” Increased commitment to sustainability suggests re-life

6 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Issues: Challenges for “ Re-life ” compare to “ new build ” : Usage of existing old buildings might have got changed Optimising the resources in managing these assets Respond effectively to possible asset failures Deal with aging of assets and asset renewal issues Substantial defects with varied repair requirements Development of residual service life prediction methodology for existing buildings Support to take up the challenge: CRC Construction Innovation, Queensland Department of Public Works, QUT, RMIT (Engineering and Business) and others as partners in a collaborative project

7 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Residual service life (RSL): Residual Service life of a building: (ISO 15686) “Period of time after installation during which a building or its parts meets or exceeds the performance requirements at a certain moment of consideration.” Building are complex facilities, The complexity in building systems and components is that, they have typical service life ranges, which rarely coincide with one another, yet these systems are expected to perform satisfactorily throughout the anticipated service life of the facility.

8 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Illustration: B: Prediction on performance based on range of repair options (Extensive to Minor)

9 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Components of RSL prediction: Present condition of asset Performance of the asset overtime Historical data Various options From minor repair to major refurbishment inclusive DO NOTHING option Pool of solutions with all possible options Choice model/Genetic algorithm Selecting near-optimum solution in conjunction with single/multiple criteria of the organization responsible for managing asset.

10 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Current research work Review of building condition assessment/survey methodologies Existing residual service life predictions for other infrastructure assets (eg Aerospace industry, bridges etc) One or more bldgs as case study

11 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Proposed case study Do condition audit Analyze the condition with building regulations or else, give ratings Rating of building, min perfomance requirement Identify a building

12 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Proposed case study Generate pool of solutions considering no, or minor to major repairs (Innovative materials and methods). Also list possible functional uses and its market valuation in future for each solution Ongoing Structural Health Monitoring (if required) Use genetic or fuzzy logic or other algorithm to find near optimum economic solutions Senior management to decide the best solution serving their strategic views

13 Research Development Unit, RMIT Business Shah, June 04 Potential Auditing of Building Assets Mandatory requirement as per Australian Accounting standard As an efficient input in valuations of their assets (old existing buildings) Technical Due Diligence (as a 3 rd party audit) For potential buyer of existing old building Best time to renovate/refurbish the old building  Eg Melbourne Central Evolution As an IT tool For public and private sector for better decision making for their aging infrastructure

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