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OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind Doing Gods Work Where Ever He Leads Us!

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Presentation on theme: "OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind Doing Gods Work Where Ever He Leads Us!"— Presentation transcript:

1 OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind Doing Gods Work Where Ever He Leads Us!

2 OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind Patty Sayer and Phyllis Robinson at the School Doing Gods Work Where Ever He Leads Us! Captain Edward and Jennifer Lyons with Patty Sayer Salvation Army School for the Blind Entrance Dwight Sayer Mission Team Leader

3 OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind The Salvation Army School for the Blind currently has 100 Residential students and 30 day students who require multiple levels of support and maintenance. This includes Food, clothing, books and study materials as well as The basics of life like towels, wash cloths, soap etc.

4 OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind Smiling Student Items replaced in the Kitchen Child enjoying the Ice Cream Social Dwight presenting the Talking Computer to the essay winner Happy Kitchen Staffer

5 OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind New Equipment For The Laundry Child at the Ice Cream Social Having a Wonderful Time! Refrigerator We Paid to Refurbish Another Happy Child After Jamaican Patties Linens We Got Donated

6 OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind Phyllis Robinson’s Children Posing 5600 Pounds of Rice We Purchased For The School That Will Last Until Feb 2013 New Washer We Purchased Captain Jennifer Lyons In the Kitchen New Freezer We Purchased

7 OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind Patty and Dwight Having Their First Cocanut Water Kitchen Items We Replaced That Were Destroyed In The Fire April 2011 Captain Picking Up A Donation We Arranged For From Wyndham Hotels The Smiles Make It All Worth It! More Ice Cream Social Pictures

8 OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind Available growing field for vegetables at the school Big smiles after the Ice Cream Social Tanks for the water Project that we provided financial resources for Furniture to refurbish In the skills class Food preparation area

9 OUR TEAM: Missionaries For Blind Children and The Salvation Army School for the Blind More kitchen shots My happy kids at the school Phyllis dishing out The Ice cream Playground area Patty dishing out The ice cream

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