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6-1 Lesson 6 | Practice RSA. Perform a practice-RSA of a design-stage or an in-service road. Analyze data acquired from site visit or design plans and.

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Presentation on theme: "6-1 Lesson 6 | Practice RSA. Perform a practice-RSA of a design-stage or an in-service road. Analyze data acquired from site visit or design plans and."— Presentation transcript:

1 6-1 Lesson 6 | Practice RSA

2 Perform a practice-RSA of a design-stage or an in-service road. Analyze data acquired from site visit or design plans and from other sources to identify safety issues, and develop a set of suggestions to address them. 6-2 Learning Outcomes

3 Assemble an RSA presentation. Present the results of the practice RSA to a project owner. Discuss possible findings and recommendations with project owner. 6-3 Learning Outcomes

4 Arrange transportation. Gather materials. Gather equipment. Take safety precautions (vest). Wear comfortable clothing. Designate a secretary and photographer. 6-4 (Site Visit Only) Practice RSA: Before Site Visit

5 Drive all approaches. Walk site. Observe traffic. Interview road users, enforcement, etc. Note positive safety features. Document with photos. Discuss observations. Think about GORE. 6-5 Practice RSA: During Site Visit

6 Observe and interview your road user (pedestrian, motorist, etc.) on site. Observe and note safety successes and issues for your road user. 6-6 (Site Visit Only) Practice RSA: During Site Visit Focus on your team’s road user perspective.

7 Review notes. Assemble photos. Analyze field data. Agree on safety successes. Identify safety issues, prioritize them, and suggest mitigation. Prepare findings presentation. 6-7 (Site Visit Only) Practice RSA: After Site Visit

8 Example Chambers Rd / State Route 22 Intersection Road Safety Audit Team 3 May 23, 2008 (Sample Presentation: Location)

9 Example Project Description Analyze the existing intersection of Chambers Rd and State Route 22 to identify potential safety improvements. Assessment Team Scott Parker – Traffic Engineer Jane Hearn – Maintenance Engineer Bob Hammond – Maintenance Engineer Mary Wood – Transportation Engineer Tony Bobbitt – Deputy Sheriff / Traffic Enforcement (Sample Presentation: Objective and RSA Team) Project Description and Team Members

10 (Sample Presentation: Optional Aerial Photo or Drawing)

11 Example Resources Information about the intersection was provided by the Bibb County Sheriffs office. Site Visits The assessment team conducted two on site visits: May 23, 2008 from 10:00 – 11:00 pm during light traffic Weather during the site visit was partly cloudy with dry pavement Assumed this visit was representative of abnormal traffic since the college was not in session (Sample Presentation: Information Sources and Visit Data) Resources and Site Visits

12 Example Intersection capacity appeared adquate Lane assignment signs clearly designated on Chambers Rd. Apparently well-lit intersection Free flow right turn lane for Chambers Rd. Left turn of west-bound SR22 was offset (Sample Presentation: Safety Success) Safety Successes

13 RISK CATEGORY A = Lowest priority F = Highest priority NegligibleLow Med High Frequent Occasional Rare Crash Frequency Crash Severity Rating Risk to Prioritize Safety Issues (Sample Presentation: Safety Issue and Suggestion)

14 EXPECTED FREQUENCYEXPECTED SEVERITYRISK RATING C FrequentModerate SUGGESTION: Place a dedicated signal head above the right turn lane for SR 22. Place “Chicken Tracks” separating the two left turn lanes from Chambers Dr onto West-bound SR22. OBSERVATION: Conflicting movements of Chambers Dr to 1-475 North-bound with the West-bound movement from SR22 to I-475 North. Example

15 (Sample Presentation: Safety Issue and Suggestion) EXPECTED FREQUENCYEXPECTED SEVERITYRISK RATING C FrequentModerate SUGGESTION: Refurbish lane markings and modify the northern most exit from “Circle K” to an exit only. OBSERVATION: Poor delineation of Chambers South-bound receiving lane and are non-existent. Example

16 (Sample Presentation: Safety Issue and Suggestion) EXPECTED FREQUENCYEXPECTED SEVERITYRISK RATING D FrequentModerate SUGGESTION: Reconfigure Chambers Rd to “Right In – Right Out” only operation. Provide ADA compliant pedestrian accommodations. OBSERVATION: The total configuration and geometry of the two intersections are too close together. Pedestrian facilities at the corners are not well-delineated. Example

17 Place dedicated signal head above right turn lane for west-bound SR-22. Place Chicken Tracks separating the two left turn lanes from Chambers to west-bound SR-22. Refurbish lane markings from east-bound SR-22 to south-bound Chambers Rd. Provide ADA compliant pedestrian accommodations for the entire intersection. Summary (Sample Presentation: Safety Issue and Suggestion)

18 Prospect Avenue / 18 th Street Intersection Helena, Montana Road Safety Audit April 30, 2014 (Sample Presentation: Location)

19 Project Description Analyze the existing intersection of Prospect Avenue and 18 th Street to identify potential safety improvements. Assessment Team: (Sample Presentation: Objective and RSA Team) Project Description and Team Members

20 Prospect Avenue and 18 th Street

21 Resources Information about the intersection was provided MDOT office. Site Visits The assessment team conducted site visits on: Resources and Site Visit

22 Safety Successes

23 RISK CATEGORY A = Lowest priority F = Highest priority NegligibleLow Med High Frequent Occasional Rare Crash Frequency Crash Severity Rating Risk to Prioritize Safety Issues (Sample Presentation: Safety Issue and Suggestion)

24 Summary

25 Perform a practice-RSA of a design-stage or an in-service road. Analyze data acquired from site visit or design plans and from other sources to identify safety issues, and develop a set of suggestions to address them. 6-18 Review: Learning Outcomes

26 Assemble an RSA presentation. Present the results of the practice RSA to a project owner. Discuss possible findings and recommendations with project owner. 6-19 Review: Learning Outcomes

27 Explain the benefits of RSAs. Identify the resources available for RSAs. 6-20 Review: RSA Course Objectives

28 Describe the steps in the RSA process. Define independent, multi-disciplinary team. Perform a simple RSA, as a member of an RSA team. Identify time, cost, and liability issues of RSAs. 6-21 Review: RSA Course Objectives

29 Learning Assessment and Course Evaluation 6-22

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