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Lesotho Public-Private Partnership
Financing a New National Referral Hospital for Results I am here today to talk about a PPP in Lesotho for financing a new national referral hospital and how the financing is linked to clearly defined performance indicators through the Government of Lesotho and private partners.
Topics What is PPP? Background of Lesotho Hospital PPP Why PPP
PPP Financing & Arrangements PPP for Results First, I want to make a general remark—PPP can be a specific way of RBF. Actually, with its explicit contractual arrangements on financing and results, PPP endorses the core principles of RBF and provide alternative and innovative thinking for health service delivery.
Definition of PPPs Public Private Partnership Public = Government
(national, district, municipal, local) Private = anything other than government (private company, NGO or other not-for-profit organization) Partnership = formal agreement between the parties for the private provision of public infrastructure and/or public services By its name, a PPP has three key elements. Private - old history of private operators (eg – Europe & water) - healthcare: many public hospitals in many diverse countries (US, Brazil, others) are operated by not-for-profit companies - newer in Africa: (eg utilities, health & education in post- conflict countries provided by NGOs, exploring ways to concession to private operators as new local businesses)
Definition of PPPs A contract between government institution & private party Private party performs a public function according to output specifications Substantial project risk (financial, technical, operational) is transferred to the private party Government becomes purchaser of services and/or enabler Payment received by private party – either: Fees from government budget User fees Some combination of government fees and user fees PPP has the following characteristics
Why embark on a PPP? Changing role for modern Governments
Old model: Govt plan, finances, and provides public services everything, New model: Focus on high level priorities Regulate, design & implement sector policies, quality standards Contract out for specific services and infrastructure Private sector expertise and resources provide efficient, effective public services and infrastructure PPP reflects the changing role for modern governments. New model is more advanced and challenging, with better chance at success than old model which all acknowledge doesn’t work well in most countries, regardless of income.
PPP as RBF: Performance-Based, Output-Driven Contracts
Transparent bidding/negotiations Objective ranking/selection criteria Criteria to evaluate compliance with output needs to be clearly defined Service-oriented “What” controlled by buyer (Government) “How” controlled by seller (private sector) Responsibility for performance is clear Allows the bidders to apply expertise and innovation to lower costs PPP can be one form of RBF mainly through performance-based, output-driven contracts. A clear regulatory environment as well as skilled contract monitoring is KEY for success
PPP Options BOT Service Contracts Service Contracts Contracts
Public Risk Private Service Contracts Service Contracts Service Contracts Mgt Contracts Rehab ROT BOT DBOM DBFO Non-Clinical IT equipment & services Billing Maintenance Food Laundry Cleaning Clinical Support Lab analysis Diagnostic tests Medical equipment maintenance Clin. Specialist Dialysis Oncology services Day surgery Other specialist services Varied Primary care Public health ART clinics Mgt of new, existing facilities Mgt of entire Hospital or Hospital / clinic network Varied Design and Rehabilitate Upgrade and Re-equip Management Operate (FM, support services, clinical) Detailed design and construction Medical equipment Capital financing Management Operate (FM, support svcs, clinical) Public-private partnerships can be beneficially used for: the funding, construction, equipping and/or operation of new facilities the upgrading, maintenance and operation of existing facilities There is a wide range of options for structuring PPPs for new facilities, with differing responsibilities for the public and private sectors pertaining to: Capital financing (building and equipment) Construction and procurement Ownership Provision of services
Hospital PPP PPP Models match needs by country:
Countries with primary need for infrastructure alone, have opted for the PFI model (UK, Canada, others) Countries with need for infrastructure, know-how and trained staff have opted for full PPP models and purchase specified services from their PPP Partners (Brazil, Australia, US and countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia) Projects include new and refurbished hospitals, clinical and support services, primary care, national insurance and contracting for other health services Lesotho hospital PPP will be the first of such in IDA countries Hospital PPPs have been used in several countries to match the need
Background With a population of 1.89 million (2006 Census), and a GDP per capita of US$960, Lesotho is a small and landlocked economy, completely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. Two great challenges hindering economic growth and poverty reduction: -A HIV/AIDS epidemic and a heavy disease burden HIV prevalence in the adult population estimated to be the third highest rate in the world. Life expectancy at birth in 2004 was estimated at years. For a total population of about 1.8 Million (Census 2006), 108,700 children are orphaned due to AIDS and 270,272 people are reported to be living with HIV and AIDS. There are an estimated 62 new HIV infections and 50 deaths from AIDS each day in the country. Poor health status and heavy disease burden, featuring fifth highest TB incidence; high maternal and child mortality and malnutrition. Lesotho is not on track to reach the health MDGs. Lesotho and Vatican are the only countries that are completely surrounded by another countries
Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
The only national referral hospital and important part of the health care system. The hospital, built in the early 1900s, is no longer fit to serve as the national referral hospital Major problems: collapsing structure, obsolete systems, limited service space and capacity, and overcrowding of patients. It even poses a real risk of cross-infection. Nonetheless, the hospital continues to consume a significant share of the national health budget, and its budget has tripled in the last five years. Minister’s story
The Need for a New Hospital
As part of the ongoing Health Sector Reform program, Government is replacing the Queen II hospital with a new referral hospital. Government’s objectives for the new hospital project include: A new public hospital with a higher level of service and quality; Maximizing the value for money spent – more services! Reliable services, affordable and predictable costs for the budget; Accountability for results Benefits from new hospital to all Basotho and throughout health sector. The New Hospital cannot solve all issues in the health sector, but it will help to address many of them.
Financing options Public only (the traditional way) Private only
Public-Private Partnership Financial simulation models were used to compare the three options
Why the PPP Model? Increased need for better services as expressed by both the public and government Private Sector can deliver the results Government and the public are seeking Government is increasingly focusing on accountability and results Government intends the New Hospital PPP Project to provide - -Modern approaches to health management, clinical procedures, medical equipment -Training for the health sector -Predictable expenditure – to stay within Government’s Unitary Payment The PPP option was chosen for the following reasons
Decision Government began considering PPP options in late 2004; in late 2005 it requested the IDA and IFC to review the strategic options for a New Hospital PPP, to prepare for rapid implementation In September 2006, Cabinet approved moving to market with the New Hospital PPP as a Design-Build-Finance-Operate project for a 390 bed hospital to be constructed on a greenfield site The contract is anticipated to be for 18 years, during which the PPP Partner will initially refurbish and operate the filter clinics while constructing the new hospital, then fully manage and operate the clinics and hospital Government has considered many approaches to hospital replacement over past decade, from Government commissioning and management, to private management, to PPPs Boston University Study (2002) provided comprehensive analysis of replacement hospital needs. Its recommendations included that Government strongly consider private management of the new public hospital
PPP at Work: New Hospital
Private Operator Ministry of Health PPP Agreement $ New Hospital $ Detailed designs Capital financing Construction Medical supplies & equipment Clinical services Maintenance Non-clinical services Staffing and Training Sector Policies and Strategy Service Package Reimbursement for all clinical and non-clinical services Performance monitoring Joint Services Committee
Lesotho: New Referral Hospital PPP
The Project Greenfield public hospital of 390 beds + 35 private beds Refurbishment, upgrade and operation of 3 large filter clinics Design, construction, partial finance, full operation for 18 years – significant risk transfer to the private sector Operational services include: Non-clinical services - administration, building & facilities management, IT, etc. Clinical Support Services - biomedical engineering, labs &pharmacy, imaging, etc. Clinical Services - Tertiary hospital, with fewer referrals to South Africa Private wing
Guiding Principles New Public Hospital serves two equally important functions: High quality services for all Basotho Training resource for health sector Balance what is needed with what is affordable Suitability, durability, ease of maintenance and minimum life-time cost for the building and equipment Maximum value for money spent on this project Business model—bid for quality and quantity of services; not just the least cost
World Bank Contributions
Strong sector and country support, e.g., Health Sector Reform Program Phase II World Bank has approved a GPOBA grant of $6.25m / M43.75m to “top up” the budget for the first 5 years of the PPP project, allowing additional patients to be seen for most needed services IFC is providing TA to the PPP IDA agreed to provide a PRG to mitigate the risks associated with the PPP and to attract bidders
Services offered: Queen II v New Hospital PPP
Queen II Today New Hospital 387 Notional Beds 220 Functional Beds 390 Beds 390 Functional Beds Surgeries p.a. 1,000 - General (emergency/basic) 1,500 - Opthalmology 100 - ENT 2,600 Total General Surgeries p.a. 5,000 - General (emergency, basic & complex) 4,000 - Opthalmology 500 - ENT 10,000 Total 0 ICU beds 10 ICU beds 0 Recovery beds 10 Recovery beds 22,000 Dental patients p.a. 63,000 Dental patients p.a. Radiology services p.a. Unknown and low reliability Staff understaffed serious retention issues 20,700 Total (basic & complex services) Staff Overall 20% increase in staff numbers ~79% salary increase, improved benefits working conditions & extensive training Heat / Hot Water None Power Unreliable Equipment Unavailable Maintenance Very little, No budget Heat / Hot Water Full Availability Power Full Availability Equipment Full Availability Maintenance Fully Included 23,448 Inpatients basic level services 212,680 Outpatients basic level services 30,249 Inpatients high level of services 265,850 Outpatients basic & high tech Comparing the specification of the new and current hospitals, the new hospital will be a step up.
Design of New Hospital
Financing New Referral Hospital PPP
Estimated cost – US$ 68m Govt capital contribution ($46m) Private sector capital contribution Partial Risk Guarantee (World Bank) attractive to bidders GPOBA: output based grant for service delivery ($6.25m) Co-pay per patient does not change (~$1.25 per patient) Unitary Payment Guarantees service to 20,000 inpatients & 310,000 outpatients per annum Escalated only by CPI – ensuring budget certainty for Government Local Economic Empowerment Strong contractual commitment - 20% at project start, 30% by year 12
Lesotho New Referral Hospital PPP
Goal: Maximize value for money – better quality and more services for similar budget Bidders provided with Set annual operating budget (“Service Payment”) List of services (required & optional) to be provided at the new hospital Set quality parameters for services and minimum patients to be seen p.a. Bidders required to specify the volume of each service to be provided from list, within the specified budget and quality standards PPP Agreement allows for changes in the service mix, to meet future needs, changes in demographics and disease profiles Operator required to gain and maintain hospital accreditation Under the PPP
PPP for Results Operator must manage services within set budget, adjusted for inflation Hospital building required to have minimum 50 year lifespan PPP Agreement includes equipment replacement schedules, maintenance and servicing levels to manufacturers standards Equipment replacement schedule means that at handover, Government receives equipment in good operational condition Staff may choose to transfer to Operator or be reassigned by Govt New hospital must attend all patients who present New hospital required to provide practical and ongoing professional training opportunities for health professionals throughout the country (medical and nursing students, district hospitals, clinics) Operator committed to attracting and retaining health professionals – key constraint for Government Results are clearly defined. In addition to the service package,
How will the New Hospital Affect the Health Sector?
Higher level of medical services at New Hospital – fully functioning hospital with required staff, training and equipment Greater access to services – more patients can be seen, and at higher level of service & quality Better referral resource for district hospitals New Hospital will serve as a training resource for the health sector, complementing existing programmes – this is a contractual obligation – students from NHTC will have placements, District hospital staff will also have training rotations Fewer referrals expected to South Africa over time Fits in Government’s affordability envelope – similar budget, on net basis, to existing hospital, rising only for inflation
Accountability for Results
IFC Baseline Survey – measured services and quality today Contractual Performance Indicators (clinical and support svcs) Ramp up from current baseline to targets (equipment availability, charts, etc) Indicators based on review of Government’s health targets (e.g., MCH MDG) and international best practices for quality of service Failure to meet performance indicators invokes penalties (up to 10% of UP p.a.) Performance Monitoring – 5 levels Independent Monitor – quarterly assessment against performance indicators Operator’s internal monitoring Government monitoring Joint Services Committee COHSASA Accreditation
QEII Replacement Hospital PPP - Preparation Phase
Due Diligence Identify PSP Objectives Legal/Regulatory Review Assess PSP Options Financial Modeling Asses Investor Interest Transaction Structure Phase I Preparation The financial simulations and forecasts are the central ingredient in setting up the public/private partnership. Virtually every decision taken by the client, and every potential piece of advice from the consultants, has a financial implication, whether it is a basic objective (the target date for achievement of universal coverage), a technical contractual performance obligation (the level of voltage power is to be delivered at) or an environmental requirement. (A "do-able" transaction must be financially acceptable to the private sector partner, and all decisions and recommendations must be balanced within this constraint. For this reason, IFC invariably takes responsibility for the financial advice associated with the transaction, including the modeling of the financial forecasts, and the analysis of restructuring possibilities. We always use in-house skills for this process. IFC also takes charge of the implementation for the client, ensuring that the process remains on track: (i) developing a marketing strategy, undertaking the promotion work, preparing an information memorandum, (ii) preparing and overseeing the process of prequalification, (iii) preparing contractual and bidding documents with the transaction lawyers, (iv) establishing due diligence procedures and overseeing the process, (v) assisting the client during contract negotiations, (vi) assisting with bid evaluation, bid award and financial closure.
Hospital PPP - Implementation Phase
QEII Replacement Hospital PPP - Implementation Phase Implementation will begin in with the marketing program and Investors Conference, and will be completed with bid evaluation, bid award and closure later this year. Information Memorandum Pre- qualification Bidder Due Diligence Draft Bidding Documents Final Bidding Closing Phase II Implementation The financial simulations and forecasts are the central ingredient in setting up the public/private partnership. Virtually every decision taken by the client, and every potential piece of advice from the consultants, has a financial implication, whether it is a basic objective (the target date for achievement of universal coverage), a technical contractual performance obligation (the level of voltage power is to be delivered at) or an environmental requirement. (A "do-able" transaction must be financially acceptable to the private sector partner, and all decisions and recommendations must be balanced within this constraint. For this reason, IFC invariably takes responsibility for the financial advice associated with the transaction, including the modeling of the financial forecasts, and the analysis of restructuring possibilities. We always use in-house skills for this process. IFC also takes charge of the implementation for the client, ensuring that the process remains on track: (i) developing a marketing strategy, undertaking the promotion work, preparing an information memorandum, (ii) preparing and overseeing the process of prequalification, (iii) preparing contractual and bidding documents with the transaction lawyers, (iv) establishing due diligence procedures and overseeing the process, (v) assisting the client during contract negotiations, (vi) assisting with bid evaluation, bid award and financial closure.
Ongoing Process Bidding process was completed and private operators have been selected PPP arrangement signing is scheduled for October 2008 Financial closing by the end of 2008 Construction will start in January 2009 The new hospital is expected to be operational in 2011
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