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Calgary Community Network Association To insert your company logo on this slide From the Insert Menu Select “Picture” Locate your logo file Click OK To.

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Presentation on theme: "Calgary Community Network Association To insert your company logo on this slide From the Insert Menu Select “Picture” Locate your logo file Click OK To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calgary Community Network Association To insert your company logo on this slide From the Insert Menu Select “Picture” Locate your logo file Click OK To resize the logo Click anywhere inside the logo. The boxes that appear outside the logo are known as “resize handles.” Use these to resize the object. If you hold down the shift key before using the resize handles, you will maintain the proportions of the object you wish to resize.

2 Who Are We? ƒ The Calgary Community Network Association is a Non-Profit, Charitable Organization. ƒ Provide access to the use and understanding of information technology to non-profit organizations and those in the general public without the resources to do so.

3 Membership ƒ ƒ CCNA fee is $10.00 per year. ƒ ƒ Fee can be waived. ƒ Currently over 1200 registered users. ƒ ƒ Option to upgrade to more hours per day...

4 Full Membership Privileges ƒ Eligibility to create and manage your own Home Page. ƒ Discounts on services provided by the Association. ƒ Voting privileges at meetings. ƒ Eligibility to sit for the Board of Directors.

5 Barrier Project ƒ Our newest program. ƒ We solicit used computers from organizations, refurbish them, and loan them to families with school aged children who need them for school. ƒ Full support in the home and computer lab is provided. ƒ We have the funding and are now putting the program into place.

6 Public Access Terminals ƒ Currently have seven sites with an average of four computers per site. ƒ Set up and maintain equipment. ƒ Train volunteers. ƒ Wheel Chair access at most sites. ƒ Working towards more multicultural instruction Centres.

7 Education ƒ Currently operating four minimal cost courses for: –New Users –Beginners (no computer skills) –Intermediate (computer skills, but no knowledge of the Internet) ƒ Operate three classes per month for seniors at no charge.

8 Collaborations ƒ Various non-profit organizations. ƒ Urban Cap Project. ƒ VolNet Project. –We lend our expertise to these groups and assist with training.

9 Sponsors and Supporters ƒ Calgary ƒ Calgary Public Library Community Lottery Board Foundation ƒ Hasmarc ƒ Hasmarc Networking ƒ IBM ƒ IBM Canada ƒ Kanahoff ƒ Kanahoff Foundation ƒ Max ƒ Max Bell Foundation ƒ TELUS

10 CCNA is volunteer led, not grant fed..... ƒ Fund ƒ Fund Raising Committee ƒ Information ƒ Information Providers Committee ƒ Volunteer ƒ Volunteer Coordinating Committee ƒ HTML ƒ HTML Committee ƒ Help ƒ Help Desk Committee ƒ Technical ƒ Technical Committee ƒ Education ƒ Education (Courses) Committee ƒ Newsletter ƒ Newsletter Committee ƒ Public ƒ Public Access Terminal (PATs) Committee

11 Presentation Information ƒ Created for: Calgary Community Network Association ƒ Created by: Greg Sherwood –Volunteer for CCNA

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