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Albright College CROSSING BOUNDARIES The College’s Comprehensive Campaign Advancement Office Presentation September 20, 2008 Karen M. Fitzgerald, Advancement.

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Presentation on theme: "Albright College CROSSING BOUNDARIES The College’s Comprehensive Campaign Advancement Office Presentation September 20, 2008 Karen M. Fitzgerald, Advancement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Albright College CROSSING BOUNDARIES The College’s Comprehensive Campaign Advancement Office Presentation September 20, 2008 Karen M. Fitzgerald, Advancement Consultant

2 The Advancement Team Alumni Relations – Reunions, events, alumni programming, Lion Diplomats, special events, Alumni Association Board Development – The Fund for Albright, Major and Planned Gifts, Corporate/Foundations, Research, Prospect Management and Stewardship and Advancement Information Services College Relations – The Reporter, design, web, marketing and public relations

3 CROSSING BOUNDARIES The Campaign for Albright College

4 CROSSING BOUNDARIES Campaign Comprehensive Campaign = Annual Fund + Endowment + Capital Projects. 5-7 year timeframe – June 2002 – May 2008. The quiet phase and the public phase. A campaign that aligns with the College’s strategic priorities as determined by the Board of Trustees and Administration.

5 The Capital Campaign Component The Science Center – the keystone. The Schumo Center for Fitness and Well Being – a bit of a surprise. Other viable projects – need the full gift amount to accomplish.

6 Endowment Endowments – scholarships, endowed funds, endowed awards and prizes, and the overall general endowment. The role of planned giving in building endowment.

7 Boundaries Crossed 6/1/02 – 5/31/08 Endowment -$13,328,656 Capital - $19,002,037 (Science Hall and Schumo primarily ) The Fund for Albright - $ 8,366,725 CAMPAIGN TOTAL$43,040,283


9 Annual Fund 101 What is it? - Current-use, operating budget relief for the College. Monies are used in the year they are given. Who do we solicit? – Alumni, parents, corporations, foundations, businesses, and friends (includes employees) of the College.

10 Annual Fund 101 (Continued) What does The Fund for Albright support? – Not the Buildings! – Examples: Library resources, Financial Aid, Salaries, Athletics, Student Organizations Gifts may be: – Unrestricted – where needed most! – Restricted – to a specific area

11 Annual Fund 101 (Continued) Objectives: – To increase financial support for budget. – To increase the alumni participation rate (% of alumni who donate to Albright). FY0809 Annual Fund Goal = $1.2 million with a 24% alumni participation rate Various programs/marketing Personal Visits

12 The Fund for Albright Programs

13 Student Phonathon What is it? Runs during Fall and Spring semesters. – Receive pledges/gifts annually of more than $380,000 for The Fund Helps to raise awareness and support Keep the Albright community informed about college news and needs


15 Young Alumni Graduates of last 10 years (1999-2008) Giving Society = President’s Council Status – $100 for every year since graduation Class of 2008 = $100 Class of 2007 = $200 Class of 2006 = $300

16 Senior class gift program. Refurbish walkways around campus. Starting with the Pond. Those who donate $100 receive their names on a large paver. Senior Walkway Legacy

17 Senior Walkway Legacy (Continued) Class of 2007 33% participation Pledged $7,931 Class of 2008 34% participation Pledged $10,372

18 Undergraduate Awareness Educate current students about the importance of philanthropy. Thanks-for-Giving Week – Held the week prior to Thanksgiving break. – Booths around campus in high traffic areas. – Ask students to write “thank-you” notes to donors. Thank A Donor Week – Spring Semester May – An opportunity to highlight current faculty, administrators, students who support The Fund for Albright.

19 Additional Annual Fund Dept. Responsibilities Personal Visits Direct Mail/Online Solicitations B&I Campaign President’s Council Program Reunion support Parent Programming

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