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The Implementation Strategy Proposed SLAC Controls Upgrade December 1, 2010 Ray Larsen.

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Presentation on theme: "The Implementation Strategy Proposed SLAC Controls Upgrade December 1, 2010 Ray Larsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Implementation Strategy Proposed SLAC Controls Upgrade December 1, 2010 Ray Larsen

2 Controls Upgrade Implementation Outline 1.Existing System 2.MTCA Module Development 3.Single Station Upgrade Demo Plan 4.Production & Test Plan 5.Steps to Installation & Switchover (TH) Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 2

3 Controls Upgrade Implementation Existing System Every RF station has 2-bay rack for controls –8 Stations per each of 30 Sectors –Includes 6-8 RF Stations for each injector –New upgrade RF plus accelerator controls can fit in single rack Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 3

4 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 Klystron Gallery Layout Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 4 Short cables top of penetration would need elongation to new rack

5 WG & Cable Penetration to Tunnel

6 Controls Upgrade Implementation PAD Chassis Measures RF Phase and Amplitude MKSU Chassis Interlock and Control for Klystron SLED Support Systems PIOP CAMAC Module Controls IPA, PAD, and MKSU. Interface to control system Existing Linac Klystron Station RF Control, Monitoring, and Interlocking System New system will combine the PAD, IPA, and part of the PIOP into the RF Control System IPA Chassis Controls RF Phase and Amplitude Controls Upgrade Implementation Existing Controls Racks 12-01-106

7 Controls Upgrade Implementation PDU TimingPIOPs (4) 12-01-107

8 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-108

9 Controls Upgrade Implementation Existing Rack Issue Racks are sub-standard in meeting code, cooling and filtering protection –Ideally would install modern environmentally controlled closed racks –Not in budget & some stations lack space Proposed work-around –Refurbish present rack to bring ~up to code, plus add power for local solenoid PS plan (new) –Insert secondary enclosure inside rack with crate cooling, sealed from dirty air, w/LCW air-water temp control Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 9

10 Controls Upgrade Implementation 2. MTCA Module Development The following show the MTCA development strategy for in-house RTM design. We are procuring generic COTS AMCs each of which will support a number of applications via RTMs Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 10

11 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 MTCA Engineering Reference Design  Reference Design complete w/ supporting FW-SW environment enables engineers to focus on payload design w/ power, IPMI basic infrastructure standardized  Double-wide plus RTM provides excellent analog space, ground noise control, crosstalk  AMC space fully backward compatible with industry single-wide designs

12 Controls Upgrade Implementation Adapting Controls Subsystems Port existing front end interfaces onto RTMs 4 & 10 Ch Fast ADCs w/DAC RTM adapters: 1.Stripline BPMs (2 types) 2.Toroids (2 types, Linac & Beam Containment), Profile Monitor Gated ADC (Same as above) 3.RF Feedback 3-Industry Pack RTM Adapters: 4. Profile Monitor Beam Length (BLEN) 5. Vacuum gauge controller interface 6. Vac-ion pump controller interface 7. Wire scanner movers (Hytek) PMC Card AMC Adapter 8. Fast Frame grabber for Profile Monitor

13 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 Beamline BPMs, Toroids, Gated ADCs Strategy:  Encourage Industry to provide key generic complex AMC modules  Develop 2 or more sources  Encourage multiple lab- supported specifications (Struck, Vadatech, Libera)

14 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 LLRF System, Feedback Apps (Struck, Vadatech Libera)

15 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 Beamline Instruments via IP Adapter (TEWS, Vadatech)

16 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 High BW Frame Grabber PMC Adapter (TEWS, Vadatech)

17 Controls Upgrade Implementation 3. Single Station Upgrade Demo Plan Proposed staging plan (Station 28-2): –Integrate Controls and RF subsystems separately on identical MTCA platforms –Controls Infrastructure Team supports both with test hardware, firmware, IPMI, low and high level software (in process) –Subsystems integrated, lab-tested separately –Temporary air-water cooled rack installed in 28-2 –Merge tested subsystems in 28-2 –Test each offline, then together online with beam Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 17

18 Controls Upgrade Implementation Single Station Components (Typ.) Station Control Functions –Klystron-Modulator Interface (MKSUII) Interlocks & monitoring Solid state sub booster monitoring Local displays & controls –Controls & Monitoring (MTCA) Status of RF Controller via ADC-DAC RTM Heater & Solenoid power supplies - SLED Tuners MK Interlocks – Vacuum – Temperatures BPMs – wire scanners – profile monitors Network interface to/from modulators Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 18

19 Controls Upgrade Implementation Test Station BD – RF & Accelerator Controls Upgrade Implementation 40ft ACCEL.SECTION INSTRUMENTS & CNTRLS SYNC CLOCKS & LO GENERATION MAIN DRIVE LINE BPMs Toroids Wire Scan Profile Mon. Vacuum Power Supplies BCS Temperature 12-01-10 19

20 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 Station Crate Layout (Typ.) Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 20 Infrastructure Pwr, MCH, IOC, Timing RF Fdbk Controls Modules (Typ.)Redundant MCH, Pwr Options SPARE SLOT

21 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 Side View Crate, AMC, RTM Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 21 Note – All I/O in Rear; both AMC, RTM Hot Swappable

22 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 MTCA 12-Slot Shelf & Modules 12 Slot Crate & Front-Rear Fan Tray (Schroff) 6 Slot Crate w/ AMC & RTM (Schroff) 22

23 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 Upgraded Station Rack Profile Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 23

24 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 In-Rack Crate Enclosure Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 24 RF CABLES TO/ FROM TRAYS CABLES TO/ FROM TUNNEL REAR I/O CABLES TO/FROM RTM’S WATER COOLED ENCLOSURE

25 Controls Upgrade Implementation 4. Production & Test Plan Procurement Controls –All MTCA components except RTMs purchased from vendors –Arrive tested including basic SW, FW –RTMs designed in house relatively simple; vendors will be interested to bid on providing tested units. –Otherwise contract fabrication & test in-house –Rack enclosure with heat exchanger will be contracted to a chassis manufacturer offering the service Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 25

26 Controls Upgrade Implementation Generic Application AMC’s Three AMC’s with RTMs serve all RF needs: 1.Fast ADC DAC AMC module for RF phase, amplitude control and feedback 2.General Analog-Digital Industry Pack (IP) carrier AMC to serve all miscellaneous monitoring and controls 3.PMC Adapter to easily port existing designs in LCLSI Item 1 delivered & in test; item 2 quote in hand for order; item 3 exists and needs porting to RTM version Standards Goal: Procure key modules from at least 2 vendors Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 26

27 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 Struck SIS 8300 RF Digitizer Controls Upgrade Implementation RTM Connector AMC Connector 10 Ch 16 bit 125 MSPS 2 Ch 16 bit DAC output Virtex 5 FPGA 12-01-10 27

28 Controls Upgrade Implementation Timing Module – Stockholm U. Controls Upgrade Implementation Timing AMC (University of Stockholm) Fiber optic links w/ drift compensation ps stability AMC module is receiver and transmitter Clock, trigger and event distribution 12-01-10 28

29 Controls Upgrade Implementation Production 2 RF Chassis (2) –2 separate chassis are being designed, one with RF circuitry and water-cooled heat sink, the other the MKSUII protection chassis –These are custom units deemed to be not suitable for MTCA packaging partly due to special constraints –Fabrication for quantities will be less amenable to outside fabrication and testing except for ADC-DAC which is MTCA AMC-RTM. –Will seek out vendors who can provide integrated service and back up with in-house shop and production testing. Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 29

30 Controls Upgrade Implementation Production 3 Pre-test and field integration –Since installing into existing racks, no normal luxury of pre-loading racks in shop, testing before field installation –Will increase Davis-Bacon costs labor in field –All field cable retrofitting done by skilled contractors or SLAC personnel (bad contractor performance on controls cables is a given) –All chassis units fully pre-tested, calibrated before install –Purchased modules and RTMs checked in crate and crate installed –RTM cables prefab & tested before field install –Following slide shows production install flow Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 30

31 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 31

32 Controls Upgrade Implementation Production & Installation Summary Production and installation scenarios can be highly flexible due to modular nature of accelerator and small chassis and modular assemblies involved –Rack issues in gallery still need work (with PCD) toward optimum solution – cannot grandfather sub-standard units forever –Developing 2 or more vendors for key infrastructure and controls applications modules In next section T. Himel discusses strategies for changeover within constraints of running LCLS and FACET programs Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 32

33 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 5. Steps to Installation & Switchover Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 33 - Contributed by T. Himel

34 Controls Upgrade Implementation Steps to switchover First, get all multi-sector or multi-system control of FACET handled by new LCLS style applications (mainly EDM and Matlab) –This was mostly the case for LCLS before our upgrade started. A few had to be moved from old to new. An effort will be required to extend these to FACET, but much smaller than originally doing it for LCLS. The physicists and OPS are used to this and will want FACET to head in that direction anyway. –There are only two ways these applications have to access SLC data: SLCCAS (SLC Channel Access Server) and AIDA. 34

35 Controls Upgrade Implementation Installation during FACET era FACET will be running 4 months a year for the next 5 years using sectors 0-20 and the damping rings. The exact schedule is unknown, but worst case is two 2-month runs each year. (Linac startup time is so long, I cannot imagine more shorter runs.) These downtimes are too short to install the full upgrade during a single downtime. Hence we need a way to do partial installs and run FACET with mixture of two control systems. 35

36 Controls Upgrade Implementation Installation during FACET era We are doing something similar with the phase I upgrade in sectors 21-30 right now. It is somewhat easier than what we will be doing for FACET because we only have to move one cable (the CAMAC cable) per sector to switch between old and new control system. It is somewhat harder because LCLS is much less tolerant of downtime than FACET. We are, however, set up to be able to run LCLS with sectors split between old and new control systems. We will use a similar method for FACET. 36

37 Controls Upgrade Implementation Steps to switchover Second, setup a PVgateway to translate PV requests heading towards SLCCAS. –SLCCAS provides read-only access to items in the SLC DB by responding to broadcasts for PVs. –These will be channeled though a PVgateway whose setup can be easily changed to either get the data from SLCCAS or to provide nothing so that the data will instead come from newly installed µTCA IOCs. 37

38 Controls Upgrade Implementation Steps to switchover Third, setup AIDA so it can read and write the data it handles from either the new or old control system. (This has been done for klystron and timing control for Phase I) –A small quick DB change is then used to tell AIDA to change which control system it uses to service requests it receives. 38

39 Controls Upgrade Implementation Steps to switchover Next, during a long downtime we install new hardware for whatever sectors and systems we have time and budget to do. We provide EDM screens for detailed control of the new devices. We modify the PVgateway and AIDA setups to indicate the new hardware should be used. Checkout as much as we can before FACET turn- on. Schedule check-out time during the FACET turn- on Repeat above steps for other systems/sectors/downtimes until done. 39

40 Controls Upgrade Implementation 12/01/10 END OF SLIDES Controls Upgrade Implementation 12-01-10 40

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