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Example SIMALTO Grid.

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Presentation on theme: "Example SIMALTO Grid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Example SIMALTO Grid

2 Current Position 1 Economic Development/ Business Support/ Job Creation 50 fewer people/ jobs supported As now 50 more people/ jobs supported 100 fewer people/ jobs supported 2 Public Rights of Way Maintenance All rights of way checked once every 10 years As now – 7 year cycle 5 year cycle 3 Household Waste Recovery Centres Close 1 least used centre and close at 5pm except Fridays/ Saturdays As now – 7 centres open Monday to Saturday Open 364 days per year 4 Garden Waste Collection No service, residents pay for council collection As now - £15 for a bin – collected every 3 weeks Free service 5 Dog Wardens 1 less warden – statutory duties only – stray/ dangerous dogs As now, 2 wardens Plus 2 wardens to increase enforcement for fouling 6 Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, Roadside Verges 12 cuts per year As now – 15 cuts per year 3 more 5 more 7 Toilets Close 4 least frequented Close 2 least frequented Refurbish over 7 year timescale Refurbish over 4 year timescale 8 Homelessness Minimum statutory service As now – some proactive work Plus more preventative work + more temporary accommodation + increased grants 9 Anti-Social Behaviour (Police Community Support Officers) 2 fewer officers As now (6 officers) 2 more enforcement officers Plus 2 youth offending service officers 10 Tackling Drug/ Alcohol Misuse Teachers deliver advice Plus 2 specialist consultants and life skills caravan tours 11 Helping Vulnerable/ Older People to live in own rather than care homes 100 less 50 more 100 more 150 more

3 SIMALTO Grid: Attributes and Options
Down the left hand side of the sheet is a list of services that are provided. To the right are the different levels and options that could be provided of each service. The shaded box indicates the level of service the council currently provides. Any service options to the left of the shaded box are a poorer level of service than is currently provided but would be a saving in council tax Costs or points for each option increase as service performance improves from the left to the right on each attribute

4 Current Position 1 Economic Development/ Business Support/ Job Creation 50 fewer people/ jobs supported As now 50 more people/ jobs supported 100 fewer people/ jobs supported 2 Public Rights of Way Maintenance All rights of way checked once every 10 years As now – 7 year cycle 5 year cycle 3 Household Waste Recovery Centres Close 1 least used centre and close at 5pm except Fridays/ Saturdays As now – 7 centres open Monday to Saturday Open 364 days per year 4 Garden Waste Collection No service, residents pay for council collection As now - £15 for a bin – collected every 3 weeks Free service 5 Dog Wardens 1 less warden – statutory duties only – stray/ dangerous dogs As now, 2 wardens Plus 2 wardens to increase enforcement for fouling 6 Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, Roadside Verges 12 cuts per year As now – 15 cuts per year 3 more 5 more 7 Toilets Close 4 least frequented Close 2 least frequented Refurbish over 7 year timescale Refurbish over 4 year timescale 8 Homelessness Minimum statutory service As now – some proactive work Plus more preventative work + more temporary accommodation + increased grants 9 Anti-Social Behaviour (Police Community Support Officers) 2 fewer officers As now (6 officers) 2 more enforcement officers Plus 2 youth offending service officers 10 Tackling Drug/ Alcohol Misuse Teachers deliver advice Plus 2 specialist consultants and life skills caravan tours 11 Helping Vulnerable/ Older People to live in own rather than care homes 100 less 50 more 100 more 150 more -100K +100K -50K +200K +50K +60K +80K +150K -80K +25K -40K -25K -400K +500K +250K +750K

5 SIMALTO Grid: Unacceptable and Important
Unacceptable: The respondent is asked to cross out any option on any row that would strongly make them want to complain if this reduced level of service was provided. It is not just for options that are not liked but only those that are totally unacceptable – so unacceptable that, if provided, they would actually generate a complaint Important: 5 or 6 most important attributes on the grid are ticked Click to continue

6 Important Unacceptable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Economic Development/ Business Support/ Job Creation 50 fewer people/ jobs supported As now 50 more people/ jobs supported 100 fewer people/ jobs supported 2 Public Rights of Way Maintenance All rights of way checked once every 10 years As now – 7 year cycle 5 year cycle 3 Household Waste Recovery Centres Close 1 least used centre and close at 5pm except Fridays/ Saturdays As now – 7 centres open Monday to Saturday Open 364 days per year 4 Garden Waste Collection No service, residents pay for council collection As now - £15 for a bin – collected every 3 weeks Free service 5 Dog Wardens 1 less warden – statutory duties only – stray/ dangerous dogs As now, 2 wardens Plus 2 wardens to increase enforcement for fouling 6 Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, Roadside Verges 12 cuts per year As now – 15 cuts per year 3 more 5 more 7 Toilets Close 4 least frequented Close 2 least frequented Refurbish over 7 year timescale Refurbish over 4 year timescale 8 Homelessness Minimum statutory service As now – some proactive work Plus more preventative work + more temporary accommodation + increased grants 9 Anti-Social Behaviour (Police Community Support Officers) 2 fewer officers As now (6 officers) 2 more enforcement officers Plus 2 youth offending service officers 10 Tackling Drug/ Alcohol Misuse Teachers deliver advice Plus 2 specialist consultants and life skills caravan tours 11 Helping Vulnerable/ Older People to live in own rather than care homes 100 less 50 more 100 more 150 more -100K +100K -50K +200K +50K +60K +80K +150K -80K +25K -40K -25K -400K +500K +250K +750K

7 SIMALTO Grid: Base Position
The black circles on this sheet show the worst level of service on each row - a very basic level of service that a council might provide. Click to continue

8 Base Position 1 Economic Development/ Business Support/ Job Creation 50 fewer people/ jobs supported As now 50 more people/ jobs supported 100 fewer people/ jobs supported 2 Public Rights of Way Maintenance All rights of way checked once every 10 years As now – 7 year cycle 5 year cycle 3 Household Waste Recovery Centres Close 1 least used centre and close at 5pm except Fridays/ Saturdays As now – 7 centres open Monday to Saturday Open 364 days per year 4 Garden Waste Collection No service, residents pay for council collection As now - £15 for a bin – collected every 3 weeks Free service 5 Dog Wardens 1 less warden – statutory duties only – stray/ dangerous dogs As now, 2 wardens Plus 2 wardens to increase enforcement for fouling 6 Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, Roadside Verges 12 cuts per year As now – 15 cuts per year 3 more 5 more 7 Toilets Close 4 least frequented Close 2 least frequented Refurbish over 7 year timescale Refurbish over 4 year timescale 8 Homelessness Minimum statutory service As now – some proactive work Plus more preventative work + more temporary accommodation + increased grants 9 Anti-Social Behaviour (Police Community Support Officers) 2 fewer officers As now (6 officers) 2 more enforcement officers Plus 2 youth offending service officers 10 Tackling Drug/ Alcohol Misuse Teachers deliver advice Plus 2 specialist consultants and life skills caravan tours 11 Helping Vulnerable/ Older People to live in own rather than care homes 100 less 50 more 100 more 150 more -100K +100K -50K +200K +50K +60K +80K +150K -80K +25K -40K -25K -400K +500K +250K +750K

9 SIMALTO Grid: Cost Constrained First Priorities
As service performance improves from the left to the right on each attribute, costs and so the points for each option increase.  Using the points in each box, the respondent is asked to move away from the very basic black-circled budget allocation to make it more appropriate to your priorities. The first improvements are made using red arrows As many or as few improvements can be made as long as the required budget is spent and not exceeded Click to continue

10 Cost Constrained (15) First Priorities
Economic Development/ Business Support/ Job Creation 50 fewer people/ jobs supported As now 50 more people/ jobs supported 100 fewer people/ jobs supported 2 Public Rights of Way Maintenance All rights of way checked once every 10 years As now – 7 year cycle 5 year cycle 3 Household Waste Recovery Centres Close 1 least used centre and close at 5pm except Fridays/ Saturdays As now – 7 centres open Monday to Saturday Open 364 days per year 4 Garden Waste Collection No service, residents pay for council collection As now - £15 for a bin – collected every 3 weeks Free service 5 Dog Wardens 1 less warden – statutory duties only – stray/ dangerous dogs As now, 2 wardens Plus 2 wardens to increase enforcement for fouling 6 Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, Roadside Verges 12 cuts per year As now – 15 cuts per year 3 more 5 more 7 Toilets Close 4 least frequented Close 2 least frequented Refurbish over 7 year timescale Refurbish over 4 year timescale 8 Homelessness Minimum statutory service As now – some proactive work Plus more preventative work + more temporary accommodation + increased grants 9 Anti-Social Behaviour (Police Community Support Officers) 2 fewer officers As now (6 officers) 2 more enforcement officers Plus 2 youth offending service officers 10 Tackling Drug/ Alcohol Misuse Teachers deliver advice Plus 2 specialist consultants and life skills caravan tours 11 Helping Vulnerable/ Older People to live in own rather than care homes 100 less 50 more 100 more 150 more -100K +100K -50K +200K +50K +60K +80K +150K -80K +25K -40K -25K -400K +500K +250K +750K

11 SIMALTO Grid: Cost Constrained Second Priorities
The respondent is invited to spend another x points assuming the first red arrow improvements have been made to basic services. Black arrows are used to show how to allocate these extra x points. New attributes can be changed or further improve the level of service of some choices made already. Click to continue

12 Cost Constrained (9) Second Priorities
1 Economic Development/ Business Support/ Job Creation 50 fewer people/ jobs supported As now 50 more people/ jobs supported 100 fewer people/ jobs supported 2 Public Rights of Way Maintenance All rights of way checked once every 10 years As now – 7 year cycle 5 year cycle 3 Household Waste Recovery Centres Close 1 least used centre and close at 5pm except Fridays/ Saturdays As now – 7 centres open Monday to Saturday Open 364 days per year 4 Garden Waste Collection No service, residents pay for council collection As now - £15 for a bin – collected every 3 weeks Free service 5 Dog Wardens 1 less warden – statutory duties only – stray/ dangerous dogs As now, 2 wardens Plus 2 wardens to increase enforcement for fouling 6 Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, Roadside Verges 12 cuts per year As now – 15 cuts per year 3 more 5 more 7 Toilets Close 4 least frequented Close 2 least frequented Refurbish over 7 year timescale Refurbish over 4 year timescale 8 Homelessness Minimum statutory service As now – some proactive work Plus more preventative work + more temporary accommodation + increased grants 9 Anti-Social Behaviour (Police Community Support Officers) 2 fewer officers As now (6 officers) 2 more enforcement officers Plus 2 youth offending service officers 10 Tackling Drug/ Alcohol Misuse Teachers deliver advice Plus 2 specialist consultants and life skills caravan tours 11 Helping Vulnerable/ Older People to live in own rather than care homes 100 less 50 more 100 more 150 more -100K +100K -50K +200K +50K +60K +80K +150K -80K +25K -40K -25K -400K +500K +250K +750K

13 SIMALTO Grid: Cost Constrained Further Improvements
Two further sets of improvements are made using green, then blue arrow improvements. Click to continue

14 All Priorities Displayed
1 Economic Development/ Business Support/ Job Creation 50 fewer people/ jobs supported As now 50 more people/ jobs supported 100 fewer people/ jobs supported 2 Public Rights of Way Maintenance All rights of way checked once every 10 years As now – 7 year cycle 5 year cycle 3 Household Waste Recovery Centres Close 1 least used centre and close at 5pm except Fridays/ Saturdays As now – 7 centres open Monday to Saturday Open 364 days per year 4 Garden Waste Collection No service, residents pay for council collection As now - £15 for a bin – collected every 3 weeks Free service 5 Dog Wardens 1 less warden – statutory duties only – stray/ dangerous dogs As now, 2 wardens Plus 2 wardens to increase enforcement for fouling 6 Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, Roadside Verges 12 cuts per year As now – 15 cuts per year 3 more 5 more 7 Toilets Close 4 least frequented Close 2 least frequented Refurbish over 7 year timescale Refurbish over 4 year timescale 8 Homelessness Minimum statutory service As now – some proactive work Plus more preventative work + more temporary accommodation + increased grants 9 Anti-Social Behaviour (Police Community Support Officers) 2 fewer officers As now (6 officers) 2 more enforcement officers Plus 2 youth offending service officers 10 Tackling Drug/ Alcohol Misuse Teachers deliver advice Plus 2 specialist consultants and life skills caravan tours 11 Helping Vulnerable/ Older People to live in own rather than care homes 100 less 50 more 100 more 150 more -100K +100K -50K +200K +50K +60K +80K +150K -80K +25K -40K -25K -400K +500K +250K +750K

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