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Understanding and Engaging Today’s Real Estate Agent.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding and Engaging Today’s Real Estate Agent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding and Engaging Today’s Real Estate Agent

2 Matt Dollinger President and Founder Gearbox Consulting Over 10 years of industry experience Accomplished industry speaker RealTrends 50 Company Coaching and Training of 100s of agents Developed training programs around KCM Focus on growth, automation and technology

3 How I’ve used KCM in the past

4 Created the Market Expert Class In-office training program focusing around the materials provided by KCM each month: – 20% increase in total GCI for participants – 20% increase in online lead conversion of buyers – 50% decrease in property price adjustments – 30% decrease in DOM for listed properties – 98% LP:SP ratio for listed properties

5 Integrated into Company Marketing

6 Supplemental Online Content

7 Video Market Updates

8 Branded Listing/Buyer Collaterals


10 What agents look for in lenders

11 My unofficial Chicago agent survey Sent survey out to top 1000 agents in Chicago 16% responded to survey Three Questions – What do you want/expect from your lender? – Why are you currently working with your lender(s)? – Why have you “left” a lender? These answers were then broken out by quartile*

12 What are you looking for in a lender Communication/Get Deal Done Save me time Help Support my business 1st Communication/Get Deal Done Save me time Help me grow my business 2nd Help me grow my business Communication/Education Assist in marketing/branding 3rd Educate me on mortgages Assist me in business development Reciprocate with referrals 4th

13 Why do you work with your lender(s) Gets the deal done/Professionalism Communication/Saves me time Educates me on important developments 1st Communication/Saves me time Gets the deal done/Professionalism Help me grow my business 2nd Help me grow my business Communication Best rates 3rd Sends me referrals Best rates Company recommended 4th

14 Why have you left a lender? Lack of Communication/Accessibility 1st Dropped the ball on transactions 2nd Lack of value provided 3rd Couldn’t compete on rates 4 th

15 Why have you left a lender? Lack of Communication/Accessibility 1st Dropped the ball on transactions 2nd Lack of value provided 3rd Couldn’t compete on rates 4 th BROKER

16 What the agent isn’t getting… Different agent outreach programs – Curtailed business development, insight or leadership based on their current needs (based on quartile) Coaching and training on how to USE market data – Insight into how current developments can effect their business and most importantly their clients Compelling/Branded marketing materials – Pieces to educate consumers, drive business and reflect their brand in a positive light. from their BROKER

17 How can you become high value?

18 What is valuable to today’s Realtor? Anything that saves them time or automates. Anything that brands them positively. Anything that helps them do more deals/grow. Anything that “WOWS” their client.

19 Creating Value Based Partnerships

20 Remember These?

21 3 areas Bridge Builders can help Increase Facetime with key agents Brand agents as experts Grow and Empower YOUR Team

22 Increase Facetime with key agents Schedule a monthly meeting with your top producing agent’s teams and provide/discuss these materials.* Schedule a monthly webinar where you can go through some of the most important slides Send them out to perspective agents with your contact information (email blast) * Sample curriculum and “how to” guide for running a Market Expert class will be provided after webinar.

23 Brand them as experts Key infographics for them to use in marketing (postcards, email blasts, etc.) Handouts (in color) for them to use in buyer presentations and listing opportunities Scripts for them to use when discussing the market with their clients. Materials for them to use in online lead opportunities “Keep in Touch” materials to send out to past transactions to show them how well they've done in their investment

24 Grow and Empower YOUR Team Make “newbies” look like educated pros when talking about the market Provide them with marketing materials to go after their own agent relationships Follow up materials and handouts to use in their meetings with potential clients Keep in touch materials with their database of agents.

25 Questions or Comments? Matthew Dollinger President and Founder 773.354.9681

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