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Pg 589 In Church Bibles 5:8-6:125:8-6:12. Are you an.... Optimist?Optimist? - Cup is half full Pessimist?Pessimist? - Cup is half empty Realist?Realist?

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Presentation on theme: "Pg 589 In Church Bibles 5:8-6:125:8-6:12. Are you an.... Optimist?Optimist? - Cup is half full Pessimist?Pessimist? - Cup is half empty Realist?Realist?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pg 589 In Church Bibles 5:8-6:125:8-6:12

2 Are you an.... Optimist?Optimist? - Cup is half full Pessimist?Pessimist? - Cup is half empty Realist?Realist? - see as is...half empty and half full empty and half full - see as is...half empty and half full empty and half full



5 Vanity of Money Money love is “normal” (5:8-9) Money love is “normal” (5:8-9)

6 For all that is in the world— the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life— is not of the Father but is of the world. For all that is in the world— the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life— is not of the Father but is of the world. 1 John 2:16

7 Vanity of Money Money love is “normal” (5:8-9) Money love is “normal” (5:8-9) Money doesn’t satisfy (5:10) Money doesn’t satisfy (5:10) Money complicates life (5:11) Money complicates life (5:11) Money creates worries (5:12) Money creates worries (5:12) Money is transitory (5:13-14) Money is transitory (5:13-14) Money is temporary (5:15-17) Money is temporary (5:15-17)

8 Are you an.... Optimist?Optimist? - Cup is half full Pessimist?Pessimist? - Cup is half empty Realist?Realist? - see as is...half empty and half full empty and half full - see as is...half empty and half full empty and half full

9 Optimist?Optimist? Pessimist?Pessimist? Realist?Realist? Be a Portionist!

10 - Enjoys what has (5:18) Labor NOT Lazy Good NOT sinful Balanced NOT a Workaholic

11 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20)

12 Are you an.... Optimist?Optimist? - Cup is half full Pessimist?Pessimist? - Cup is half empty Realist?Realist? - see as is...half empty and half full empty and half full - see as is...half empty and half full empty and half full

13 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20)

14 Vanity of Money Be a Portionist! Sorrow of lacking this gift Common, Weighty for man (6:1-2) Common, Weighty for man (6:1-2) If have all you want w/o this-empty (6:3- 6) If have all you want w/o this-empty (6:3- 6) Unsatisfied...wandering desire-empty (7- 9) Unsatisfied...wandering desire-empty (7- 9)

15 - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12) Vanity of Money Be a Portionist! Sorrow of lacking this gift Source of the Portionist

16 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

17 - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12) Vanity of Money Be a Portionist! Sorrow of lacking this gift Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12)

18 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12)

19 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12)

20 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12) Receive His Gift - Ask for Daily Bread

21 Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

22 Yet you do not have because you do not ask. James 4:2

23 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. James 4:3

24 Yet you do not have because you do not ask. James 4:2

25 Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

26 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12) Receive His Gift - Ask for Daily Bread

27 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12) Receive His Gift - Ask for Daily Bread

28 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12) Receive His Gift - Ask for Daily Bread

29 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12) Receive His Gift - Ask for Daily Bread

30 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12) Receive His Gift - Ask for Daily Bread

31 Be a Portionist! - Enjoys what has (5:18) - This is a Gift of God (5:19) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) - Doesn’t dwell on how full his/her cup is cup (5:20) his/her cup is cup (5:20) Source of the Portionist - God is Sovereign (6:10) - Mankind rebels to vanity (6:11) - Father knows Best (6:12) Receive His Gift - Ask for Daily Bread

32 Be a Portionist! - This is a Gift of God (5:19) Give us this day our daily bread.(Matthew 6:11)

33 Are you an.... Optimist?Optimist? - Cup is half full Pessimist?Pessimist? - Cup is half empty Realist?Realist? - see as is...half empty and half full empty and half full - see as is...half empty and half full empty and half full

34 Be a Portionist! - This is a Gift of God (5:19) Give us this day our daily bread.(Matthew 6:11)

35 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6:26

36 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ Matthew 6:31

37 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. Matthew 6:32

38 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

39 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34

40 Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

41 Be a Portionist! - This is a Gift of God (5:19) Give us this day our daily bread.(Matthew 6:11)

42 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name John 1:12

43 Be a Portionist! - This is a Gift of God (5:19) Give us this day our daily bread.(Matthew 6:11)



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