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Trajectory Planning.  Goal: to generate the reference inputs to the motion control system which ensures that the manipulator executes the planned trajectory.

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Presentation on theme: "Trajectory Planning.  Goal: to generate the reference inputs to the motion control system which ensures that the manipulator executes the planned trajectory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trajectory Planning

2  Goal: to generate the reference inputs to the motion control system which ensures that the manipulator executes the planned trajectory Motion control system Robot Trajectory planning system torques Position, velocity, acceleration

3 Path and Trajectory  Path: the locus of points in the joint space or in the operational space  Trajectory: a path on which a time law is specified in terms of velocities and/or accelerations t

4 Path and Trajectory Trajectory planning algorithm Path description path constraints(obstacles) constraints imposed by robot dynamics (smooth) (limits, not modeled resonant modes) Joint (end-effector) trajectories in terms of position, velocity and acceleration

5 Path and Trajectory  Specification of geometric path  Extremal points, possible intermediate points,geometric primitives interpolating the points  Specification of motion time law  Total trajectory time, maximum velocity and acceleration, velocity and acceleration at points of interests

6 Joint Space Trajectory Inverse kinematics algorithm Trajectory parameters in operation space Joint (end-effector) trajectories in terms of position, velocity and acceleration Trajectory parameters in joint space Trajectory planning algorithm Initial and final end-effector location, traveling time, etc.

7 Joint Space Trajectory  Requirements for joint space trajectory planning algorithm  The generated trajectory be easy to compute  Position and velocity (acceleration) be continuous function of time  Undesirable effects be minimized  Point-to-point motion  Moving from an initial to a final joint configuration in a given time t f

8 Point-to-point Motion Figure 4-2 from Fu, Gonzalez and Lee  (t f )  (t 2 )  (t 0 )  (t 1 ) “Lift-off” “Set-down” Final Initial

9  Polynomial interpolation  Example: initial and final position and velocity be given. Point-to-point Motion



12  Example: initial and final acceleration also be given.  Six constraints (initial and final position, velocity and acceleration  Order at least five Point-to-point Motion

13  Trapezoidal velocity profile  Directly verifying whether the velocity and acceleration violate the mechanical limits Point-to-point Motion

14  Area enclosed by the velocity profile given acceleration Point-to-point Motion


16  Given the following conditions:  initial and final position are given  initial and final velocity are set to zero  Maximum velocity and acceleration are given  What’s the minimum traveling time?

17 Path Motion  Disadvantages of single high order polynomial  A suitable number of low order polynomials

18 Operation Space Trajectory  Not easy to predict end-effector motion due to kinematics nonlinearity  Path motion planning similar to joint space  Different method if the end-effector motion has to follow a prescribed trajectory of motion such as line, circle, etc.

19 Two-link Planar Arm Parameters

20 Cams  Motion programming historically associated with mechanical cams  Constant speed rotation of camshaft converted to variable linear displacement of valve (or other device attached to cam follower) – Camshafts in auto engines (all 4 strokes) – Sewing machine (older mechanical style)

21 Pictures of Cams Industrial Car Engines

22 Cam Motion Profiles - DRD  Dwell – Rise – Dwell – initial period of no motion (“dwell”) – “rise” to a maximum displacement – final period of no motion (“dwell”) “dwell” “rise” “dwell” Time, t Displacement, s s=s max, v=0, a=0 s=0, v=0, a=0

23 Cam Motion Profiles - DRRD  Dwell – Rise – Return – Dwell – initial period of no motion (“dwell”) – “rise” to a maximum displacement – Immediately “return” to origin – final period of no motion (“dwell”) “dwell” “rise” “dwell” Time, t Displacement, s s=s max, v=0, a  0 s=0, v=0, a=0 “return” s=0, v=0, a=0

24 Cam Motion Profiles - RR  Rise – Return – “rise” to a maximum displacement – Immediately “return” to origin – No “dwell” – do same thing over again “rise” Time, t Displacement, s s=s max, v=0, a  0 “return” s=0, v=0, a  0

25 Accel.-Vel.-Disp. #1 Time, t Acceleration, A Zero order, A = constant Time, t Velocity, V Time, t Displacement, S T T T First order, V=k 1 t Second order, S=k 2 t 2

26 Accel.-Vel.-Disp. #1a Time, t Acceleration, A Time, t Velocity, V Time, t Displacement, S T T T this area equals this value this area equals this value

27 Accel.-Vel.-Disp. #1b Time, sec Acceleration, A Velocity, V Displacement, S T 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 T 25 m/s 2 V1 V2 V3 S1 S2 S3 Find numerical values for V1, V2, and V3 Find numerical values for S1, S2, and S3 Suitable for a “rise”

28 General Curve Shape: y=Kx n Area under the curve y=Kx n between x=0 and x=x 1 is Note that y 1 =Kx 1 n, so

29 Accel.-Vel.-Disp. #2 Time, sec Acceleration, A Velocity, V Displacement, S T 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 T 25 m/s 2 V1 V2 V3 S1 S2 S3 Find numerical values for V1, V2, and V3 Find numerical values for S1, S2, and S3 Suitable for a “dwell - rise”

30 Accel.-Vel.-Disp. #3 Time, sec Acceleration, A Velocity, V Displacement, S T 0 0.15 0.3 T 25 m/s 2 V1 V2 S1 S2 Find numerical values for V1 and V2 Find numerical values for S1 and S2 Suitable for a “dwell - rise”

31 Accel.-Vel.-Disp. #4 Time, sec Acceleration, A Velocity, V Displacement, S T 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 T 25 m/s 2 V1 V2 V3 S1 S2 S3 Find numerical values for V1, V2, and V3 Find numerical values for S1, S2, and S3 Suitable for a “dwell - rise”

32 Time, sec A V S T T 25 m/s 2 V1 V2 V3 S1 S2 S3 Find numerical values for V4 and V5 Find numerical values for S4, S5, and S6 Suitable for a “rise-return” -25 m/s 2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 V5 V4 S4 S5 S6

33 Analytical Solution  Solve the previous problem analytically: Hint – solve first parts (for t<0.3 sec), find boundary conditions for 2 nd parts

34 Solve Numerically  Use Excel and trapezoidal integration

35 A Numerical Gimmick  Use this gimmick to improve accuracy when you have abrupt changes in acceleration “double up” at any sharp transitions

36 Motion Programming #2 Robot Joint Motions

37 Typical Robot Motion Figure 4-2 from Fu, Gonzalez and Lee  (t f )  (t 2 )  (t 0 )  (t 1 ) “Lift-off” “Set-down” Final Initial

38 Position Constraints  Initial position,  1 – initial velocity and acceleration (normally=0)  Lift off position,  2 – velocity and acceleration must match here  Set-down position,  3 – velocity and acceleration must match here  Final position,  f – final velocity and acceleration (normally=0)

39 Typical Solution  “4-3-4” trajectory 4 th order polynomial from initial to lift-off 4 th order polynomial from initial to lift-off 3 rd order polynomial from lift-off to set- down 3 rd order polynomial from lift-off to set- down 4 th order polynomial from set-down to final 4 th order polynomial from set-down to final  “3-5-3” trajectory same as above but 3 rd and 5 th order poly same as above but 3 rd and 5 th order poly  5-cubic trajectory Cubic splines used for 5 segments Cubic splines used for 5 segments  lift-off to set-down split into 3 segments

40 “4-3-4” Trajectory  1 st segment:  2 nd segment:  3 rd segment:  14 unknowns – need 14 equations!

41 Boundary Conditions #1- #3 1.Initial position,  0 =  (t 0 ) (set t 0 =0)1.Initial position,  0 =  (t 0 ) (set t 0 =0)  2.Initial velocity =  0 (typically 0) 2. 3.Initial acceleration =  0 (typically 0)

42 Boundary Conditions #4- #5 4.Lift-off position,  (t 1 )4.Lift-off position,  (t 1 ) 4. 5.Lift-off position,  (t 1 )

43 Boundary Conditions #4- #5 4.Lift-off position,  (t 1 )4.Lift-off position,  (t 1 ) 4. 5.Lift-off position,  (t 1 )

44 Boundary Conditions #6- #7 6.Lift-off velocity match from both sides6.Lift-off velocity match from both sides 2. 7.Lift-off acceleration match both sides

45 Boundary Conditions #8- #9 8.Set-down position,  (t 2 )8.Set-down position,  (t 2 )  9.Set-down position,  (t 2 )

46 Boundary Conditions #10 - #11 10. Set-down velocity match from both sides10. Set-down velocity match from both sides 2. 11.Set-down acceleration match both sides

47 Boundary Conditions #12- #14 12.Final position,  (t f )12.Final position,  (t f )  13. Final velocity, v f (typically 0) 2. 14.Final acceleration, a f (typically 0)

48 Solution Format  14 simultaneous linear equations with 14 unknowns:  11 values required to find solution:

49 Solution Format  Solve using Matlab (or possibly Maple)

50 After Matlab Solution  Once we find the 14 coefficients, how do we find velocities and accelerations? – Take derivative of h 1 (t), h 2 (t), h 3 (t) to get velocity – Take derivative of velocity to get accel. – Both are easily plotted in Matlab or Excel

51 Problems  What if the velocities or accelerations we find are too large? – Increase times t 1, t 2, t f – Move the pick-up point closer to  (t 0 ) – Move the drop-off point closer to  (t f )

52 Motion Programming #3 Friday, October 19, 2001

53 Plan Motion Program

54 Inverse Kinematics  What is the minimum time T that meets velocity and acceleration constraints for both joints? from Inverse Kinematics:

55 Motion Programming #1 Work in groups of 2:Work in groups of 2:  Determine an “S” curve for each joint  Need something suitable for DRD motion  Turn in solution will have two groups show solution will have two groups show solution Use T = 1.0 second as a “reasonable” time

56 Straight-Line Motion  Define 10 “knot” points along the straight line  Find inverse kinematic solution at each point:

57 Motion Programming #2  Select T = 1 second as a “reasonable” time for complete straight line motion   Work in groups of 2:  Are there any constraints that need to be considered? What do you recommend to determine desired positions at intermediate times?

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