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PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH Ephesians 3:14-21 PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH There are so many things to pray about. Life has both its blessings and shortcomings.

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2 PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH Ephesians 3:14-21

3 PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH There are so many things to pray about. Life has both its blessings and shortcomings with which we can talk to God. One of the great studies of the NT, is the prayers of Paul. Tonight, I want to focus on his prayer for the Ephesians, as recorded in Eph. 3:14-21.

4 PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH “TO BE STRENGTHENED IN THE INNER MAN” See Eph. 3:16. This request is the very opposite of what the world is saying today. Paul was more concerned with the welfare of his soul than with his body (2Cor. 4:16-5:4). Make the inner person a part of your prayer/devotional life.

5 PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH “THAT CHRIST MAY DWELL IN YOUR HEARTS THROUGH FAITH” See Eph. 3: 17. Christ needs to dwell in our homes, in our church family, and in our very lifestyle. Does Christ live in your heart, or is He just an occasional visitor? Does your prayer life include a desire to have Christ umpire in your life (Col. 3:15)?

6 PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH “THAT YOU BE ROOTED IN AND COMPREHEND GOD’S LOVE” See Eph. 3:18,19a. Paul desires for Christians to practice love. Jesus gave a new commandment (Jn. 13:34,35) When you pray, do you ask God to help you practice love towards your family, friends, and fellow Christians?

7 PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH “THAT YOU BE FILLED WITH ALL THE FULNESS OF GOD” See Eph. 3:19b. This statement is too vast to comprehend. Jesus said to be perfect (mature) as the Father is perfect. In the same way, Paul worked to present every person perfect in Christ (Mt. 5:48; Col. 1:28). Is this part of your prayer life?

8 PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH PRAISE TO GOD IN PRAYER See Eph. 3:20,21. Never forget to praise God in your prayers. Praise Him for His supreme power, knowledge, and church. In your prayers, remember that the power is at work within us and in the church. Remain faithful and God can do everything and beyond you ask or think.

9 PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH CONCLUSION Points to remember in prayer: 1.Pray for the inner man. 2.Pray for Christ to dwell in your heart. 3.Pray to be rooted in love. 4.Pray to be filled with the maturity that comes from God. 5.Pray to praise and honor God’s supreme power.


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