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Department of Defense DoD Enterprise Architecture Conference Bringing it all together! June 24, 2012 Dennis E. Wisnosky DoD BMA CTO & Chief Architect DoD.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Defense DoD Enterprise Architecture Conference Bringing it all together! June 24, 2012 Dennis E. Wisnosky DoD BMA CTO & Chief Architect DoD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Defense DoD Enterprise Architecture Conference Bringing it all together! June 24, 2012 Dennis E. Wisnosky DoD BMA CTO & Chief Architect DoD Semantic Technology Clip Video #2

2 Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 2 DCMO CTO/CA Intel Mission Area Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area Business Mission Area Warfighter Mission Area Dennis E. Wisnosky, DoD BMA CTO & Chief Architect in the Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) Missions of the DoD Heading, Altitude, Airspeed!

3 Department of DefenseDWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA3 The Journey! Semantic Web: Heading, Altitude and Airspeed (near) Exponential connections (n 2 – n) (near) Linear connections (2n-1) Force Directed Graph I don’t want BIG DATA! I want little data! I want what I want, I want what I need, I want to know it is right, I want it when I need it.

4 Department of DefenseDWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA4 …..the Department of Defense will shift our focus and our resources from bureaucracy to battlefield, from tail to tooth.” SecDef, 10 Sept. 2001 The Need for Change in the 21 st Century “Pentagon Bureaucracy - It disrupts the defense of the United States and places the lives of men and women in uniform at risk. This called for an Architecture Business Management Modernization Program 2002 - BMMP and the BEA was to drive-in cost accountability and drive-out redundancy.

5 Department of Defense DoD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) Progression Blueprinting BEA - Stovepiped BEA - Semantic Business Mission-based; readable within a Business Mission; not analyzable; not integrated with solution architectures End-to-End based; analyzable; executable; federated with & consumable by solution architectures Branch office-based; readable but not analyzable; stovepiped BEA 1.0 – 2.4 “Boil the Ocean” BEA 3.0 - 9.0 “Prioritized” BEA 10.0 and later “Executable” Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA

6 Department of Defense SEMANTIC WEB – HOW IT WORKS HR Dataset What Pay Grade is Col. Blatt? Graph1 hasName Education Institution graduatedFrom Pay Grade hasGrade O6 hasTitle Col. E.J. Blatt hasName Central High School hasName person University Michigan hasName Defense Acquisition U. Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA

7 Department of Defense SEMANTIC WEB – HOW IT WORKS How much Dwell Time does Col. Blatt have? Graph2 person Dwell Time 24 months hasValue Col. E.J. Blatt hasName Deployment History hasDwellTimeStatus Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA

8 Department of Defense SEMANTIC WEB – HOW IT WORKS Graph3 Who has a Pay Grade of “O6” and has at least 24 months of Dwell Time? HR Dataset hasName Education Institution graduatedFrom Pay Grade hasGrade O6 hasTitle Col. E.J. Blatt hasName Central High School hasName person University Michigan hasName Defense Acquisition U. Dwell Time 24 months hasValue Col. E.J. Blatt hasName Deployment History hasDwellTimeStatus person Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA

9 Department of Defense DCMO Mandate - Standards Approach Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA

10 Department of Defense DoD Federated/Net-centricity and DCMO Approach “Enterprise Architecture Federation Strategy” on Semantic Alignment excerpt: A key goal of net-centricity is to enable semantic understanding of data so that interoperability can be achieved between any applications that have the ability to access and interpret the structural and semantic rules associated with data. BEA - DoD Federated/Net-centric approach through Standard Semantic Specifications: Use of semantic standards to realize DoD federated understanding of data o OWL (Web Ontology Language) o OWL-DL (Descriptive Logic) o SPARQL 1.1 (OWL Query Language) o BPMN2.0/BPMN 2.0 primitives (Business Process) o Standards adopted by DoD in the DISR A standards based semantic understanding between enterprise applications supports the shift from a stale data warehousing approach to federated dynamic retrieval of authoritative data sources approach “Net-centric Data Strategy” on Interoperable excerpt: Data Interoperability - The ability to share information among components while preserving its accuracy, integrity and appropriate use. The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged. Goal: Decentralize data management to communities of interest (COIs) to allow prioritization and collaboration based on immediate operational needs while providing enterprise infrastructure for self-synchronization on a larger scale Department of Defense DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA

11 Department of Defense Process Data Mapping Ont. Virtual Interactive Processing System Architecture (VIPS) BEA Ont 11 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA Federation and Compliance through Semantic Architecture Electronic Health Record Enterprise Architecture (iEHR EA) Process Data Mapping Ont. Human Resources Management Enterprise Architecture (HRM EA) Process Data Mapping Ont. Defense Information Enterprise Architecture (DIEA) Process Data Mapping Ont. Business Enterprise Architecture: BEA Process Data Mapping Ont. DIEA Ont iEHR EA Ont Graph Stores (ADS) iEHR Svcs Ont IPPS Ont VIPS Ont Graph Stores (ADS) Enterprise ArchitecturesSolution Architectures Implemented by Complies to Investment Review Board Dashboards HRM EA Ont Service Integrated Personnel and Pay System Architecture (IPPS) Process Data Mapping Ont. Process Data Mapping Ont. iEHR Services Architecture Embedded in DoD Policy

12 Department of Defense 12 Advances goal of establishing DoD architectures that are people readable, machine readable and executable OWL is an industry standard to express Ontologies: – WC3 open specification – Support from Open Source and COTS tool vendors – Tools exist to create/visualize OWL files, and process OWL rules – Active growing community continues to submit new, rich, supporting specifications/capabilities; i.e. R2ML, RIF, SPIN, RDFa, etc. Contains a rich set of constructs and data types – Is extendable and provides a path for modular development & reuse – Captures both data, and rules that can be quickly adjusted in a controlled fashion vs. capturing rules in code with a long change/deploy process – Formal logic and supports reasoning Interoperability: – OWL files are easily shared, making structures visible and well understood – SPARQL query specifications provide solution to dynamic federated queries – Same concepts with different terms across federated ontologies can be resolved via OWL “sameAs” constructs Benefits of OWL based Ontologies? DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA g/Ontologies_Intr_Overv.pdf Ontologies we need!

13 Department of Defense 13 DCMO Foundational Ontologies Vision P2P H2R DM2 BEA BPMN 2.0 Notional View of Foundational Ontologies DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA Architecture Content through Standard Data Descriptions– Not Pictures A Semantic BEA Built of Process/Activities, Semantic Data and Rules “With data, you can populate as many models as you need!” Progress!

14 Department of Defense DCMO Federation via Semantic Standards For Official Use Only 14 Query BEA directly: Acq Domain Vocabulary HR Domain Vocabulary Log Domain Vocabulary Fin Domain Vocabulary Real Prop Domain Vocabulary Business Enterprise Architecture: BEA Airman Sailor Svc Member position billet OUID dept User executes BP BP executes via BEA directly  Enterprise analytics  Compliance  IRB/portfolio management BP models uniformly described (GFMDI) (EDIPI) DoD EA SameAs Warfighter Domain Vocabulary SameAs OMG Primitives Conformance class 2.0 Data described in RDF Relationship described in OWL W3C Open Standards Legend: DoD Authoritative Data Source DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 14 DM2 Department of Defense

15 15 Phase I DCMO Ontology Architecture(DM2 2.02, BPMN 2.0, BEA 9.0)  Ontologies created by Small Working Teams  DM2 Working Team (included representative from DM2 WG)  BPMN 2.0 Working Team; BEA Working Team  Groups consisted of diverse members; Engineering, Ontologist, SMEs,… Created DM2 v2.02 Ontology  Based on DM2 Logical and Conceptual Model  Replaced IDEAS constructs with OWL constructs Created BMPN 2.0 Ontology  Contains BPMN Analytic Conformance  BPMN 2.0 specifications used to create ontology  Plan to submit to OMG as an industry standard Created BPMN 2.0 to DM2 Mapping Ontology  Maps some BPMN concepts and relationships to DM2 OWL  Mapping achieved via OWL sub-classing and chaining axioms Created BEA Ontology  BEA Ov-6c uses BPMN 2.0 concepts and relationships directly  Other BEA views (e.g. OV2, OV5a, OV5b, SV1, Svc, CV-2) map to DM2 directly via sub-classing Foundational Ontologies Implementation DM2 BPMN-to-DM2BPMN 2.0 BEA (non- BPMN) BEA class replacements Query BEA on DM2 or BPMN terms Upper ontology to all architecture ontologies DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA do/listDocuments/projects.bea/docma n.root.bea_ontologies ß Watch for DoDAF 2.03!

16 Department of Defense We have the technology now 16 Think Apple iPhone Siri!! Source: Tom Gruber, Inventor of Siri DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA Aroundme Sky Map Evi View Graph Engineering Example!

17 Department of Defense Web Services The next phase – Getting EIW to the Warfighter Open Source DataMission Area Data Sensor Data News Feeds Public Web Pages RSS Authoritative Data Sources Mission Planning Location/Time Intel Accelerometer Data Accessor Information Extraction and Automated Semantic Reasoning DoD EA Ontologies (OWL) Alerting Subsystem xmlcsv raw Analytics Store Document Store Event Store Voice -Recognition Instrumentation DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 17 Tactical - Edge CONUS I don’t want Big Data!

18 Department of Defense 18 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA Meeting the Data Mandate for the Warfighter “…..from bureaucracy to battlefield, from tail to tooth” “Interrogative: Where is my stuff?” Semantics relates unstructured data to structured, Semantics delivers the right structure, Semantics reduces the Warfighter Information Overload. I don’t want BIG DATA! I want my data! I want what I want, I want what I need, I want to know it is right, I want it when I need it. Thank you!

19 Department of DefenseDWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA19 Thank you! Questions?

20 Department of Defense 20 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA

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