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L.S.Larsen 20051 How to Succeed in Statistics 300 ( or almost any math or science class)

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Presentation on theme: "L.S.Larsen 20051 How to Succeed in Statistics 300 ( or almost any math or science class)"— Presentation transcript:

1 L.S.Larsen 20051 How to Succeed in Statistics 300 ( or almost any math or science class)

2 L.S.Larsen 20052 Taking Notes Label the Day and Chapter at the top of each page Leave 3 inches of space to fill in an outline of the day’s lesson Separate your page into 3rds. Write names and important information in the first column. Write equations in the middle column and “box” them Write examples in the third column Write the steps for solving problems under the equation with examples beside the steps Mark important material with sticky-notes and title of the equation. (e.g. “Hypothesis Testing”) Use different colors of ink and highlighter pens to easily find different kinds of information

3 L.S.Larsen 20053 Open Book Tests Prepare your notes well in advance Use spiral bound note cards with each formula and the steps on a separate card Use small sticky tabs to easily find the material you need Mark all charts in your book Do NOT use your book except for charts Focus your study on HOW to do problems not on memorizing equations

4 L.S.Larsen 20054 Taking an Exam or Quiz Begin by writing your name on each page. This helps calm your nerves and focus you Read every problem first, and write the type of problem (if obvious) beside the question Do the easiest problems first. These may not be at the beginning of the test. Give yourself a specific amount of time to do each problem and move on if you get bogged down

5 L.S.Larsen 20055 Word Problems Identify the type of problem (highlight or circle key information) Identify which sub-type of problem (e.g. right, left, or 2 tailed tests, etc.) Find the formula and steps on your index cards Record the symbolic expression on the test Write down all relevant information (degrees of freedom, etc.) on the test

6 L.S.Larsen 20056 Word Problems (continued) Draw your graph and fill in known numbers Find unknown Record all known variables in a vertical fashion variables and solve the equation Record your answer and show relationship to graph Write your conclusion

7 L.S.Larsen 20057 Calculator Pros and Cons Follow the instructor’s directions (use when told to use and do NOT use when told not to) ALWAYS write down your numbers for each step to avoid stronger penalties for a wrong answer Write down the calculator steps for finding statistical information Use the kind of calculator suggested in the syllabus regardless of whether you have a better one

8 L.S.Larsen 20058 Final Tips If you don’t understand, ask. Do your homework immediately after each class and come prepared with questions for the following period. Use the instructor’s method not the book’s method if presented with two different ways of doing something. The best way to get an A is to sleep 8 hours before a test and eat a good breakfast.

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