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Helping Families Help Students Succeed in Reading A “Just Read Florida” Initiative.

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1 Helping Families Help Students Succeed in Reading A “Just Read Florida” Initiative

2 Project Goal: To ensure that pilot site families and their secondary school children have the necessary support to take advantage of opportunities available to assist them with meeting high school graduation requirements.

3 Target Population High School Seniors who are “on track” for graduation credit-wise but lack a qualifying FCAT Score or the 2.0 GPA needed to attain a high school diploma. First year project pilot was limited to Miami- Dade County.

4 Project Design 5 High Schools in Miami-Dade included in pilot Site Coordinators assigned to each pilot site Identify target population students and organize delivery of services to assist with attainment of diploma. Involve families to the extent possible Will not “re-invent” the wheel

5 Focus of Services Major thrust to highlight existing services available through Adult education. Examples: High School Credit, FCAT Remediation for students and ESOL & GED Prep for parents. Initiate development of new offerings where possible. Make certain parents understand the situation and options in place.

6 Organization Met with Miami-Dade county Adult education leadership to choose sites and coordinators. Held a meeting with leadership of site high schools and corresponding adult education program to initiate a cooperative effort. Met with staff at the University of Miami to involve that institution in the design and delivery of the project evaluation Conducted training meeting with Site Coordinators to set expectations and get project started

7 Pilot Sites South Dade Senior and Adult Ed Center Miami Jackson Senior and Adult Ed Center American Senior and Adult Ed Center Coral Gables Senior and Adult Ed Center Coral Park Senior and Adult Ed Center

8 Project Activities Worked with guidance staff at high schools to identify 30 – 40 students at each site who might be included in the project Interviewed each participant Enrolled many into FCAT Prep and tutorials Held meetings with families (varying success)

9 Results of Project Activities Low GPA students take advantage of “night school” One site coordinator known as “FCAT Lady” Another called “Guardian Angel” by a parent So. Dade started a Saturday FCAT class and got 40 others enrolled in after school Plato lab at school.

10 More Results American had 35 – 40 came after school for tutorials & 4 HS credit Adult Ed classes to work on GPA set up along with a computer lab from 2:30 to 5:30 PM. Jackson conducted an after school reading class for 10 – 15 T&Th with higher enrollment on M&W

11 Special Situation At So. Dade for Saturday FCAT parents dropped off kids with 4-5 in a car – No bus or food from 9am – noon. 60 or more attended each Saturday 3 rooms – one Reading, one math with a computer lab situation in the library

12 Major Lessons Learned Some students really do “fall through the cracks.” Basically they are “good kids” who come to school, sit quietly in class but are just shy of meeting requirements. Project provides an advocate, a constant reminder, a pep leader, someone who says you can succed if you will do… Several who failed FCAT are now confident that they can pass and have decided to do a 13 th year.

13 Other Ron Froman - Tony Lagos – Austin Rivers –

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