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Networking 101: Why – and How – To Network Presented by Sally Glick, Chief Marketing Officer Sobel & Co. LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Networking 101: Why – and How – To Network Presented by Sally Glick, Chief Marketing Officer Sobel & Co. LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networking 101: Why – and How – To Network Presented by Sally Glick, Chief Marketing Officer Sobel & Co. LLC

2 What is Networking? Meeting people who can be of help to you and being a help to them Using contacts for purposes beyond the reason for the initial contact Connecting with people of like interests for the purpose of uncovering opportunities, identifying landmines and learning of best practices Opportunities of all kinds and at all levels Gaining access to new spheres of influence

3 Why is Networking So Hard? It is difficult to talk to people you don’t know There is not enough time for follow up It takes patience - meaningful relationships take years to build There may not be an immediate ROI It is hard to ask for help

4 Bill Cosby’s Advice “Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.”

5 Why is Networking Important? Connections make you powerful Connections create opportunities Creating opportunities can lead to professional advancement You can add more value if you know more people

6 Many Kinds of Networking Small group settings Individual meetings – esp., breakfast or lunch meetings Conferences and large group program

7 Getting Started Set a goal - know what you want to accomplish Know who you want to meet Be realistic – you cannot follow up with hundreds of contacts Find out if clients/colleagues will be there Learn something about the group/meeting Know that to get you need to give

8 How You Can Network Effectively Find events that will be useful (YPG) Invite friends to join you Identify who you know (alumni, neighbors)

9 Be Prepared – Act Like a Host Do not try to “work” the whole room Practice listening Find out what they do – what they like Introduce them to someone else in the room Be a resource Do not try to juggle food/drink and talk at the same time Move around the room Keep your business cards accessible

10 An Engaging Conversation Make eye contact Smile Ask their opinion Ask them all about themselves  Find common interests  Identify common acquaintances

11 Breaking In Find someone standing alone  Ask if this is their first time  Ask why they came to this program Walk up to a group and listen to flow of conversation Remember that everyone else is there to network too!

12 How Can You Help Someone? Be unselfish Introduce them to others Help them generate a lead Share information you have (ex., benchmarks) Ask what you can do for them – then do it

13 Follow Up Send a note or e-mail to people whose cards you took Call a select few that you connected with Schedule a time to get together Invite them to another event

14 Last Words “Some succeed because they are destined to; most succeed because they are determined to.” Anatole France

15 Call Me! I want to hear how you are doing – Sally Glick Sobel & Co. 293 Eisenhower Parkway Livingston, NJ 07039 973-994-9494

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