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LOGO WELCOME!! SCIENCE 9 ACADEMIC SNC1D. Semester 1 2011-2012 How to Succeed and Survive!  Grade 9 Science covers a variety of different topics: Chemistry.

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2 Semester 1 2011-2012 How to Succeed and Survive!  Grade 9 Science covers a variety of different topics: Chemistry (Atoms and Elements), Biology (Ecology), and Physics (Electricity and Earth and Space Science (Space) throughout the year.  To best succeed in my class, you will need to know and follow several important rules and you will need to have a few important items.  I have several rules I would like you to follow to make life easier for you, me, and the rest of the class...most of the rules I have are a simple matter of politeness, responsibility, and just common courtesy...

3 Semester 1 2011-2012 How to Succeed and Survive!  1. If I am talking, please don’t talk... it will be disturbing to others as well as me.  2. If you have a question, please ask...I welcome questions and chances are, somebody else might have the same question, too!  3. Don’t make fun of people if they ask a question that you might think is might be a valid question for them.  4. If I give an assignment or deskwork, I expect you to work on that work...if you waste time in our class, you will make up for it at lunch.  5. Assignments/labs/projects are to be handed in on the date due...if you are absent, make sure I get it the first day you are back. I want you to realize that I will not chase after you to get missed is YOUR responsibility!

4 Semester 1 2011-2012 How to Succeed and Survive! Attendance & Promptness  I am very strict on being in class on time...when you get in to class, you should open your books and be ready to start.  If you miss a class, talk to another student or to me to find out what you have are still responsible for the work and it should be done on time.  If you know you are going to be absent for a test, please make arrangements with me, before you are gone, to re-schedule a time to write it.

5 Semester 1 2011-2012 How to Succeed and Survive! Items Required  You will need several items to succeed in this course.  You will need a binder for your class notes... NOT the coil type...just a plain 3-ring binder!

6 Semester 1 2011-2012 How to Succeed and Survive! General Stuff  I really believe that Science does rule (thanks, Bill Nye)...we will be doing notes, labs, assignments, tests, and projects, watching videos, and also having some fun.  You can find me in either of the Science Offices: Room 208 and Room 214.  I am here to help you...if you see me in the halls, you could also say hi…when I learn your names, I will do the same.

7 Semester 1 2011-2012 Units/Strands: Earth and Space Science: The Universe Biology: Sustainable Ecosystems Physics: Electricity Chemistry: Atoms and Elements Introduction

8 Evaluation Part 1: Semester 1 2011-2012 Your term mark will be based on: Term Mark 70% Knowledge/Understanding Thinking/Inquiry Communication Application 25%25% 10%10%

9 Semester 1 2011-2012 Evaluation Part 2 : In-Class Summative Task Summative Tasks 30% In-Class Summative Lab

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