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Measurement, Analysis, Knowledge and Process Management Richland College 1 Fonda Vera, Dean, Planning and Research for Institutional Effectiveness 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement, Analysis, Knowledge and Process Management Richland College 1 Fonda Vera, Dean, Planning and Research for Institutional Effectiveness 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement, Analysis, Knowledge and Process Management Richland College 1 Fonda Vera, Dean, Planning and Research for Institutional Effectiveness 2008 Baldrige Regional Conference Denver, Colorado September 16, 2008

2 Overview Measurement System Workforce System Lessons to Share 2

3 Deploy Integrate Approach Learn Richland College Cycles of Improvement 3

4 Developing a Robust Measurement System Strategic Planning Priority Goals Key Performance Indicators Measures and Targets Institutional vs. Departmental Measures Review, Revise, and Refine 4

5 Richland’s Four Strategic Planning Priority Goals Identify and Meet Community Educational Needs (20%) Enable All Students to Succeed (35%) Enable All Employees to Succeed (20%) Ensure Institutional Effectiveness (25%) 5

6 Identify and Meet Community Educational Needs 6 Initiate Proactive Community Relationship Building (5%) Conduct Open, Regular Communication with Community Stakeholders (10%) Increase Enrollment in Service Area Underserved Populations (15%) Provide Business and Industry Work Force Training (20%) Respond to Community Educational Needs (50%)

7 Enable All Students to Succeed 7 Monitor and Improve Student Success (40%) Monitor and Improve Success for Historically Under-served Student Groups (40%) Provide Proactive Student Services to Address Student Learning Needs (20%)

8 Enable All Employees to Succeed 8 Promote Excellence in Job Performance (15%) Provide Excellence in Job Satisfaction (10%) Provide Comprehensive Professional Development for All Employee Groups (25%) Proactively manage turnover and diversity (25%) Provide a safe and healthy working environment (25%)

9 Ensure Institutional Effectiveness 9 Remain Fiscally Responsible and Sound (35%) Meet and Exceed Internal and External Standards and Requirements (35%) Improve Operational Productivity (30%)

10 Measures and Targets Rationale for Measures Strategic vs. Operational Target Setting Methodology Review, Revise, and Refine 10

11 11 Goals, KPIs, Measures, Targets

12 1.1.1 Contact hours from dual credit and tech-prep 2007-2008 Target Range 90% – 100% 360,000 – 400,000 2009-2010 Target Range 90% - 100% 405,000 – 450,000 2010-2011 Target Range 90% - 100% 495,000 – 550,000 12 Goals, KPIs, Measures, Targets

13 1.5.1 # of on-line contact hours 2007-2008 Target Range 90% – 100% 832,000 – 925,000 2009-2010 Target Range 90% - 100% 1,080,000 – 1,200,000 2010-2011 Target Range 90% - 100% 1,260,000 – 1,400,000 13 Goals, KPIs, Measures, Targets

14 Formalizing the Informal Organizational Action Plans (OAP) Departmental Action Plans (DAP) Process Improvement/Implementation Plans (PIIP) Benchmarking Improvement Plans 14

15 15

16 16

17 5 Pilot/ Implement Approach 4 Develop Solution 3 Identify Root Cause 2 Assign Ownership 1 Identify Improvement Need 6 Measure Impact 7 Disseminate Results 8 Evaluate the Process RLC Evaluation & Improvement Approach Integrate Approach Deploy Learn 17 Process Improvement (PIIP)

18 18

19 Monthly Report Card The “Thunion” - Thunder Onion How it Works Raw Data Sheet Layer 3 Layer 2 The Dashboard 19

20 How It Works 20

21 Thunion Report - Raw Data 21

22 Thunion Report - Layer 3 22 June 2008

23 Thunion Report - Layer 2 23

24 Thunion Report - Dashboard 24

25 1.1.1 Contact hours from dual credit and tech-prep 2007-2008 Target Range 90% – 100% 360,000 – 400,000 Performance as of June 2008 364,966 Score 10.14 Adjusted Score 10.00 25 Thunion Report - Raw Data

26 26 1.5.1 # of on-line contact hours 2007-2008 Target Range 90% – 100% 832,500 – 925,000 Performance as of June 2008 1,097,172 Score 13.18 Adjusted Score 10.00 Thunion Report - Raw Data

27 End of Year Report Purpose Key Findings Strategic Emphases Application for Strategic Planning 27

28 Target Range > 400,000 - 360,000 Performance = 364,966 % of max. target range = 91.24% Source: DCCCD Colleague System Dual-Credit Contact Hours 28

29 Strategies for Increasing Dual Credit Market Share RCHS Established Increased Dual Credit staff Targeted Outreach to: – service area high schools – home schooled students 29

30 Distance Learning Contact Hour Trends 30 Source: DCCCD Colleague System

31 Strategies for Increasing Distance Learning Market Share Schedule Analysis & Efficiency Faculty Professional Development High Student/Faculty Engagement 31

32 Inside Higher Education: Student and Employee Surveys Peers and Competitor Colleges State Agencies for Best Performers Transfer School Performance for RLC students Sharing Groups such as the NCCBP Financial Comparative Performance Ratings (e.g., Moody and Fitch) 32 Comparative Information

33 OrganizationNature of Benchmark Activity Ritz-Carlton HotelsThunderValue-of-the-Week Texas NameplateDashboard Walt Disney CompanyInterview/screening, Orientation Branch-Smith PrintingSupplier/Partner Score Card Saint Luke’s HospitalPerformance Excellence Model Outside Higher Education: 33 Comparative Information

34 Cycles of Improvement Updated Office of Planning and Research For Institutional Effectiveness Web Site (Summer 2008) Organizational Action Plan Format Revised (Fall 2007) 2006-07 End of Year Report Format Revised (Fall 2007) Strategic Planning Training Powerpoint (Spring 2007) 34

35 Core Competencies Student Success in University Transfer Agility and Innovation Faculty and Staff Development Sustainability - Triple Bottom Line 35

36 36 Performance Excellence Model Vision Mission ThunderValues Strategy

37 Key ProcessesRequirementsKey Measures Education delivery Meet requirements in curriculum design Student success for all student grps (E) Stakeholder satisfaction (E) Education effectiveness evaluation and improvement Improve student success Assess student- learning outcomes Student success for all student grps (E) Stakeholder satisfaction (E) (I) = in-process measure, (E)= end-process measure 37 Key Learning Work Processes

38 Key ProcessesRequirementsKey Measures Financial Services - Budgeting Careful planning and monitoring of expenditures Efficient and effective use of revenues reimb. contact hour revenue (I,E) % budget spent by costs (I,E) % budget expended (I) Total fund balance (E) Campus Quality Results (E) (I) = in-process measure, (E)= end-process measure 38 Key Support Work Processes

39 Office of Emergency Management - Emergency Preparedness Training - Risk Management - Campus Safety Forums - Hazardous Materials management Emergency Response Plan - RAIN Measures Tracking 39 Emergency Readiness

40 40

41 41 Performance Excellence Model Process Implementation Improvement Plan (PIIP) Process Evaluation Student Learning Student Services Employee Services Support Services Performance Improvement, Benchmarking & Innovation Shared Learnings

42 Lessons to Share Start Where You Are Keep it Simple - Draw Pictures Communicate Continuously Integrate with the Whole Continuously Evaluate and Improve 42

43 Measurement, Analysis, Knowledge and Process Management Richland College 43 Fonda Vera, Dean, Planning and Research for Institutional Effectiveness 2008 Baldrige Regional Conference Denver, Colorado September 16, 2008

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