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What can we do to help children succeed? Fostering a love of learning Dr Rose Griffiths University of Leicester.

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Presentation on theme: "What can we do to help children succeed? Fostering a love of learning Dr Rose Griffiths University of Leicester."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can we do to help children succeed? Fostering a love of learning Dr Rose Griffiths University of Leicester

2 Home and School Home and school are faced by child’s past experiences: Loss and bereavement Recovering from trauma Attachment disorders Fear of change Low expectations all leading to under-achievement

3 Ability vv Attainment Ability is not fixed

4 Ability vv Attainment Ability is not fixed You can get smarter!

5 We are working with wiggly wool Foster parents’ major role is to show interest and persistence

6 Common problems confronting children in school: Poor readers or writers Badly taught in the past Frequent absence from school Poor concentration/memory Lack of confidence Physical/perceptual difficulties Behavioural ‘problems’

7 4 areas of action: Health and relaxation Language and literacy Maths at home Social and cultural activity: hobbies

8 Health and relaxation Food Sleep Teeth, eyes, ears, hair, vaccinations Feeling noticed and valued

9 Language and Literacy Talking and listening Stories and non-fiction (out loud, reading alone, reading with others, listening to a CD) Use libraries, bookshops and supermarkets, Letterbox Club, internet… Vocabulary: learn new words! Handwriting and keyboard skills

10 Maths at home Counting Money Telling the time Measuring Games

11 Homework Not always our favourite thing! Do your best to help, but don’t do it for them. Focus on understanding not learning off by heart.

12 Encourage independence Some children learn dependence. Need to give children control and responsibility.

13 Encourage independence… Children who are badly organised need more practice at getting organised!

14 Social and cultural activity This includes: films, TV, sport, newspapers, music, making things, outdoor activity, museums and other places to visit, shopping, visiting friends and family

15 My children’s top ten favourite ‘hobbies’ for all ages: Swimming Table tennis Keeping me company Playdough or blu-tack Cooking

16 … Favourite activities… Music (noise): trumpet, keyboard, guitar, harmonica, ukelele, whistling… Water play: washing socks, baths, spray bottles, washing cars Pets: guinea pigs and cats Hairdressers and hand massage Drawing

17 Be a good example Have hobbies of your own Take time to relax Learn something new Read at home Talk about how things work and how to solve problems

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