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The Common Core State Standards Making the Connection

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1 The Common Core State Standards Making the Connection
New York State 21st Century Community Learning Center Resource Center October 16, 2012 Kathleen Pincher and Amanda Hooker

2 Goals * Background of the Common Core Learning Standards.
* How to Read the CCLS. * Understand the Common Core Shifts and Strands. * Understand how the CCLS relate to College and Career Readiness. * Learn startegies to support the implementation of CCLS.

3 Background January NYS adopted the Common Core Learning Standards in English Language Arts & Literacy and Mathematics. The standards define knowledge and skills that students should have by high school graduation ,so they will succeed in college and workforce training programs. The standards: *Are aligned with college and work expectations. * Are clear, understandable, and consistent. * Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills. * Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards. * Are informed by other top performing countries; so students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society. * Are evidence based.

4 Why Common Core Standards?
Preparation: The standards aligned with college and career expectations. They will prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in education and training and work after high school. Competition: The standards are international benchmarked. Common standards will help ensure our students are globally competitive. Equity: Expectations are consistent for ALL students. Clarity: The standards are clear, understandable, and consistent. Clear standards help students, parents and teachers understand what is expected. Collaboration: The standards create a foundation to work collaboratively across the state and districts. This will allow educators to pool resources and expertise, to create curricular tools, professional development, common assessments and other materials.

5 How to read the Current Common Core Standards
Three main sections K-5 (cross-disciplinary) 6-12 English Language Arts 6-12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Each section is divided into strands which are headed by a specific set of CCR Anchor Standards

6 How to Read the CCLS Standards for each grade within K-8, 9-10, follow the CCR anchor standards in each strand. Each grade-specific standard corresponds to the same-numbered CCR anchor standard. OR Each CCR anchor standard has an accompanying grade-specfic standard translating the broader CCR statement into grade-appropriate end-of-year expectations.

7 Common Core Shifts Shifts in Mathematics Shifts in ELA/ Literacy
1) Balancing Informational & Literacy Text 1) Focus 2) Knowledge in the Disciplines 2) Coherence 3) Staircase of Complexity 3) Fluency 4) Text-based Answers 4) Deep Understanding 5) Writing from Sources 5) Application 6) Academic Vocabulary 6) Dual Intensity

8 English Language Arts Four Strands
Reading Writing Speaking Listening Language Arguments, informative or explanatory texts, narratives. Effective communication. Convention of Standard English, includes acquisition of vocabulary, addresses the context of other stands.

9 Strategies to Support Implemetation
Become Knowledgeable: Learn the structure and format of the CCLS. Find out your districts goals and needs. Get up to Speed on Implemention: Be a part of the planning, implementation, and professional development in your district. Ask to be included in CCLS planning meetings with administrators, teachers and parents. Work to become a valuable resource for the district while building strong relationships. Communicate: Ongoing communication and data sharing with school staff about academic alignment. Understand what teachers are teaching and when and how OST can support them. Use data to tailor experiences to the students in your program. Participate in Professional Development & Training around the CCLS Involve your team in Community Outreach: Parent meetings, newletters, school website, PTO/PTA meetings, provide information to community partners.

10 Resources

11 Thank you! QUESTIONS???????

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