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Thank you to the 2015 Virginia Emergency Management Symposium Sponsors.

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you to the 2015 Virginia Emergency Management Symposium Sponsors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you to the 2015 Virginia Emergency Management Symposium Sponsors

2 THIRA: U SING P ARTNERSHIPS TO S UCCEED A Presentation for the 2015 Virginia Emergency Management Symposium Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3 G ROUND R ULES Your THIRA should represent YOUR jurisdiction.

4 G ROUND R ULES Your THIRA should represent YOUR jurisdiction. Utilize a small project work group.

5 G ROUND R ULES Your THIRA should represent YOUR jurisdiction. Utilize a small project work group. Too much work for a single person Make sure you have a person with local EM knowledge and history Not a project for your intern

6 L OUDOUN ’ S A PPROACH Less fluff, more stuff

7 L OUDOUN ’ S A PPROACH Less fluff, more stuff It’s all about the relationships

8 L OUDOUN ’ S A PPROACH Less fluff, more stuff It’s all about the relationships Establish, maintain, and enhance relationships that foster efficient and effective collaboration through all phases of emergency management

9 L OUDOUN ’ S A PPROACH Less fluff, more stuff It’s all about the relationships Establish, maintain, and enhance relationships that foster efficient and effective collaboration through all phases of emergency management What we do works for US – do what works for YOU

10 L OUDOUN ’ S A PPROACH Effective planning cannot be achieved in silos

11 L OUDOUN ’ S A PPROACH Effective planning cannot be achieved in silos Don’t do this just to “check a box”

12 L OUDOUN ’ S A PPROACH Effective planning cannot be achieved in silos Don’t do this just to “check a box” This is a project built to utilize partnerships

13 L OUDOUN ’ S A PPROACH Effective planning cannot be achieved in silos Don’t do this just to “check a box” This is a project built to utilize partnerships Facilitate constant review and communication

14 THIRA B ENEFITS Maps risks to your community

15 THIRA B ENEFITS Maps risks to your community Assess capabilities and serves as a planning tool

16 THIRA B ENEFITS Maps risks to your community Assess capabilities and serves as a planning tool Evaluates resource capabilities across mission areas:

17 THIRA B ENEFITS Maps risks to your community Assess capabilities and serves as a planning tool Evaluates resource capabilities across mission areas: Prevention Protection Mitigation Response Recovery

18 S TEP 0 - U TILIZE P ARTNERSHIPS Best Practice: Make sure there is buy-in from your leadership before starting. Initial announcements should come from a trusted agent to set the tone

19 S TEP 0 - U TILIZE P ARTNERSHIPS Best Practice: Make sure there is buy-in from your leadership before starting. Initial announcements should come from a trusted agent to set the tone Best Practice: Carefully consider how, and to what extent, you can reasonably engage your partners

20 S TEP 0 - U TILIZE P ARTNERSHIPS Recommendation: Don’t inadvertently exclude partner involvement because you think you’re “saving them time and effort” and “trying to make it easier for them.”

21 S TEP 1- I DENTIFY T HREATS AND H AZARDS OF C ONCERN Project Team identified threats and hazards based on experience, historical events, potential, etc.

22 S TEP 1- I DENTIFY T HREATS AND H AZARDS OF C ONCERN Project Team identified threats and hazards based on experience, historical events, potential, etc.

23 S TEP 1- I DENTIFY T HREATS AND H AZARDS OF C ONCERN Best Practice: Start with FEMA’s list of threats and hazards then eliminate those that test similar capabilities

24 S TEP 1- I DENTIFY T HREATS AND H AZARDS OF C ONCERN Best Practice: Start with FEMA’s list of threats and hazards then eliminate those that test similar capabilities

25 S TEP 1- I DENTIFY T HREATS AND H AZARDS OF C ONCERN Best Practice: Start with FEMA’s list of threats and hazards then eliminate those that test similar capabilities Make sure your list is locality-specific Makes it a little easier to create scenarios

26 S TEP 1- I DENTIFY T HREATS AND H AZARDS OF C ONCERN Recommendation: Have partner subject matter experts review list to ensure completeness

27 S TEP 2- G IVE T HREATS AND H AZARDS C ONTEXT Create scenarios that are likely, plausible, and will test capabilities

28 S TEP 2- G IVE T HREATS AND H AZARDS C ONTEXT Best Practice: Have partners vet scenarios or write the scenarios.

29 S TEP 2- G IVE T HREATS AND H AZARDS C ONTEXT Best Practice: Have partners vet scenarios or write the scenarios. Best Practice: Identify functional groups to organize work sessions

30 S TEP 2- G IVE T HREATS AND H AZARDS C ONTEXT Best Practice: Have partners vet scenarios or write the scenarios. Best Practice: Identify functional groups to organize work sessions Public Safety Infrastructure Human Services Administration

31 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS This step is NOT in the FEMA guidance.

32 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS This step is NOT in the FEMA guidance. Added to bridge the delivery of information between development of scenarios and establishment of capability targets

33 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS This step is NOT in the FEMA guidance. Added to bridge the delivery of information between development of scenarios and establishment of capability targets This ended up being the “meat of the sandwich”

34 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS This step is NOT in the FEMA guidance. Added to bridge the delivery of information between development of scenarios and establishment of capability targets This ended up being the “meat of the sandwich” This step was worth every moment invested

35 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS This step is NOT in the FEMA guidance. Added to bridge the delivery of information between development of scenarios and establishment of capability targets This ended up being the “meat of the sandwich” This step was worth every moment invested Don’t short-change or rush this step!

36 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS Step 2.5 A – Divide partners into functional groups

37 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS Step 2.5 A – Divide partners into functional groups Step 2.5 B - Convene functional work sessions where partners candidly discuss their capabilities (based on assigned scenarios)

38 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS Step 2.5 A – Divide partners into functional groups Step 2.5 B - Convene functional work sessions where partners candidly discuss their capabilities (based on assigned scenarios) Step 2.5 C - Provide a safe, secure environment with a promise that their capabilities will not be shared publically

39 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS Best Practice: Use a visible agenda tracking method (WebEOC board) to manage scenarios and time

40 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS Best Practice: Use a visible agenda tracking method (WebEOC board) to manage scenarios and time Best Practice: Use a facilitator and note-take (and record, if able)

41 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS Best Practice: Use a visible agenda tracking method (WebEOC board) to manage scenarios and time Best Practice: Use a facilitator and note-take (and record, if able)

42 S TEP 2.5 – P ARTNER I NTERVIEWS Best Practice: Use a visible agenda tracking method (WebEOC board) to manage scenarios and time Best Practice: Use a facilitator and note-take (and record, if able) Best Practice: Ask leading, open-ended questions and utilize active listening skills directed at certain agencies to get the conversation started

43 S TEP 3 – E STABLISH C APABILITY T ARGETS Identify desired outcomes and the capability targets

44 S TEP 3 – E STABLISH C APABILITY T ARGETS Identify desired outcomes and the capability targets

45 S TEP 3 – E STABLISH C APABILITY T ARGETS Identify desired outcomes and the capability targets

46 S TEP 3 – E STABLISH C APABILITY T ARGETS Best Practice: Share all notes with participants to ensure that information was captured properly and in the correct context

47 S TEP 3 – E STABLISH C APABILITY T ARGETS Recommendation: Have SMEs create the desired outcomes and capability targets during an additional meeting.

48 S TEP 3 – E STABLISH C APABILITY T ARGETS Recommendation: Have SMEs create the desired outcomes and capability targets during an additional meeting. Allows representatives to review issues that are specific to their discipline Encourages partners to categorize the “type” of capability target (stand-alone plan, enhancement to plan, policy, etc.)

49 S TEP 4– A PPLY THE R ESULTS Identify available resources vs. desired resources necessary to achieve the capability targets

50 S TEP 4– A PPLY THE R ESULTS Identify available resources vs. desired resources necessary to achieve the capability targets

51 S TEP 4– A PPLY THE R ESULTS Identify available resources vs. desired resources necessary to achieve the capability targets

52 S TEP 4– A PPLY THE R ESULTS Match to FEMA’s Core Capabilities

53 S TEP 4– A PPLY THE R ESULTS Recommendation: Make sure this information comes from the SMEs

54 S TEP 4.5 – D ISPLAY THE R ESULTS This step is NOT in the FEMA guidance.

55 S TEP 4.5 – D ISPLAY THE R ESULTS This step is NOT in the FEMA guidance. Displays the resulting/desired plans, policies, procedures specific to the target capability

56 S TEP 4.5 – D ISPLAY THE R ESULTS Best Practice: Include any resulting plans, policies, or procedures in the results section


58 S TEP 5 – P RESENTATION OF I NFORMATION Conclusion Format Document

59 S TEP 5 – P RESENTATION OF I NFORMATION Conclusion Format Document Distribution

60 S TEP 5 – P RESENTATION OF I NFORMATION Conclusion Format Document Distribution Summarize Gaps

61 S TEP 5 – P RESENTATION OF I NFORMATION Conclusion Format Document Distribution Summarize Gaps Identifying plans, policies, and procedures to eliminate gaps

62 S TEP 5 – P RESENTATION OF I NFORMATION Conclusion Format Document Distribution Summarize Gaps Identifying plans, policies, and procedures to eliminate gaps Create methodology for tracking and documenting progress

63 S TEP 5 – P RESENTATION OF I NFORMATION Conclusion Format Document Distribution Summarize Gaps Identifying plans, policies, and procedures to eliminate gaps Create methodology for tracking and documenting progress Work on identified plans

64 S TEP 6– G ET IT ALL DONE, THEN REPEAT Dynamic/Living Document

65 S TEP 6– G ET IT ALL DONE, THEN REPEAT Dynamic/Living Document Demographic changes New threats Not just “did you purchase resources”

66 Questions? Jeff Fletcher; Deputy Coordinator Kelly Myers; Planner Loudoun County Office of Emergency Management

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