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Subdivision Surfaces Computational Geometry Presentation Adam Lake.

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Presentation on theme: "Subdivision Surfaces Computational Geometry Presentation Adam Lake."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subdivision Surfaces Computational Geometry Presentation Adam Lake

2 Motivation Scalability across machinesScalability across machines Speed of evaluationSpeed of evaluation LOD in a sceneLOD in a scene Topological restrictions of NURBS surfacesTopological restrictions of NURBS surfaces –Planes, Cylinders, and Torii

3 Motivation –Trimming is expensive and prone to numerical error –It is difficult to maintain smoothness at seams of patchwork. Example: hiding seams in Woody (Toy Story) [DeRose98]Example: hiding seams in Woody (Toy Story) [DeRose98] Advantage of NURBS: Trimmed NURBS are readily available in commercial systems!!Advantage of NURBS: Trimmed NURBS are readily available in commercial systems!!

4 Subdivisions of Talk 2D and 3D Examples Give data structure for geometry Define B-spline curve Derive splitting matrix for bicubics Define arbitrary topology splitting rules Define extraordinary vertices, Doo-Sabin surfaces

5 2D subdivision curve example De Casteljau curve [Foley90]De Casteljau curve [Foley90] P1 P2P3 P4

6 2D subdivision curve example De Casteljau curve [Foley90]De Casteljau curve [Foley90] P1=L1 L2=(P1+P2)/2 P2 H=(P2+P3)/2 R2=(H+R3)/2L3=(L2+H)/2 R3=(P3+P4)/2 L4=R1=(L3+R2)/2 P3 P4=R4

7 3D subdivision surface example

8 Major categories of subdivision surfaces *Catmull-Clark [Catmull78] Doo-Sabin [Doo78]Doo-Sabin [Doo78] Loop [Loop87]Loop [Loop87] Butterfly scheme [Dyn90]Butterfly scheme [Dyn90]

9 Subdivision Surface Data Structure A mesh is a pair (K,V) where K is a simplical complex representing connectivity of the vertices, edges, and faces. Determines topological type of the mesh. V={v1,v2,v3…vn}, vi in R^3 is a set of vertex positions defining the shape of the mesh in R^3. Example:V={[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[0,0,1]} Simplical complex K: vertices: {1},{2},{3} edges: {1,2},{2,3},{1,3} faces: {1,2,3} 1 2 3

10 B-Spline Patch Splitting The Bicubic B-Spline Patch can be expressed as: Where:

11 Now, consider a subdivision scheme for 0<=u,v<=1/2 and introduce a matrixNow, consider a subdivision scheme for 0<=u,v<=1/2 and introduce a matrix In order to obtain the same patch we must have:In order to obtain the same patch we must have: B-Spline Patch Splitting

12 Assuming M is invertible:Assuming M is invertible: This is known as the splitting matrix. Note: Mistake in original paper!!!

13 B-Spline Patch Splitting p31 p21 p34 p24 p44 p11 p12p13 p14p42p43p41q11 q12 q21 q22

14 p11 p34 p24 p44 p11 p12p13 p14p42p43p41q11 q12 q21 q22

15 Arbitrary Topology 3 types of points3 types of points –Face –Edge –Vertex Edges formed by 2 rulesEdges formed by 2 rules Subdivision surface is the LIMIT surfaceSubdivision surface is the LIMIT surface

16 Arbitrary Topology New face pointsNew face points –Average of all old points defining the face. –Example

17 Arbitrary Topology New edge pointsNew edge points –Average midpoints of old edge with average of the two new face points of faces sharing edge –Example

18 Arbitrary Topology New vertex pointsNew vertex points Q=average of the new face points of all faces adjacent to the old vertex pointQ=average of the new face points of all faces adjacent to the old vertex point R=average of the midpoints of all old edges incident on the old vertex pointsR=average of the midpoints of all old edges incident on the old vertex points S=old vertex pointS=old vertex point

19 Arbitrary Topology New edges formed by:New edges formed by: –Connecting each new face point to new edge points of edges defining the old face –Connecting each new vertex point to the new points of all old edges incident to old vertex point –Example

20 Extraordinary points Previous method generates continuous surfaces except at extraordinary pointsPrevious method generates continuous surfaces except at extraordinary points –Extraordinary points have valence other than 4 Extraordinary points N=3 N=5

21 Doo-Sabin Surfaces Doo-Sabin showed via Eigenanalysis that at extraordinary points the surface is discontinuous and proposed modified rules to maintain continuity in the surface [Doo78].Doo-Sabin showed via Eigenanalysis that at extraordinary points the surface is discontinuous and proposed modified rules to maintain continuity in the surface [Doo78]. The improved formulation is known as Doo-Sabin surfaces.The improved formulation is known as Doo-Sabin surfaces.

22 Bi-quadratic surfaces Applying the method for bi-cubic can also be used to derive bi-quadratic surfaces.Applying the method for bi-cubic can also be used to derive bi-quadratic surfaces.

23 Recap So far:So far: –2D and 3D examples –Data structure for geometry –Defined B-spline curve –Derived the splitting matrix for bicubics –Defined arbitrary topology splitting rules –Defined extraordinary vertices, Doo Sabin surfaces

24 Next Subdivision surfaces in Character Animation [DeRose98] Non-uniform Subdivision Surfaces [Sederberg98] Exact Evaluation of Catmull Clark surfaces at arbitrary parameter values [Stam98] MAPS: Multiresolution Adaptive Parameterization of Surfaces [Lee98]

25 Subdivision Surfaces in character animation [DeRose98] Used for first time in Geri’s game to overcome topological restriction of NURBSUsed for first time in Geri’s game to overcome topological restriction of NURBS Modeled Geri’s head, hands, jacket, pants, shirt, tie, and shoesModeled Geri’s head, hands, jacket, pants, shirt, tie, and shoes Developed cloth simulation methodsDeveloped cloth simulation methods Method to construct scalar fields enabling use of programmable shadersMethod to construct scalar fields enabling use of programmable shaders

26 Why Catmull-Clark? Quads are better than tris at capturing the symmetries of natural and man-made objects. Tube like surfaces (arms, legs, fingers) are easier to model.Quads are better than tris at capturing the symmetries of natural and man-made objects. Tube like surfaces (arms, legs, fingers) are easier to model. Generalize uniform tensor product cubic B- splines, makes it easier to use in-house and commercial systems (Renderman and Alias- Wavefront).Generalize uniform tensor product cubic B- splines, makes it easier to use in-house and commercial systems (Renderman and Alias- Wavefront).

27 Hybrid subdivision Hoppe wrote about smooth surfaces with infinitely sharp creases.Hoppe wrote about smooth surfaces with infinitely sharp creases. DeRose generalizes this to semi-sharp creasesDeRose generalizes this to semi-sharp creases –Select certain vertices to use rules to subdivide to a specific level, then switch to another subdivision scheme applied to the limit. Sharp at coarse scales, smooth at finer scalesSharp at coarse scales, smooth at finer scales Calls this hybrid subdivisionCalls this hybrid subdivision

28 Subdivision Surfaces in character animation Implemented in RendermanImplemented in Renderman Shows subdivision surfaces can be used in high end renderingShows subdivision surfaces can be used in high end rendering

29 Non-uniform subdivision surfaces [Sederberg98]

30 For a non-uniform surface, each vertex is assigned a knot spacing that may be different from each edge radiating from it.For a non-uniform surface, each vertex is assigned a knot spacing that may be different from each edge radiating from it. If all knot intervals are equal, back to regular Catmull-Clark or Doo-SabinIf all knot intervals are equal, back to regular Catmull-Clark or Doo-Sabin. [Cannot be represented as NURB nor uniform Catmull Clark]

31 Non-uniform subdivision surfaces

32 2D Non-uniform subdivision surfaces

33 3D Non-uniform subdivision surfaces

34 Exact Evaluation of Catmull- Clark Surfaces at arbitrary parameter values [Stam98]

35 Disproves belief that Catmull Clark surfaces cannot be evaluated w/o explicit subdividing.Disproves belief that Catmull Clark surfaces cannot be evaluated w/o explicit subdividing. Uses a set of eigenbasis functions and derive analytical expressions for these functions.Uses a set of eigenbasis functions and derive analytical expressions for these functions. Cost comparable to that of a bi-cubic B-spline.Cost comparable to that of a bi-cubic B-spline. Allows algorithms developed for parametric surfaces to be applied to Catmull-Clark surfaces.Allows algorithms developed for parametric surfaces to be applied to Catmull-Clark surfaces.

36 First high resolution plots around regions of high curvature Extraordinary point in center. Patches using technique are in blue. Derivative information is computed and displayed in model on right.

37 MAPS: Multiresolution Adaptive Parameterization of Surfaces [Lee98]

38 Note: Great computational geometry paper!!

39 Step 1:A scanned input mesh Acquired via laser range scanning or MRI volumetric imaging followed by isosurface extractionAcquired via laser range scanning or MRI volumetric imaging followed by isosurface extraction Arbitrary topologyArbitrary topology Irregular structureIrregular structure Tremendous sizeTremendous size

40 Step 2: Via mesh simplification, obtain the parameter or base domain During simplification, building a topological representation for O(nlgn) multiresolution representation.During simplification, building a topological representation for O(nlgn) multiresolution representation.

41 Step 2: Via mesh simplification, obtain the parameter or base domain

42 Step 3: Assign triangles in original mesh to their base domain triangle (during 1->2) Step 3: Assign triangles in original mesh to their base domain triangle (during 1->2) + =

43 Step 4: Adaptive Remeshing with subdivision connectivity (epsilon = 1%) Uniform mesh obtained via Loop scheme Interested in smooth parameterizations, not simplification!!

44 Step 4 (detail) Motivation Assume a smooth parameterization within each subdomain (see paper for details)Assume a smooth parameterization within each subdomain (see paper for details) One way to obtain global smoothness would be to minimize a global smoothness functional.One way to obtain global smoothness would be to minimize a global smoothness functional. –Requires PDE solver. –Found that this is needlessly cumbersome. Instead, use simpler and cheaper smoothing technique based on Loop subdivision.Instead, use simpler and cheaper smoothing technique based on Loop subdivision.

45 Step 4 (detail) Modified Loop Scheme If all points of stencil needed for computing new point or smoothing old point are inside same triangle of base domain, add Loop weights and new points will be in the same faceIf all points of stencil needed for computing new point or smoothing old point are inside same triangle of base domain, add Loop weights and new points will be in the same face If stencil stretches across 2 faces, flatten using hinge map at common edge.If stencil stretches across 2 faces, flatten using hinge map at common edge. If stencil stretches across multiple faces, use a conformal flattening strategy (see paper).If stencil stretches across multiple faces, use a conformal flattening strategy (see paper).

46 Step 4 (details) Smoothed mesh using modified Loop simplification scheme

47 Step 5: Multiresolution editing Smooth parameterization allows efficient mesh modification. Texture coordinates and polygons nicely behaved.

48 Summary Who developed them?Who developed them? –Catmull-Clark –Doo-Sabin –Loop –Dyn (butterfly) –Recent work DeRose, Sederberg, Lee, StamDeRose, Sederberg, Lee, Stam

49 Summary What are they?What are they? –Mesh based representation of geometry –Defined recursively –Many levels of fidelity

50 Summary Where can they be used?Where can they be used? –Animation –CAD modeling –Game engines –more?

51 Summary Why are they useful?Why are they useful? –Scalable –LODs –Efficient to implement

52 Summary How to IMPLEMENT!!How to IMPLEMENT!!

53 References DeRose, Tony, Michael Kass, and Tien Truong. Subdivision Surfaces in Character Animation. SIGGRAPH 98. Clark, E., and J. Clark. Recursively generated B-spline surfaces on arbitrary topological meshes. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 10, No. 6, 1978. Stam, Joe. Exact Evaluation of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces At Arbitrary Parameter Values. SIGGRAPH 98. Lee, Aaron W.F., Wim Swelders, Peter Schroeder, Lawrence Cowsar, David Dobkin. MAPS: Multiresolution Adaptive Parameterization of Surrfaces. SIGGRAPH 98. Sederberg, Thomas W., David Sewell, Malcolm Sabin. Non-Uniform Recursive Subdivision Surfaces. SIGGRAPH 98. Foley, James D., Andries van Dam, Steven Feiner, John Hughes. Computer Graphics Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition. Pages 507-510. 1990. Loop, C.T. Smooth Subdivision Surfaces Based on Triangles. M.S.Thesis. Department of Mathematics. University of Utah. August 1987. Doo, D. and M. Sabin. Behavior of Recursive Division Surfaces Near Extraordinary Points. Computer-Aided Design. Vol. 10, No. 6, 1978. Dyn, Nyra, David Leven, John Gregory. A butterfly subdivision scheme for surface interpolation with tension control. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 9(2):160-169, April 1990.

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