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Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company1 Chapter 11 Financial Statement Analysis.

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1 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company1 Chapter 11 Financial Statement Analysis

2 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company2 More About The Income Statement l To make the information on the income statement clearer, there are several special items that are separated from the regular earnings of a business: n Gains and losses from discontinued operations, n Extraordinary items, and n Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle

3 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company3 Discontinued Operations l If a segment or division of a business is eliminated, the gain or loss from the disposal must be shown after income from continuing operations, net of taxes. l Any current gain or loss from the operations of that discontinued segment must also be shown separately.

4 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company4 How Discontinued Operations Are Shown

5 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company5 Extraordinary Items l Events that are unusual in nature and infrequent in occurrence are called extraordinary items. l The accounting rules are very strict about what types of events may be classified as extraordinary. l Any gain or loss from these events are shown, net of taxes, after income from continuing operations and after income from discontinued operations.

6 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company6 How Extraordinary Items Are Shown

7 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company7 Cumulative Effect Of A Change In Accounting Principal l The cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle is the amount of gain or loss from changing accounting methods. l It must be shown separately on the income statement, net of taxes, after income from continuing operations, discontinued operations, and any extraordinary items.

8 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company8 Example l Suppose the company changed from depreciating equipment using the straight- line method to depreciating the equipment using the double declining balance method. l The equipment was purchased on January 1, 2001, at a cost of $10,000, has a useful life of 10 years, with no salvage value.

9 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company9 Depreciation Schedules l The income for Containers, Inc. would have been lower by $1,600 if double-declining balance had been used from the beginning. l A switch now means the company will have to subtract $1,600, net of any tax effect, as a cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle.

10 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company10 How The Cumulative Effect Is Shown On The Income Statement

11 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company11 Comprehensive Income l The income statement shows all of the effects of revenues, expenses, gains, and losses on net income. l Net income, in turn, affects owners’ equity. l Other items, not included on the income statement, may affect owners’ equity. l The total of all items that affect owners’ equity, not including contributions from owners and dividends, is called comprehensive income.

12 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company12 Diagram Showing the Items that Affect Owners’ Equity

13 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company13 Other Comprehensive Income l Total comprehensive income = net income plus other comprehensive income l Items included in other comprehensive income include: n unrealized gains and losses from foreign currency translation n unrealized gains and losses on certain types of investments.

14 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company14 One More New Financial Statement Item: Investments In Securities l A company may use some of its extra cash to invest in the debt or equity securities of another company. l These investments must be classified as one of three types: p Securities held to maturity p Trading securities p Securities available for sale l A company may use some of its extra cash to invest in the debt or equity securities of another company. l These investments must be classified as one of three types: p Securities held to maturity p Trading securities p Securities available for sale

15 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company15 Securities Held To Maturity l Debt securities l Intent and ability to hold to maturity l Measured at cost on the balance sheet

16 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company16 Trading Securities l Debt and equity securities l Readily determinable fair values l Actively and frequently traded (profit!) l Measured at fair value and classified as a current asset l Unrealized gains and losses, included in determination of net income

17 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company17 Securities Available For Sale l Debt and equity securities l Readily determinable fair values l Not classified as either securities held to maturity or trading securities l Measured at fair value on balance sheet l May be either current or noncurrent l May have holding gains or losses, to be reported net as a separate component of owners’ equity, usually as part of other comprehensive income.

18 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company18 l In addition to the financial statements, annual reports contain the following: n Notes to the financial statements, including a summary of the accounting methods used n Management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) of the financial results n The auditor’s report n Comparative financial data for a series of years Financial Statement Analysis

19 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company19 Horizontal Analysis 2003 2002 2001 2000 Sales$41,500 $37,850 $36,300 $35,000 18.6% 8.1% 3.7% This shows 2000 as the base year. The base year’s sales are subtracted from each year’s sales. Then, this difference is expressed as a percentage of the base year’s sales. Base year

20 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company20 Vertical Analysis – compares each item in a financial statement to a base number set to 100%. l Every item on the financial statement is then reported as a percentage of that base.

21 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company21 Vertical Analysis 2002 % Sales$38,303100.0 Cost of goods sold 19,688 51.4 Gross margin$18,615 48.6 Total operating expenses 13,209 34.5 Operating income$ 5,406 14.1 Other income 2,187 5.7 Income before taxes$ 7,593 19.8 Income taxes 2,827 7.4 Net income$ 4,766 12.4

22 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company22 Ratio Classification Liquidity: Can a company pay the bills as they come due? l Solvency: Can the company survive over a long period of time? l Profitability: Can a company earn a satisfactory rate of return? l Market indicators: Is the stock a good investment?

23 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company23 Current ratio = Total current assets ÷ Total current liabilities Liquidity: Measuring Ability to Pay Current Liabilities This ratio measures a company’s ability to pay current liabilities with current assets.

24 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company24 Acid-test ratio = (Cash + Short-term investments + Net current receivables) ÷ Total current liabilities Liquidity: Measuring Ability to Pay Current Liabilities The acid-test ratio shows the company’s ability to pay all current liabilities if they come due immediately.

25 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company25 Working capital = Total current assets - Total current liabilities Liquidity: Measuring Ability to Pay Current Liabilities Working capital is not a ratio, but it is often computed to evaluate a the company’s ability to pay its current liabilities.

26 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company26 Inventory turnover = Cost of goods sold ÷ Average inventory Liquidity: Measuring Ability to Sell Inventory This ratio measures how quickly a company is turning over its inventory. A high number indicates an ability to quickly sell inventory.

27 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company27 Accounts receivable turnover = Net credit sales ÷ Average accounts receivable Liquidity: Measuring Ability to Collect Receivables This ratio measure’s a company’s ability to collect the cash from its credit customers.

28 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company28 Solvency: Measuring Ability to Pay Long-term Debt The debt to equity ratio compares the amount of debt a company has with the amount the owners have invested in the company. Debt-to-equity ratio = Total liabilities ÷ Total equity

29 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company29 Return on assets = Net income + interest expense ÷ Average total assets Measuring Profitability: Return on assets This ratio measures a company’s success in using its assets to earn income for the persons who are financing the business.

30 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company30 Rate of return on common stockholders’ equity = (Net income – preferred dividends) ÷ Average common stockholders’ equity Measuring Profitability: Return on Equity This ratio measures how much income is earned with the common shareholders’ investment in the company.

31 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company31 Gross margin ratio = Gross margin ÷ Sales Measuring Profitability: Gross Margin Ratio This ratio measures percentage of sales price that is gross profit. A small shift usually indicates a big change in the profitability of the company’s sales.

32 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company32 Measuring Profitability: Earnings Per Share Earnings per share of common stock = (Net income – Preferred dividends) ÷ Number of shares of common stock outstanding This ratio gives the amount of net income per share of common stock. It is one of the most widely-used measures of a company’s profitability.

33 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company33 Market Indicators: PE Ratio Price/earning ratio is the ratio of market price per share to earnings per share. This ratio indicates the market price for $1 of earnings. Price/Earnings Ratio = Market price per share of common stock ÷ Earnings per share

34 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company34 Dividend per share of common (or preferred) stock ÷ Market price per share of common (or preferred) stock Market Indicators: Dividend Yield Dividend yield gives the percentage of a stock’s market value returned as dividends to stockholders each period.

35 Copyright 2003 Prentice Hall Publishing Company35 Making Ratios Useful l A ratio by itself does not give much information. To be useful, a ratio must be compared to other ratios from previous periods, compared to ratios of other companies in the industry, or compared to industry averages.

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